Endocrine System.. Flashcards
Give some examples of edocrine organs…
- Hypothalamus
- Adrenas
- Ovaries
- Thyroid Gland
- Parathyroid Glands
- Pituitary Gland
True of false…
The posterior pituitary releases the most hormones?
Posterior only releases: ADH and oxytocin. The anterior releases the rest
Give some examples of pituitary diseases…
- Hyperpitutaryism- realted effects (adenomas)
- Hypopititaryism- realted effects (injury, surgery, radiation, inflammation)
- Local mass effect (compression of the optic chiasm.
What is the most common cause of hyperpituitarism?
Adenoma (functional) is the most common cause of hyperpituiraryism.
Cancer and hyperplasia are also causes.
- Functional-Prolactinoma
- Non functional
- Microadenoma
- Macroadenoma
Are all what???
They are pituitary adenomas (benign tumours)
Pituitary diseases can cause lots of syndromes. Name some,..
- Cushing’s disease (ACTH release)
- Gigantism (kids), Acromegaly (adults) from growth hormone
- Sexual dysfunction, infertility, amenorrhea, Galactorrhea (prolactin)
- Hyperthyroidism (TSH)
- Hypergonadism, mass effects/ Hypopituitaryism (FSH, LH)
What’s HYPERpituitarysim?
It’s overproduction of hormones from the pituitary gland. Often caused by functional adenoma.
What’s HYPOpituitaryism?
It’s underactive hormone production from the pituitary glands.
Can be caused by ischemic necrosis, non functioning adenomas, surgery, irradiation
Name some causes for HYPOpituitaryism…
- Ischemic necrosis of the pituitary (Sheehan’s syndrome)
- Non functioning adenomas
- Surgery/irradiation
- Inflammatory lesions
Name some causes of HYPERthyroidism…
- Graves disease
- Over treatment of thyroxine
- Infective De Quervain’s thyroiditis
- Toxic Multi-nodular goitre
- Toxic Adenoma
Signs/ symptoms of HYPERthyroidism….
- Fine, straight hair
- Intolerance to heat
- Finger clubbing
- Tachycardia
- Weight loss
- Muscle wasting
- Breast enlargement
- Localised Oedema
- Increased BP
- Diarrhoea
- Tremors
- Bulging eyes
How to treat HYPERthyroidism…
- Testing: clinical + thyroid function tests
- Treat the cause
- Carbimazole/ Propylthiouracil
- Radioiodine
- Thyroidectomy
Possibe causes of HYPOthyroidism…
- Iodine deficiency
- Autoimmune -Hashimotos
- Latrogenic: Surgery/ radioiodine
- Pituitary Defects
- Congenital
HYPO-thyroidism symptoms:
- Hair loss
- Lethargy
- Dry skin
- Muscle Aches/ weakness
- Constapation
- Cold intolerance
- Extreme fatugue
- Brittle nails+ hair
- Weight gain
- Bradycardia
- Thick skin
What is Hashimotos thyroiditis?
It’s an autoimmune disease which causes destruction of the thyroid gland.
More common in women. And people between 45-60.
How do you treat HYPOthyroidism?
True of false:
Thyroid cancer is very common.
It’s relatively uncommon. The most common type is Papillary Carcinoma (Non-functional tumour)
What is the role of the parathyroid gland?
It’s role is in calcium regulation.
What are possible causes of HYPOparathyroidism…
- Removal by surgery (thyroidectomy)
- Congenital
- Hereditary (autoimmune)
Irritability, tetany (muscle spasms) and seisures are all symptoms of what disorder?
HYPOparathyrpodism (low calcium)
What are some of the symptoms of HYPOparathyroidism?
There symptoms are due to low calcium:
- Irritability
- Tetany
- Seizures
What are the (primary, secondary and tertiary) causes for HYPERparathyroidism?
