arthritis Flashcards
synovial joints
outer fibrous capsule, interior synovial membrane, articular cartilage (prevent friction btw bones), and synovial fluid
bones come together and move easily bc of smooth surfaces of articular cartilage and lubricating synovial fluid
inflam of 1+ joints -> arthritis (joint disorder)
localized, not systemic
degeneration of joints from aging and stress
most common disability in US -> d/t obesity and increased life expectancy
common joints: cervical spine, lumbosacral spine, hip, knee, hands, 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint (big toe)
osteoarthritis: rf
M <45, F >45
aging - decreased cartilage
obesity - increased stress and decreased cartilage
hx of participation in team sports (repetitive work)
hx of trauma or overuse of joint
heavy occupational work
misalignment of pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, foot
(women have wider hips = built in misalignment)
osteoarthritis: etiology
stress applied to joint (weight bearing)
cartilage degen: excessive loading of healthy joint, normal loading of previously injured joint
osteoarthritis: patho
prolonged excessive P on joint wears away cartilage and subchondrial bone exposed -> leads to cyst dev
cysts move through remaining cartilage and destroy rest
inflam = more degradation
chondrocytes synthesize proteoglycans (fluid) to try and repair -> swell
osteoblast activation -> spur (osteophytes) + thickening synovial fluid (decreased movement)
decreased cartilage narrows around joint space
osteoarthritis: cm
deep, aching joint pain, esp with exertion -> relieved with rest
joint pain with cold weather (better in dry climate), stiff in morning, crepitus with motion (decreased ROM), joint swelling, gait change
PA: joint deformity, tender, decreased ROM
- fingers: herbenden’s nodes (distal interphalangeal joint), bouchard’s nodes (proximal interphalangeal joint)
osteoarthritis: tm
goals: manage pain, maintain mobility (PT/OT), decrease disability
no pharm to regress, stop damage:
just decrease pain and swlling
mild - mod = acetaminophen, topical capsacin, NSAIDS (decrease prostaglandins)
mod - severe = rx NSAIDs, NSAIDs and colchine, acetaminophen and tramadol, opioids, steroid injection (into joint)
diet supplements: chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine
artificial joint fluid -> hyaluronic acid
joint replacement, arthroplasty
lifestyle -> canes/walkers, etc
osteoarthritis: degenerative disc disease
causes pain, motor weakness, neuropathy
most often occurs in lumbar or cervical spine
lifting/twisting motions -> nurses!
can lead to herniated/ruptured discs
tm goals are same as osteoarthritis
osteoarthritis: degenerative disc disease - patho
intervertebral disc compression with age -> vertebraes touch
motor and sensory spinal nerves enter and exit from spinal cord and travel through narrow openings of vertebral bone
with age, intervertebral discs dehydrate and vertebral bone compressed -> impinge on entering and exiting nerves
dysF of motor and sensory spinal nerves impedes movement and sensation in extremities (can be one sided)
may see weakness and paresthesias
osteoarthritis: degenerative disc disease - cm (lumbar)
pain in lower back that radiates down back of leg (sciatica)
butt or thigh, worsens with sitting, bending, lifting, twisting
minimized pain when walking, position change, lying down
numb, tingling, weakness in legs
foot drop
osteoarthritis: degenerative disc disease - cm (cervical)
chronic neck pain that can radiate to shoulders and down arms
numb/tingle in arm or hand
weak of arm or hand
rheumatoid arthritis
systemic, autoimmune, type 3 hypersensitivity -> body attack synovial, immune complexes deposited, inflam and destruction
inflam disease of synovium
rheumatoid arthritis: etiology
not well understood
env and genetic factor -> genetic link and triggering event
inappropriate immune response to injury
other rf: 40 - 60, F, tobacco, fam hx (significant)
rheumatoid arthritis: patho
immune cells attack synovial joint (lymphocytes and macrophages)
cytokines secreted and attract more immune cells, produce RF
RF: specific/special antibody against our own IgG antibodies, form immune complex, we can measure this along with other inflam lab levels
chronic, persistant, destructive
rheumatoid arthritis: progressive disease
intensifying inflam response -> cartilage destroyed by osteoclasts
pannus (v vascular, scar tissue) develops -> inflam exuberant proliferation of synovium (hypertrophied synovium), leads to bone erosion, cysts, fissure dev
rheumatoid arthritis: cm - early
v little, maybe joint/pain discomfort, vague
rheumatoid arthritis: cm - joint manifestations
symmetric, pain, stiff (morning, >1hr), motion limitation
inflam = heat, swell (spongy, soft, warm -> diff from osteoarthritis - hard), tenderness
muscle atrophy, tendon destruction, joint sublication -> bone displaced from normal joint position, decreased ROM, v painful, cant fix bc tissue erosion
advanced = deformity and disability -> joint subluxation
rheumatoid arthritis: cm - systemic
fatigue/malaise, can affect all systems depending on severity
pericarditis, myocarditis
sjorgren’s s = destruction of moisture producing glands = salivary and lacrimal (dry mouth and dry/itchy eyes)
rheumatoid nodules = immune mediated granulomas, develop around inflammed joints, SQ and firm, sometimes painful, can also be in lungs
rheumatoid arthritis: pharm
goals = relieve pain and swelling, slow/stop progression
long term drug therapy requires pt adherence: NSAIDs (immediate s relief), glucocorticoid (short term), disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs - slow/stop progression)