Embryology & Histology Flashcards
Benign tumors tend to be (well/poorly) differentiated.
Benign tumors tend to be well differentiated
What are 3 histological characteristics of malignancies?
1) There is architectural distortion of the tissue
2) There is a lot of blue, i.e. nuclear material (hematoxylin stains the nuclei blue)
3) There is a range of size and shape of nuclei
What type of malignancy is mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a sarcoma
What does the mesoderm develop into?
- Muscle, bone, CT
- Fat
- CV system
- Lymph system
- GU tract
- Smooth muscle of GI tract
“Middle skin”
What does eosin stain for and what color will it stain?
Eosin will stain the cytoplasm red
What are TNM classification and Tumor Staging used for?
TNM classification and Tumor Staging are used in medicine to determine tx plans and predict the survival outcomes of given cancer tx.
Malignant tumors that are (well/poorly) differentiated tend to be less aggressive.
Malignant tumors that are well differentiated tend to be less aggressive
What are the differebt classes of tumors (TNM system)?
To = no evidence of primary tumor
Tis = tumor in situ
T1, T2, T3, T4 = ascending degrees of tumor and size involvement.
What does the neuroectoderm develop into?
- Neural crest and tube to form the CNS and PNS
Adult stem cells are from _______________
Various adult tissues
What does hematoxylin stain for and what color will it stain?
Hematoxylin will stain the nuclei blue
What does the endoderm develop into?
- Epithelium of the GI and respiratory tracts
- Pancreas and liver
- Thyroid
“Inside skin”
What are the different classifications of metastasis (TNM system)?
Mo = No evidence of distal metastasis
M1, M2, M3 = Ascending degrees of metastatic involvement of host including distant nodes
Name the germ cell layers formed during embryological development
- Ectoderm
- Neuroectoderm
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
What is an embryo?
- An intrauterine developing human is called an embryo up until the end of 8 weeks.
- After 8 weeks, it’s a fetus.
Malignant tumors that are poorly differentiated (loss of architecture and different size and shape of nuclei) tend to be (more/less) aggressive
Malignant tumors that are poorly differentiated tend to be more aggressive
What does the ectoderm develop into?
- Epidermis
- Epithelium of the mouth, nose, and distal rectum
- Sebaceous glands
- Hair & nails
- Lens and cornea of the eye
- Tooth enamel
“Outside skin”
What are the different classifications of nodes (TNM system)?
No = no abnormal regional nodes
N1a, N2a = regional nodes - no metastasis
N1b, N2b, N3b = regional lymph nodes - mets suspected
Nx = regional nodes cannot be assessed clinically
What is stroma?
The supportive tissue of a structure or organ
Embryonic stem cells are from __________
The inner cell mass of blastocysts
What are carcinomas? Are they benign or malignant?
- Carcinomas are malignancies of epithelial cells
- Adenocarcinomas are malignancies of epithelial cells of glandular origin
What are stem cells?
- Undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into specialized cells.
What are sarcomas?
Sarcomas are malignant tumors of mesodermal origin
What are some examples of benign tumors of mesodermal origin?
- Hamangiomas
- Uterine leiomyomas (uterine fibroids)
- Lipomas
- Fibromas
What is parenchyma?
Parenchyma is the functional tissue of a structure or organ
What are adenomas?
Adenomas are benign tumors of epithelial tissue of glandular origina