Endocrinology (3) - metabolic response to longer term stress Flashcards
axis running from hypo and Ant Pit
3 main axis and entire function
maintain metabolism
thyroid, adrenal cortex and growth H
adrenal gland H location
above kidney and v small
adrenal gland H - medulla
inner (neuronal) part - make catecholamines
produce adrenaline from deamination and modification
has huge BV - heavily vascularised of a.a
adrenal gland H - cortex
outer epithelium - make series of steroids
has 3 region
3 regions of cortex
outer - glomerulosa - produce aldosterone
middle - fascicular - bundle
largest - reticular - network both produce cortisol and androgens
branch and OH group - removed and changed
highly lipophilic - can’t be stored
oestrogen, progesterone, androgens, glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, vit D
hypothalamus function
release into small portal vessels
release H-G cortitropic
carried to Pit gland - bind to corticotropes - receptor for CRH = corticotrope release ACTH into blood supply carried to adrenal gland - bind to cortex cells
ACTH function
drives levels of cortisol made - only needed to produce amount of aldosterone and levels of being made
fascicular and reticular layer function for cholesterol and ACTH
more cholesterol brought into call and more released
E. cholesterol desmolase - activated cleaves cholesterol = intermediate
pregnenolone has 17 alpha hydroxylase
used to produce corisol
glomerulosa layer function for ACTH
activates desmolase and release cholesterol into cell
E hydroxylase not active
pushes to produce corticosterone
modification of aldosterone driven by aldosterone synthase which is regulated by angiotensin II
E produced and regulated causes
different steroid H secretion rates
small MC effect (U.I) unlike aldosterone
artificial - other steroids toles
modify immune system - anti flammatory
modifies - produce cortisone and dexamethasone
weak GC and MC effect - strong inflammatory effect
synthetic - dexamethasone
high anti inflammatory effect compared to cortisol as dexamethasone - 0 - GC and 2.0 - MC effect
secretion of CRH - ACTH - cortisol pathway - cortisol released
1- circadian rhythm caused by feedback loop (long/short) - GC increases in morning
2- stress - increase cortisol level
secretion of CRH - ACTH - cortisol pathway - process as hypo responds to stress
release CRH binds to corticotropes in Pit
= POMC - cleaved by PC1 = ACTH - secreted and released to bind to receptors at adrenal cortex - release cortisol
prohormone convertase 1
ACTH and other parts of POM cursor cuntion
cleaves in different ways = products
e.g. MSH - melanocytes stimulating H
controls for GC secretion
hypo responds to circadian/stress = CRH release to Ant
release ACTH to adrenal gland
release cortisol - -ve feedback
mechanism of andrenocorticoids
the slow release
cortisol carried by transcortin in blood
slow release - cross membrane and binds to receptor - carried into nucleus and bind to transcription factor into areas closes to promoter of specific gene/repressor/enhancer regions
H response element
GC RE - AGAACAnnnTGTTCT - palindromic - work as dimer
any nucleotide
restriction enzyme