Enterobacteriae GM - Rods Specific Flashcards
Vibrio cholera
- type
- ID
- Virulence
- Disease
- Location
Colonel Choleras Base cAMP
-MacConkey, blood, chocolate agar
-protein exotoxin (AB5), A toxin transfers ADP ribose to NAD on Gs, hyperactive CFTR and AC (more sodium into lumen), B subunit lets bind to enterocyte/endocytosed
-massive diarrhea/rice water stools/ 1-3 day death
-endemic to south asia
non cholera vibrio (parahaemolyicus and vunificus)
- type
- transmission
- disease
- speical
Colonel Choleras Base cAMP-oysters non-inflammatory -common in water-probably from selfish (esp oysters), wound and soft tissue infections -diahhrea -need salt (TCBS culture medium)
E. coli ETEC
- type
- virulence
- Disease
- trx
E. colas soda fountain-Truck
Enterotoxigenic +non-inflammatory
-labile toxin (like cholera toxin), stable toxin (stem cGMP-more salt into lumen), adhesive pills ESSENTIAL
-travellers diarrhea (usually immune to local ETEC)
-replacement of water/salt+Antibiotics to shorten sickness
E. coli EPEC
- type
- virulence
- disease
- trx
Entero-pathogenic +non-inflammatory
- adhrere via pilli and nonpilli adhesin to enterocytes, type 3 secretions, cytoskeletal rearrangement
- posibly bloody diahhrea for malabsorption and fever
- replacement of water/salt+Antibiotics to shorten sickness
E. coli EAEC
- type
- Virulence
- what happens
- Trx
enteroaggregative–aggregative +non-inflammatory
- ST like toxin, hemolysin, adhesive pill
- binds to apical side of enterocytes in clumps
- replacement of water/salt+Antibiotics to shorten sickness
Shigella (dysenteriae (most tox), flexneri,boydii, sonnei-least tox+mst common)
- type
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
- special
Inflammatory/Bloody Diarrhea
- Diagnosed with rectal swab, green colonies on nekton agar, immotile, acid stable
- Shiga toxin-cleaves 28S rososomal RNA no protein synthesis (A subunit of AB5), Pass thru M cells-attach to Epithelial cells and induce pahogcysosis with Type 3 secretory, use actin assembly to move to lateral cells
- Bacillary dysentery, hemolytic urecemic syndrome (kills kidney cells and does hemolysis), four serogroups
- genetically identical to E. coli
E. coli EHEC
- type
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
- trx
E. colas soda fountain-hamberxer
Enterohemoragic–Inflammatory/Bloody Diarrhea
-Assayed for toxicity in vitro, O157:H7 is antigen associated with outbreaks (cattle reoivour)
-Verotoxin (shiga like toxin)
-emolytic uremiac syndrome (golumeroar damage and hemolysis)
-dont use antibiotics
E. coli EIEC
- type
- 3 facts
Enteroinvasive-Inflammatory/Bloody Diarrhea
- invasive as shigella
- dysentery
- no produce SLT or hemolytic urecemic syndrome
Salmonella (non-typhoidal)-enteritidis
- type
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
- trx
Salmon Dinner
Inflammatory/ Diarrhea
-chikens are main reservoir/history, acid sensitive
-Use M cells, Type 3 secretion system has virulence factor, multiply in phagocytic vacuole
-fGastroenteritis, nausea voting, non-bloody diarrhea, fever
-just fluid/electrolye replacement (no antibiotic)
Campylobacter jejune
- type
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
Camping Guy with bears
Inflammatory/Bloody Diarrhea
-thermophilic, grow on Campy-BAP media, curved gm - rod, oxidase positive
-Labile toxin and cytotoxin
-dysentery like diarrhea+associated with Guillan Barre (ascending paralysis and loss of myelin), reactive arthritis
Campylobacter fetus
- type
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
Inflammatory/Bloody Diarrhea
- Campy-BAP media, oxidase positive, curved gram - rod
- S-layer to which C3B can’t bind (S-layer antigenic phase variation)
- Oppurtunistic pathgogen-bactermina and intestinal abscesses
Heliobacter pylori
- type
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
- trx
Helicopter Pilot
Inflammatory/Bloody Diarrhea
-Urease positive @ endoscopy/bioposy, curved cells, exhale CO2 from urease positive
- urease positive-makes environment alkaline, resides below protective layer of mucus, chromosomal pathogenicity island encoding cytotoxin, Type 4 secretion of exotoxin
-peptic ulcers, MALT/gastric lymphoma, inflammation
-PPI, Amoxicillin, macrolide (clarithomyacin)
Salmonella typhi
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
- trx
- special
Salmon Dinner
-Bone marrow culture
-Vi antigen capsule, Enter through M cells,multiple in phagocytic vacuole of macrophages and then spread to reticuloendothelial system (via type 3 system on 2nd pathogenicity island)
-Bacterimia-infect liver, spleen, bone marrow, ulceration and necrosis of infected payer’s patches, hepatosplenomegaly, fever, headache etc.