- PRIMARY Adenoma
- SECONDARY Chronic renal failure
- TERTIARY After renal transplant
What disorder could these things cause?
- Adenoma
- Chronic Renal Faiulre
- Renal Transplant
These things can cause HYPERparathyroidism
Which disorder do these symptoms represent?
- Constipation
- Depression
- Seizures
- Muscle wasting
- Polyuria
- Bone fractures
- Kidney Stones
These symptoms are signs of HYPERparathyroidism (high calcium- Hypercalcaemia)
What are some of the possible symptoms of HYPERparathyroidism?
These are due to high calcium (hypercalcaemia)
- Constipation
- Depression
- Seizures
- Muscle wasting
- Polyuria
- Bone fractures
- Kidney stones
What do the adrenals do?
They secrete certain hormones:
- Zona glomerulosa (outside layer) release MINERALCORTICOIDS (aldosterone)
- Zona fasciculata (middle layer) GLUCOCORTICOIDS (Cortisol)
- Zona reticularis (inner layer) SEX HORMOENS (Testosterone, oestrogen)
What hormones are released by the adrenals?
- Aldosterone (Mineralcorticoids)
- Cortisol (Glucocorticoids)
- Testosterone, Oestrogen (Sex hormones)
What are some of the causes of HYPERaldosteronism (adrenal disorder)
- Conn’s disease in more than 50% of cases (primary cause)
- High renin (secondary cause)
Name some possible symptoms of Conn’s disease.
main cause for the adrenal disorder HYPERaldosteronism
Conn’s disease symptoms:
- Oedema
- Hypertension
- High Sodium
- Low potassium
What disorder do these symptoms represent:
- Oedema
- Hypertension
- High sodium
- Low potassium
These symptoms represent Conn’s disease
the leading cause for the adrenal disorder HYPERaldosteronism
What’s the role of the glucocorticoid CORTISOL in the body?
Cortisol role:
- Essential to life
- Regulates blood sugar
- Inhibits inflammation
- Stress response
When is cortisol released?
It’s released by the normal circadian rhythm. It’s also released in response to stress.
Excess release can cause Cushing’s syndrome.
What can cause Cushings syndrome?
the over production of cortisol?
Cushing’s syndrome causes:
- ACTH releasing tumour (pituitary/lung)
- Steroids
- Moon face
- Obesity
- Muscle weakness
- Skin ulcers
- Buffalo hump
- Thin wrinkled skin
- Hypertension
Are all SE of what disorder?
the disorder to do with too much cortisol - adrenals
What is the name given to adrenal insufficiency?
Addison’s disease.
What are possible causes for the adrenal sufficiency ADDISON’S disease.
Causes for Addison’s disease:
- Autoimmune
- Infection
- Neoplasm
Hyperpigmentation (ie in gums), low sodium, high potassium, weight loss and GI disrurbances are all possible symptoms of what:
- Hyperthyroidism
- Cushing’s syndrome
- Addison’s disease
These are all symptoms of Addison’s disease (adrenal insufficiency)
Give some possible SE of Addison’s disease…
adrenal insufficiency
- Hyperpigmentation (ie of gums)
- GI disturbances (nausia, vomitting, diarrhoea)
- Weight loss
- Low sodium, High potassium
Give some examples of Gonadocorticoids (Sex hormones)…
- Testosteone
- Oestrogen
Both secreted from adrenals
What is ‘Phaeochromocytoma’
It’s a tumour of the medulla of the adrenal glands.
Symptoms of Phaeochromocytoma (adrenal medulla tumour)
- Hypertension
- Sweating
- Palpitations
- Nervousness
- Increased metabolic ratio
- Rapid Heart Rate
What is the name given to the condition of proliferation of multiple endocrine organs caused by a group of inherited diseases.
There are different types.
What’s Multiple endocrine neoplasia? (MEN)
MEN is:
Group of inherited diseases resulting in proliferative lesions of multiple endocrine organs