Endocrine System Flashcards
What is the Endocrine system?
Groups of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual activities and health of the entire body.
What do the endocrine or ductless glands produce?
They produce chemicals called hormones.
-These hormones enter the bloodstream and are transported to all parts of the body to control body functions and maintain homeostasis.
What are hormones?
Hormones are chemicals messengers communicating instructions to other cells of the body.
What is homeostasis?
The balance or consistency of the internal function of the body.
What does the Hypothalamus control with the nervous system?
Secretions of hormones
What are the organs of the endocrine system?
Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid glands Adrenal Glands Pancreas Ovaries Testes
Where is the pituitary gland located?
At the base of the brain
What is referred to as the master gland of the endocrine system?
Pituitary gland
Describe the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland:
- Secretes hormones that govern hormonal secretion of other endocrine glands
- it produces hormones that affect the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and gonads
Name a type of hormone the pituitary gland produces and describe its function:
It produces GROWTH HORMONE which simulates growth of bones, muscles and organs
What else does the pituitary gland produce?
Prolactin- enhances breast tissue growth and milk production
Oxytocin- triggers contraction of the uterus in labour and childbirth
Antidiuretic hormone- regulates water balance in the body
Where is the Thyroid gland located?
In the anterior neck, in two lobes that lie on either side of the trachea (throat)
What type of hormones does the thyroid gland produce?
Thyroid hormones
- require iodine for their production
- regulate metabolic activity and serve as a general pacemaker for the body
What else do the thyroid gland produce?
Calcitonin- regulates the amount of calcium in the blood and maintains healthy bones
Where are the Parathyroid glands located?
There are 4 parathyroid glands and are attached to the thyroid
What hormone do the Parathyroid glands produce?
Parathyroid hormone- helps maintain balance of calcium to maintain healthy bones and body tissues
Where are the Adrenal glands located?
Attached to the upper portion of each kidney
What 3 TYPES/ categories of hormones do the Adrenal glands secrete?
Three types of steroid hormones called corticosteroids
List the corticosteroid hormones secreted by the Adrenal glands:
- Sex hormones (estrogens and androgens)- maintain secondary sex characteristics such as breast development in women and facial hair in men
- Mineralocorticoids- regulate electrolyte balance
- Glucocorticoids (mainly cortisol)
- help promote normal metabolism
- promote resistance to stress
- counter inflammatory response
What does the Adrenal gland produce that invokes the “flight or fight” response?
Epinephrine (adrenaline) and Norepinephrine - responsible for fight or flight response to stress
What is the most important function of Norepinephrine (produced by the Adrenal glands)
Elevate blood pressure
Where is the Pancreas located?
Posterior to the stomach, and beneath the liver
What is the function of the Pancreas?
- functions as both an exocrine and endocrine gland
- has important role in digestion and regulations of blood sugar level
What is the Exocrine function?
-to produce digestive secretions which flow into the small intestine to help digest food
What is the Endocrine function?
-to produce glucagon and insulin, which regulate blood sugar levels in the body
Where are the Ovaries located?
The ovaries are two oval glands located in the pelvic cavity, one on each side of the uterus.
What do the Ovaries produce?
They produce the female sex cell: the ovum (egg)
Which two hormones do the Ovaries produce? What is their important role/ function?
Estrogen and Progesterone
- responsible for the development of female sex characteristics and the regulation of menstrual cycle
- both hormones play an important role in preparing the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg, in maintaining pregnancy and promoting growth of the placenta
Where are the Testes located?
Two oval glands that lie in the scrotum
What do the Testes produce?
Spermatozoa- male sex cells
Testosterone- controls sexual development and reproductive function
These malfunctions may be congenital or may result from a tumour…..
Pathologies of the pituitary gland
Malfunction of the pituitary gland in producing growth hormone may result in what?
Too much or too little growth
What does growth hormone deficiency cause?
Will cause a person to be shorter than average (dwarfism)
What does excessive production of growth hormone before puberty cause?
Excessive skeletal growth and results in Gigantism.
What results from excessive growth hormone in adulthood?
Acromegaly- characterized by enlarged features, particularly of the face, hands and extremities.
-There are also negative effects on the heart.
What is Goiter? (Pathologies of the thyroid gland)
- enlargement of the thyroid gland due to lack of iodine in the diet (salt).
- May also result from inflammation, infection, tumour , or malfunction of the thyroid gland.
What is Hypothyroidism? (Pathologies of the thyroid gland)
-decreased function of the thyroid gland produces a decrease in metabolic rate, fluid retention, obesity and fatigue.
What is Hyperthyroidism? (Pathologies of the thyroid gland)
- increased function of the thyroid
- increased metabolic rate,
- nervousness,
- constant hunger,
- palpitations, weight loss
- and fatigue.
- Graves disease, which may cause hyperthyroidism causes protrusion of the eyeballs.
