Embryology/Histology Deck 2 Flashcards
Fertilized egg is called.
Fertilized egg after zygote up to 8 weeks is called.
After 8 weeks, embryo becomes what?
Stem cells are ________ cells that can become specialized cells.
The zygote becomes a ___________, which is a hollow ball of cells.
The blastula __________ and develops into the Gastrula.
The inner cell mass of blastocyst becomes the _______, while the outer trophoblast becomes the __________.
At 2-3 weeks you can see three germ cell layers in the Gastrula, which are?
Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
Ectoderm forms?
Outside skin, hair, nails, cornea, neural crest and neural tissues (CNS and PNS)
Mesoderm becomes what?
Middle skin: skeletal muscle, cartilage, bone, kidney, gonads, GI tract
Endoderm becomes what?
Inside skin: epithelium of GI and Respiratory, thyroid
The neural tube forms the hold in the spinal cord and the __________ in the brain.
Telencephalon becomes?
Cerebrum and basal ganglia
Diencephalon becomes?
Thalamus and hypothalamus
Mesencephalon becomes?
Part of brain stem
Rhombencephalon becomes?
Pons, cerebellum, medulla
Supportive tissue of a structure is called?
Functional tissue of a structure/organ is called?
Stains the nuclei blue?
Stains the cytoplasm red
3 things malignancies usually have in common are ?
Architectural distortion of tissue
A lot of nuclear material (blue)
Range of size and shape of nuclei
6 types of epithelial cells are?
Simple squamous (lines blood vessels and air sacs of lungs, permits exchange of nutrients) Simple cuboidal (lines kidneys, secretes and reabsorbs water and small molecules) Simple columnar (lines GI tract, absorbs nutrients, produces mucus, has goblet cells) Stratified squamous (skin, mouth, vagina, protects against abrasion, drying out, infection) Stratified cuboidal (ducts of sweat glands, secretes water and ions) Stratified columnar (lines mammary glands, epididymus, larynx, secretes mucus)
Simple squamous cells are found where?
Lungs, blood vessels
Simple cuboidal are found where?
Kidney tubules
Simple columnar are found where?
Trachea (cilia and goblet cells), digestive tract
Stratified squamous cells are found where?
Outer layer of skin
Well differentiated tumors are usually?
Well differentiated malignant tumors are?
Less aggressive
Tumor Node Metastasis classification Explain for Tumor: To Tis T1-4
To: no evidence of primary tumor
Tis: tumor in situ
T1-4 ascending degree of tumor size and involvement
TNM classification Explain for Nodes No: N1a, N2a N1b-N3b Nx
No : no abnormal regional nodes
N1a, N2a: regional nodes-no metastasis
N1b-N3b: regional lymph nodes-Mets suspected
Nx: regional nodes cannot be assessed clinically
TNM classification
Explain for Metastasis
Mo: no evidence of distant metastasis
M1-3, ascending degrees of metastatic involvement of host including distant nodes
Tumor of glandular origin
Benign tumor
Malignant tumor or epithelial origin
Malignancy of mesodermal origin, bone, muscle, fat, cartilage
Benign tumors of epithelial tissue with glandular origin
Grade IV astrocytoma is called?
Glioblastoma multiforme
Connective tissue arises from the A. Endoderm B. Mesoderm C. Ectoderm D. Neuroectoderm
B. Mesoderm
Collage and polysaccharide strands are examples of?
Fibrous connective tissue
Ligaments, tendons, fascia, elastic fibers are examples of what?
Dense connective tissue
Dispersed fibrous, elastic, and collagen supportive tissue around eyes, epiglottis are examples of ?
Loose areolar connective tissue
Which tissue is prone to marked swelling with edema, such as CHG, epiglottis is, or laryngeal edema secondary to anaphylaxis?
Loose connective/areolar tissue
This fibrous connective tissue is the main structural protein in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.
This fibrous connective tissue is an elastic protein in the extracellular matrix
Extracellular matrix is also known as the?
Scarring, pulmonary fibrosis, and liver cirrhosis are examples of what?
Fibrosis, a formation of excess fibrous connective tissue that can be benign, reactive, or pathological