-tyhpid mary (chornic carrier in gallbladder)
Yersinia (entercolitic-uncommon, tuberculosis-rare)
- ID
- Virulence
- Sx
- trx
Yersin’s pets
Penetrating (these two species are intestinal)
-grow a cold temp-psyhcrophile, primarily affect animals
-get in with M cells, exit intestine to lymph nodes and survive by binding to phagocytes (type 3), block phagocytosis by secreting proteins (type 3), induce phagocyte apoptosis
-severe pain and appendicitis, intense inflammation and ulceration of payer’s patch/mesetneric lymph nodes, surface antigen V and W are part of type 3
-Streptomycin (aminoglycoside) and tetracycline
Non inflammatory Infections-5
Both types of cholera, ETEC, EPEC, EAEC
Inflammatory/Bloody Diarrhea Infections-7
Shigella, EHEC, EIEC, Non-typhoidal salmonella, Campylobacter (both types), and Heliobacter pylori
Penetrating Infections -2
All Yersinia and Salmonella typhi
UTI causing bacteria
also cause neonatal bactermia/meingitis
E. coli
E. coli K1
E. faecium
S. saprophyticus
Opportunistic/Nosocomial Infection-4
2 Enterobacter-cloacae and aeogenes, Klebsiella penumoniae, Sebratia marcesens
Sebratia marcesens
Dinosaur one
Opportunistic/Nosocomial Infection
-produce OJ/Red pigments
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Dinosaur one Opportunistic/Nosocomial Infection -encapsulated-look shiny on agar, not motile -community acq/nosocomial pneumonia's -currant help sputum -MDR -necrotizing penumonia -odler adults with diabetes/alcholism/ chronic lung disease -common UTI
Enterobacter cloacae/aerogenes
Opportunistic/Nosocomial Infection
- mobile!
E. coli as UTI
- virulence
- characteristics
- trx
E. cola’s soda fountain
80% uncomplicated UTI
-P fimbrae (adhesive), cystitis by traveling up GU tract, kidney problems
-Cystitis-urgency, freq, dysuria (pain)–Pyelonephiritis-fever, low back pain, leukocytes in urine, bacteria coated with Ab (P fimbrae is antigenic)
-Quntattive concentration (since normal flora) , dipstick detecting metabolic activity of bacteria
E. Coli K1
K1 capsule resembles host and activates complement poorly
S pilli-S fimbrae binds to chloride plexus epithelium/brain ventricle
Irone acquisition system
Cytotoxic necrotizing factor
Neonatal septicemia and meningitis
when antiobtiocs not recomended
DNA damage increases toxin production and worsens disease (mostly)
Proteus mrabilis
- ID
- Disease
- Trx
God of public restroom
- Gm- with swarming motility, urease positive (makes struvite stones)
- form staghorn caliculi, UTI, struvte stones, Fishy order
- Sulonamides
Type 3
method for phagocytosis