What are the two pathologies of the Parathyroid glands?
Over activity and under activity of the parathyroid glands
What does over activity of the parathyroid gland result in?
-high levels of calcium in the blood and demineralization of the bones
What does under activity of the parathyroid gland result in?
-low levels of calcium in the blood and causes muscles twitching and spasms known as tetany.
What is Addison’s disease? (Pathologies of the adrenal glands)
- usually caused by autoimmune destruction (decreased cortisol production)
- chronic disorder that requires lifetime hormone replacement therapy.
- causes decreased cardiac output, low blood pressure, dehydration, weakness and fatigue
- causes hyperpigmentation of the skin which causes a bronzed suntanned look.
- gums become bluish black
- weakened immune system
What is Cushing Syndrome (hormone excess)?
- Refers to increase in cortisol from any cause
- May be decreased ability for the body to heal
- The major symptoms are altered fat metabolism causing protruding abdomen, fat pads on the back, buffalo hump, and a round moon face
- There is increased facial hair, and thinning of scalp hair
- decreased mentrual periods in women
- decreased testosterone in men
- may occur spontaneously or may be caused by a tumour
What is Diabetes Mellitus? (Pathologies of the pancreas)
- Chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism
- primarily a result of a deficiency or complete lack of insulin secretion by the pancreas, or of defects of the insulin receptors in cells
Describe Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: (pathologies of the pancreas)
- onset usually in children and adolescents
- genetic predisposition to the disorder
- cells of pancreas do not produce insulin- person affected must take insulin by injection for the rest of their life
- lack of insulin causes increase in blood sugar and a breakdown of body fats and proteins
Describe type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: (pathologies of the pancreas)
- results from impaired ability of the tissues to use insulin, accompanied by decrease of insulin
- Usually occurs in mid-life
- approx 80% of persons with type 2 diabetes are overweight
- changes in diet and increase in exercise is important for people with type 2 diabetes
Describe Gestational Diabetes: (pathologies of the pancreas)
- occurs during pregnancy
- most frequently effects women with family history of diabetes, have had a very large baby, who are older, or who have had several pregnancies
- These women require nutritional guidance during their pregnancy to protect the health of the fetus
- Women who have gestational diabetes are at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes 5-10 years after delivery
List the symptoms of Diabetes:
Type 1- Usually has rapid onset
Type 2- Usually develops more slowly and is often detected during a routine medical examination
Symptoms include:
- excessive urination
- excessive thirst
- excessive hunger
- blurred vision
- fatigue
- parethesia (numbness and tingling of extremities)
- skin infections
Describe treatment for Diabetes:
- nutritional counselling to maintain an appropriate diet
- regular exercise
- People with type 1 diabetes must balance their insulin, food intake and exercise carefully
List and describe precautions and contraindications to Esthetic services when it comes to Diabetes:
- Clients with diabetes can experience a sudden drop in blood sugar levels, causing them to feel dizzy or light headed, particularly after a lengthy service or having several services in a row
- A diabetic client should be encouraged to have appropriate snacks or juice handy and should be given time between services to eat these snacks
List and describe precautions and contraindications to Esthetic services when it comes to Diabetes feet:
- Diabetics tend to have decreased circulation to the extremities, especially the feet
- they may also have peripheral neuropathies (decreased function of the sensory nerves) especially to the feet (meaning they will not have normal sensation in the feet
- no extremes in temperature should be used on the feet (hot or cold)
List and describe precautions and contraindications to Esthetic services when it comes to Diabetes (healing wounds)
- caused by decreased circulation
- feet should be checked carefully for any sores or cracks
- no oils should be used if sores or cracks are present
- must be extremely careful to avoid any chance of infection
- extreme care must be taken when performing pedicures so that the skin is not damaged
What is Hyperglycemia (low blood sugar) 2/2 (pathologies of pancreas)
- occurs from a relative excess of insulin in the blood, which causes below-normal blood sugar levels
- this can occur with diabetic who have taken too much insulin, failed to eat, increased excercise, or in some other way changed their routine
- non-diabetics can have bouts of hyperglycemia, particularly if you skip a meal or do not eat at regular times
- They may feel shaky, headachy, faint or emotional
- These people need to eat regular, well balanced meals and avoid over-consumption of sugar.
- May be prone to developing type 2 diabetes in mid-life if nutrition is not well managed
What is Amenorrhea (pathologies of the ovaries)
- dysfunction of mentrual cycles
- a decrease of mentruation after the age of 16 years
- caused by lack of hormones for various reasons
What is Dysmenorrhea (pathologies of the ovaries)
Painful period- menstruation
What is Dysmenorrhea (causes)? (Pathologies of the ovaries)
- may be caused by specific organic conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic adhesions or pelvic inflammatory disease
- some menstrual discomfort (primary dysmenorrhea) is not associated with any pathology
- Cancer can be found in the ovaries, as in any organ