cardiac patho Flashcards
ischemic heart disease
CAD, stable angina, unstable angina
atherosclerosis of CA
cardiac artery branches from aorta, give heart cells oxygenated blood
become clogged due to atherosclerosis - cant feed heart cells and they die
L anterior descending artery (widow maker), feeds LV (powerhouse)
increased risk of MI but they arent the same
stable angina = lumen is smaller bc of plaque buildup so blood cant flow as freely
problems with heart
electrical (conduction)
plumbing (artery blockage, spasm, valve issues)
pump (heart muscle)
CAD: rf - non modifiable
age (oa)
fam hx (shared env exposure)
gender (m younger, F same after menopause - estrogen protects)
ethnicity (AA, hispanic, native), also death disparity
CAD: rf - modifiable
smoking - endothelial function of cells in CA, nicotine stim catecholamines to increase hld and htn risks
DM - damage increases inflam
obesity/inactivity - abd (android), increase inflam, adipokines - hormone
diet - salt, high fat, trans fat, high carb, DASH is protective
hld - high TG and LDL, low HDL (big pharm target - statins)
dep/stress and anx - systemic inflam
patho of ischemic heart problems
plumbing issue
atherosclerosis in arteries supplying myocardium = artery blockage = decreased perfusion, endothelial dysF, heart works harder to pump
endothelial dysF: vessels arent blocked but they narrow when suppose to dilate bc inappropriate hormones and chm (DM, htn, hld, smoking); worse when combined with plaque filled arteries
main S of CAD
may be asymp
as they continue to narrow, decreased BF may cause angina
MI = complete occlusion
associate s: dizzy, heart burn, irregular HR (palpitations), weakness, anx, n, cold sweat, burning sensation (chest, shoulder, abd)
stable angina
coronary BF is decreased but not completely blocked
imbalance btw O2 supply and demand
occurs on exertion and is relieved by rest (2-5 min) - mistaken for indigestion esp with large meal
chest pain
L arm, jaw, L shoulder, diaphoresis, pallor
exclude heart as cause before exploring non heart causes
chest pain - cardiac causes
pressure or tightness, diffuse/poorly localized, associated with phys exertion or other stress, relieved with rest w/n mins, prolonged s may indicate acute MI
chest pain - non cardiac causes
sharp, stabbing, focal, well localized; may be positional, spont, at rest
no predictable relation to phys exertion
may last from sec to days at a time
atypical angina in women
discomfort - hot/burn, tender
location - not always chest
other s: indigestion, heart burn, n, fatigue/weak, lightheaded, dyspnea
angina pectoris and pain with MI
arteries completely blocked
pain not brought on by exertion
radiate to neck, jaw, upper abd, shoulders, arm
not bc exertion, not relieved in 2-5 minutes, often accompanied by n/v, SOA, diaphoresis
increased r/o MI
stable angina: nc
educate - rest and relax, decrease O2 demand on heart
prevent/treat further atherosclerosis
teach about MI (dif btw stable and unstable) -> call 911 if pain not better after 5 min of rest and nitrates
heart failure: cardiomyopathy
disease that affects myocardium - heart muscle, L/R/both ventricles
usually idiopathic or - ischemia d/t cardiac disease, htn, inherited disorders, infections, toxins, myocarditis, autoimmune
lead to HF
heart failure: cardiomyopathy - types
dilated, hypertrophia, restrictive
heart failure: cardiomyopathy - dilated
ischemic, valve disease, OH and drugs, poster peripartum HF issues, infection
genetic link
leads to HF with decreased ejection fraction
heart failure: cardiomyopathy - hypertrophia
increased risk of deadly arrythmias, sudden cardiac death
ejection fraction eventually decreases
heart failure: cardiomyopathy - restrictive
ventricles become resistant to filling, muscles harden - rigid and non compliant
R sided HF, systemic congestion
amyloid disease
heart failure
problems with heart pump (muscle)
chronic progressive condition where heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet body’s needs for blood and O2
basically, heart cant keep up with workload because the muscle doesnt work or is weak
heart failure and CO: HR and SV factors
HR: only affective at increasing or changing CO btw 60-120
preload = FV, amount in LV before it squeezes, increases with HF
afterload = BP, P that heart squeezes against when contracting, increases with HF
myocardial contractility = pump muscle, decreases with HF
heart failure: patho
volume overload - fluid backup bc heart not pumping enough out
impaired ventricular filling -> ventricular filling during diastole
weak ventricular muscle
decreased ventricular contractile function -> during systole
heart failure: etiology
repeated ischemic episodes -> ischemic cardiomyopathy (unstable angina, MI, etc)
myocardial infarction +/- papillary muscle rupture
chronic htn
COPD -> pulm back up alters RV filling (RVF)
dysR -> can decrease CO, decrease perfusion to CA
valve disorders: mitral insufficiency, aortic stenosis
pulm emboli -> pulm back up alters RVF