Embryology Derivations Flashcards
Outside the cement layer, a ______ gives rise to the periodontal ligament
- mesenchyme
The notochord induces the ______ to thicken forming the neural plate
- surface ectoderm
The sertoli and Leydig cells are derived from _______
- mesenchyme
From the maxillary process, paired _____ processes grow into the oronasal cavity
- mesenchymal
The remaining cells of the ______ form the pulp of the tooth
- dental papilla
The Pharyngeal, or Branchial Arches isarederived from the _______
- mesoderm and neural crest cells
The optic vesicle develops from the developing _______ as a lateral outgrowth
- forebrain (dienchephalon)
The nervous system is derived from the _______
- ectoderm
Each nasal placode of the face invaginates to form the nasal pit which excavates the ______ ventrally and communicates with the stomodeum
- mesoderm
Enamel is formed by the ameloblasts from the ________ epithelium
- inner enamel
The gubernaculum testis is a ______ condensation that extends from the gonad to the scrotal swelling
- mesenchymal
Scattered between the secretory pancreatic acini, there are groups of cells derived from the _________ that form the pancreatic islets (endocrine part)
- pancreatic diverticulum
The gastro-splenic ligament is formed by that portion of ______ and joins the spleen with the greater curvature of the stomach
- mesoderm
The dura mater of the meninges is derived from __________
- mesoderm
The Dentine is laid down by the odontoblasts which are ________
- specialized cells of the dental papilla
Two local _____ thickenings, or nasal placode of the face appear in the covering ____ of the oral depression
- ectodermal
- ectoderm
Genital (gonadal) ridge is lined by ______ epithelium which overlies a condensed mesenchyme
- coelomic
The neurohypophysis develops as a ventral downgrowth from the floor of the _________, the infundibulum
- diencephalon (neural ectoderm)
The _______ contributes to the formation of the retina and optic nerve
- neuroectoderm
The Desmocranium (vault of the cranium) is derived from the _______ surrounding the developing brain to form the meninges
- neural crest cells
Microglia (gliblasts- astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) are derived from the ________
- mesoderm
The Pharyngeal, or Branchial Pouches are derived from the _______
- endoderm
The gonadal cords break up into small clusters called follicles which contain primordial germ cells to develop the oogonia. The follicular cells are of ________
- mesenchymal origin
The remaining fibrous (sclera) and vascular (choroid) coats develop by local condensation of the _______
- mesoderm
The epithelium of the internal lining of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs is _______
- endodermal
The occular muscles of the eye are developed from the _________
- paraxial mesoderm
Kupffer cells and connective tissue of the liver are derived from _____ of the septum transversum
- mesoderm
The connective tissues components of the thyroid gland are derived from the ________
- mesoderm
CT and Muscular tissue covering of the digestive tube is derived from _______
- splanchnic mesoderm
The _______ located outside of the tooth and in contact with the root differentiate into cementoblasts which produce cementum
- mesenchymal cells