Engaging Lit Final Exam Flashcards
reading with an assumption of being edified and enlightened
Expect the best
Reading with an awareness of the threefold task that a literary author performs for us
Read on a continuum
Reading as a Christian with an awareness of how the work responds to Christian assertions
Be aware
Reading to weigh the truth claims of the literature that is being read
Freytag’s Pyramid is a diagram that helps us in the analysis of poetry
Jacob borrows the term “temporal bandwidth” from what novel ?
Gravity’s Rainbow
Jacob states that there is a close relationship between the current situational model of existence and …
Jacob argues that one of the best actions to take when faced with the feeling of being at a “frenetic standstill” is to…
Break bread with the dead
Jacobs argues that we should always read old books as a way to escape technology and social media
Alan Jacobs argues that reading decreases a person’s “temporal bandwidth”
Active reading involves [[1]] with the text, that is, critically [[2]] with the [[3]].
1: dialoguing
2: engaging
3: material
Passive reading is reading for fun and [[1]]. It has [[2]] but isn’t rigorous enough for doing [[3]] assessment.
1: relaxation
2: merit
3: critical
Anton Chekov stated, “You are right in demanding that an [[1]] should take an intelligent attitude to his work, but you confuse two things: [[2]] a problem and [[3]] a problem correctly. It is only the second that is [[4]] for an artist.”
1: artist
2: stating
3: solving
4: obligatory
As one of the basic elements of fiction, what is the term for “a sequence of events” in a story/
As one of the basic elements of fiction, what do we call the “time frame and physical location” of a story?
The most important character in a story is called the __________
As one of the basic elements of fiction, what is the term for the narrator’s perspective on the story’s action?
Point of view
As one of the basic elements of fiction, what is the term for a dominant idea that runs the entire length of the story?
As it concerns the use of symbols in literature, the term of the literal, definitional meaning of a word is…
Literature is a form of creative writing that tells a compelling story about what?
All the best literature ever written is put into a list called what?
The Literary Canon
Which of the following is the correct plot sequence for the Comic-U?
Prosperity, obstacles, tragic threat, happiness
According to “Literary Styles in the Bible,” ___ of the Bible consists of narrative.
According to “Literary Styles in the Bible,” ___ of the Bible consists of poetry.
According to “Literary Styles in the Bible,” ___ of the Bible consists of prose discourse.
According to the video “Literary Styles of the Bible,” you don’t need to be concerned about the different literary styles that are present in the Bible.
Prose discourse in the Bible forces you to think logically and consistently but it does not necessarily expect you to do anything about it.
What are the three types of narratives mentioned in “Literary Styles in the Bible”?
History, Parable, Biography
“What is the Bible?”, technically, the Bible is…
A small library of books that all emerged out of the history of the people of ancient Israel
What is the Bible?, The Hebrew scriptures are referred to as…
According to the lecture slides, the Gothic Mode represents fiction that was first popularized in which eighteenth-century country?
Gothic stories include what three elements?
Medieval setting, macabre subject matter, the supernatural
What are the two principal aims of Gothic stories?
Evoke terror, examine what lies beneath the orderly mind
In fiction, Bildungsroman refers to what kind of story?
A Bildungsroman story deals with a character’s [[1]] years or [[2]] education
1: formative
2: spiritual
Select three features of a Bildungsroman story.
Goal is maturity, self-discovery, grand struggle
A Kunstlerroman story is the story of [[1]] development wherein the [[2]] moves from [[3]] to [[4]].
1: artistic
2: protagonist
3: juvenilia
4: maturation
In a Kunstlerroman story, the protagonist must overcome obstacles, deal with rites of passage, and eventually arrive at a ________
Artistic identity
According to the lecture slides, narrative nonfiction tells a real-life about real people and ______ .
According to Abrams, the novel is the extended prose narrative that “permits a greater variety of [[1]], greater complication of [[2]], ampler development of [[3]], and more sustained and subtle [[4]] of character.
1: characters
2: plot
3: milieu
4: exploration
As a mode, Magic Realism gives us a language for talking about ________________ occurrences
Select three elements that are a part of the “magic” portion of Magic Realism.
Myth, fairytale, dream
Select three elements that are a part of the “realism” portion of Magic Realism.
Measurable, quantifiable, replicatable
In Magic Realism, “magic” is concerned with veritas, which means _________.
In Magic Realism, “realism” is concerned with scientia, which means ___________ .
As readers, we remain in the nursery stage so long as we cannot [[1]] between [[2]] and [[3]], so long, that is, as the only possible [[4]] we can pass on a book are two: this I like; this I don’t like.
1: distinguish
2: taste
3: judgement
4: verdicts
As it concerns the use of symbols in literature, the term for “the implied, suggestive, and associational meaning of a word” is…
The best poetry seeks to make [[1]] concrete by creating vivid [[2]] appealing directly to the [[3]].
1: abstract
2: imagery
3: senses
In poetry, the term “assonance” means repeated _____ sounds
In poetry, the term “consonance” means repeated _________ sounds
According to “Literary Styles in the Bible,” poetry in the Bible forces you off your familiar path into new territory
According to “Literary Styles in the Bible,” good stories always have a character who wants something.
Patterns of syllable and accent
a template in which poets arrange and explore challenging emotional and intellectual materials
a grouping of lines
how line breaks are used