endocrine disorders Flashcards
pit gland
anterior: TSH, ACTH - acts on adrenal cortex to stim production and release others -> cortisol, aldosterone
posterior: ADH (vassopressin), oxytocin
adrenal gland
sit on top of kidneys
inner medulla (epi and norepi - SNS and f/f) and outer cortex secrete cortisol, aldosterone, androgens
respond to ACTH -> these are not stored, secreted on demand - cortisol (glucocorticoids), aldosterone (mineralcorticoids), androgens (sex steroids)
too much ACTH (hypercortisolism)
primary hyperfunction - disease of cortex
secondary hyperfunction - ant pit
exogenous steroids = management of other disease, most common
monitor levels to dx adrenal cortex dysF
cortisol function = increase BS, protect against stress, suppress immune and inflam processes, breakdown P and fat (high chol and BP)
if always on , like in cushings, body doesnt respond by releasing more when actually stressed and therefore the body doesnt get protective effects
cushings: cm
look like long term steroids
high glucose avail: glucose intol, hypergly
maintain vascular system: htn, capillary friability (ecchymoses - capillaries are squeezed)
P breakdown: muscle wasting, muscle weak, thin skin, osteoporosis and bone pain and fractures
fat breakdown: redistributed to abd, shoulders, face, thin limbs
suppress immune and inflam: decreased wound healing, r/o infection
CNS excitability: mood swings, insomnia
red cheeks, buffalo hump fat pad, bruise easily, abd striae, pendulous abd, thin arms and legs, skin is thin and fragile, htn d/t increased Na and H2O retention, gluconeogenesis, hirsutism, thinning hair, gynecomastia, moon face, apple shaped
cushings: tm
depends on cause
pituitary or adrenal tumor: sx or radiation
exogenous steroids? -> taper
drugs: aminoglutethimide + ketoconazole -> relieve cortisol issue but not primary choice
hyposecretion of adrenocorticoid hormones - lack of cortisol!
etiology: idiopathic, autoimmune, other
addisons: patho
adrenal gland destroyed or damaged, s when 90% non functional - so disease at advanced state at time of dx, ACTH and MSH secreted in large amounts
adrenal gland doesnt secrete cortisol -> no negative feedback, therefore, ant pit increase secretion of ACTH and MSH to stim cortisol production
addisons: cm
early: anorexia, weight loss, weak, malaise, apathy, e imbalance, skin hyperpig (MSH)
hypoT - decreased vascular tone, CO, circulating BV
salt craving - decreased serum Na, hyperK, dehyd -> stim ADH which leads to FVE
hypocortisolism = decreased E - hypogly, weak and fatigue, unsuppressed ACTH, hyperpig
addisons: tm
adrenal insufficiency requires lifelong corticosteroid replacement therapy
all pt require glucocorticoid and may need mineralcorticoid (fludrocortisone)
hydrocortisone is #1 - has gluco and mineral action,
prednisone, dexamethasone
shouldnt have many SE, should just be functioning
addisons: tm - pharm issues
dosing mimics natural release
timing! - bed, consistent
small doses to decrease SE
never abruptly stop -> addisonian crisis
increase dose when stressed -> sx, trauma, infection; 3x3 rule (3x usual dose for 3 days but consult hcp)
always have emergency supply -> injection and oral
medic alert bracelet
adrenal crisis - severe cushing s
acute emergency, massive increase in cortisol (serum, random) or 24 hr urine cortisol 4x upper limit, severe hypoK, sepsis, opportunistic infection, uncontrolled htn, HF, lots of others
adrenal crisis - addisonian crisis
sudden insufficiency of corticosteroids, med emergency, prevent with drugs and teaching
adrenal medulla disorder
tumor -> produce excessive catecholamines, mostly benign
rf: young - middle age
patho: SNS stim -> excessive release of epi and norepi
epi stim alpha and beta -> heart, lungs, vessels
norepi stim just alpha
epi and norepi cause htn!
adrenal medulla disorder: cm
can have sporadic episodes when SNS stimulated - stress, exercise, excitement, smoking
htn -> HA, tachy, diaphoresis, stroke!
therefore, we should decrease stim and enhance relaxation
adrenal medulla disorder: tm
sx is preferred
principal cause of htn is activation of alpha 1 receptors on blood vessles
alpha blockers until sx or inoperable (10-14 days prior and then after sx)
ADH disorders
released if increase in serum osmolality and/or hypoT
function -> water retention via action in the kidneys
too much (s of inappropriate ADH)
abn production or sustained secretion
fluid retention, serum hypoosmolality and hypoNa, [] urine
SAIDH: etiology
malignant tumor -> small cell carcinoma of lung (adenocarcinoma) - release ADH
CNS disorders -> head trauma, stroke, brain tumor
drug therapy -> morphine, SSRI’s, some chemo
miscellaneous conditions -> hypothyroidism, infection
SAIDH: patho
elevated ADH -> increased H2O reabs in tubules -> increased IVF -> dilutional hypoNa and decreased serum osmolality, [] urine
decreased serum osmolality, increased urine osmolality and specific gravity, Na decreased, UO decreased, weight increased
retain H2O witout Na therefore s/s hypoNa and FVE
cm depend on severity and rate of onset of hypoNa
s/s hypoNa
dyspnea, fatigue
neuro: lethargy, confusion, dulled sensorium
muscle twitch, convulsion
GI: impaired taste, anorexia, v, cramps
severe s when Na: 100 - 115 -> irreversible neurologic damage
SAIDH: water intoxication
serum Na lower than inside cells -> swell
neuro -> confusion, lethargy, coma, death
SAIDH: pharm
not first line
tm directed at cause
head trauma = wait
med OD = stop
democlocycline = chronic SIADH
loop diuretics (Na >125) + salt tablets
low ADH or decreased renal response to ADH
excessive H2O loss in urine
forms: neurogenic (central) and nephrogenic
DI: neurogenic
hypothalamus or pit gland damage
associated disorders -> stroke, TBI, brain sx, cerebral infections
sudden onset, usually permanent
DI: nephrogenic
renal origin
caused by loss of kidney function, drug related (Lithium - antipsychotic for bipolar)
associated with CKD - end stage and chronic
slow and progressive
DI: patho
low ADH -> low H2O reabs -> decreased IVF V -> increased serum osmol, excessive UO
DI: osmol
serum osmol increased, urine osmol and specific gravity decreased, Na elevated, UO elevated, weight loss
DI: cm
polydipsia, polyuria, dehyd
based on severity: e imbalance, hypovolemic shock -> death
DI: tm
neurogenic = synthetic ADH replacement
nephrogenic = thiazide diuretics cause paradoxic effect - decrease polyuria and increase urine osmolality
hypothalamic-pituitary endocrine s
pit gland is beneath hypothalamus at base of skull - close proximity
pit gland has 2 lobes: ant and post (focus)
synthesis and secretion of pit hormones are controlled by hypothalamus
adrenal medulla hormones
secretes 2 catecholamines in response to SNS stim
epi and norepi prolong and enhance effects of SNS - f/f
adrenal cortex: steroid hormones
these 3 are essential for life
reg body’s response to normal and abn levels of stress
made on demand and not stored
sugar, salt, sex
raise BS (oppose insulin), protect against psychologic effects of stress
suppress inflam and immune processes
release muscle stores of proteins
increase blood cholesterol
regulated by RAAS in kidneys
maintain salt and water balance
promote secretion of K
when triggered by A2, aldosterone promotes Na and water retention