Embryology Derivations Flashcards
Outside the cement layer, a ______ gives rise to the periodontal ligament
- mesenchyme
The notochord induces the ______ to thicken forming the neural plate
- surface ectoderm
The sertoli and Leydig cells are derived from _______
- mesenchyme
From the maxillary process, paired _____ processes grow into the oronasal cavity
- mesenchymal
The remaining cells of the ______ form the pulp of the tooth
- dental papilla
The Pharyngeal, or Branchial Arches isarederived from the _______
- mesoderm and neural crest cells
The optic vesicle develops from the developing _______ as a lateral outgrowth
- forebrain (dienchephalon)
The nervous system is derived from the _______
- ectoderm
Each nasal placode of the face invaginates to form the nasal pit which excavates the ______ ventrally and communicates with the stomodeum
- mesoderm
Enamel is formed by the ameloblasts from the ________ epithelium
- inner enamel
The gubernaculum testis is a ______ condensation that extends from the gonad to the scrotal swelling
- mesenchymal
Scattered between the secretory pancreatic acini, there are groups of cells derived from the _________ that form the pancreatic islets (endocrine part)
- pancreatic diverticulum
The gastro-splenic ligament is formed by that portion of ______ and joins the spleen with the greater curvature of the stomach
- mesoderm
The dura mater of the meninges is derived from __________
- mesoderm
The Dentine is laid down by the odontoblasts which are ________
- specialized cells of the dental papilla
Two local _____ thickenings, or nasal placode of the face appear in the covering ____ of the oral depression
- ectodermal
- ectoderm
Genital (gonadal) ridge is lined by ______ epithelium which overlies a condensed mesenchyme
- coelomic
The neurohypophysis develops as a ventral downgrowth from the floor of the _________, the infundibulum
- diencephalon (neural ectoderm)
The _______ contributes to the formation of the retina and optic nerve
- neuroectoderm
The Desmocranium (vault of the cranium) is derived from the _______ surrounding the developing brain to form the meninges
- neural crest cells
Microglia (gliblasts- astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) are derived from the ________
- mesoderm
The Pharyngeal, or Branchial Pouches are derived from the _______
- endoderm
The gonadal cords break up into small clusters called follicles which contain primordial germ cells to develop the oogonia. The follicular cells are of ________
- mesenchymal origin
The remaining fibrous (sclera) and vascular (choroid) coats develop by local condensation of the _______
- mesoderm
The epithelium of the internal lining of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs is _______
- endodermal
The occular muscles of the eye are developed from the _________
- paraxial mesoderm
Kupffer cells and connective tissue of the liver are derived from _____ of the septum transversum
- mesoderm
The connective tissues components of the thyroid gland are derived from the ________
- mesoderm
CT and Muscular tissue covering of the digestive tube is derived from _______
- splanchnic mesoderm
The _______ located outside of the tooth and in contact with the root differentiate into cementoblasts which produce cementum
- mesenchymal cells
The cells of the thyroid follicles are ________
- endodermal
The caudal most part of the urogenital system is derived from _______
- ectoderm
A longitudinal diverticulum of _______ epithelial cells grows from the foregut forming the laryngo-tracheal groove
- endodermal
The striated muscles of the tongue develop from ________
- occipital myotomes (paraxial mesoderm)
The pancreas is formed by two buds originating from the gut _____ on the opposite side of the duodenum at the terminal end of the foregut
- endoderm
The Adrenal Medulla (chromaffin cells) develops from the ___________
- neural crest cells (ectoderm)
The _________ of the kidney forms the nephrogenic ridge
- intermediate mesoderm
The Pharyngeal, or Branchial Cleft is derived from the _______
- ectoderm
The epithelium lining of the neural tube is the ________
- neuroepithelium
The Viscerocranium (face and jaw) is derived from the ____________
- mesenchyme of the pharyngeal arches
The primordial germ cells (which originate from the yolk sac) migrate to the genital ridge which induces the development of the genital ridge to form the primitive sex cords in the _______
- mesenchyme
The bony labyrinth develops from the chondrification and ossification of the surrounding _______
- mesoderm
The Dental Laminal develops as a thickened ridge of the _____ along the edge of the upper and lower jaw
- oral ectoderm
The tympanic membrane is formed by the _____ of the first cleft and the _____ of the first pouch
- ectoderm
- endoderm
The Piamater and arachnoid of the meninges is derived from ____________
- neural crest cells
The Dental Papilla is formed by the mesenchyme which is of _________ origin
- neural crest
The Thyroid gland develops as a median _________ downgrowth (thyroid bud) from the floor of the pharynx
- median endodermal
The liver parenchyma (liver cords) are derived from _______
- endoderm
Primary Tissues of the Digestive tube (epithelium and glands) are derived from _______
- endoderm
The Adenohypophysis develops from _________ as a dorsal evagination, termed Rathke’s pouch
- stomodeal ectoderm
The face develops around the ______
- stomodeum
The primordial cells of the genital system originate from the _______
- yolk sac
The otic placode of the inner ear is a thickening of the ________ at the level of the _______
- surface ectoderm
- rhombencephalon
Spleen develops from the ______ of the dorsal mesogastrium
- mesoderm
The cranial part of the urogenital system is derived from ________
- intermediate mesoderm
The chondrocranium (base of the cranium) is derived from ________ and ________
- occipital somites (occipital bone)
- neural crest cells (sphenoid, ethmoid and temporal - petrous part)
The liver develops as a ventral outgrowth from the gut _______ at the terminal part of the foregut
- endoderm
The _______ epithelium of pancreatic diverticulum proliferates and branches to form the secretory pancreatic acini (exocrine part)
- endodermal
The otic placode of the inner ear invaginates and detaches from the _______ to form the otic vesicle, or otocyst
- surface ectoderm
After the detachment of the lens vesicle, the _______ is reconstituted to form the corneal epithelium
- surface ectoderm
Ridges of _____ proliferate on both sides of the laryngo-tracheal groove and form the tracheo-esophageal septum
- mesenchyme
The middle part of the urogenital system is derived from _________
- endoderm
The Rostral (2/3) body of the tongue is lined by ________
- stomodeal ectoderm
The cartilaginous and muscular component of the respiratory system is derived from the _________
- splanchnic mesoderm surrounding the mesoderm
The smooth muscle of the iris develops from the _____ at the margin of the optic cup
- ectoderm
The Adrenal Cortex develops from the __________
- intermediate mesoderm
The Tunica Albuginea develops by a distinct __________
- mesenchymal sheet
The optic vesicle makes contact with the ______ and induces it to thicken and form the lens placodes
- “overlying” (surface) ectoderm
The connective tissue capsule and ligaments of the liver are derived from the __________
- splanchnic mesoderm
________ in the rostral midline of the medial nasal process forms the medial palatine process which becomes the primary palate
- mesenchymal cells
The external genitalia develops from thickenings of the ventral part of the _________
- proctodeal ectoderm
the _______ contributes to the formation of the lens, lacrimal gland, corneal and conjunctival epithelium
- surface ectoderm
The frontal process of the face appears as a result of the growth of the ______ around the forebrain
- mesenchymal cells
The (caudal 1/3) root of the tongue is lined by _______
- endoderm
The membranous labyrinth is formed by the otic vesicle and is therefore of ________ origin
- surface ectoderm
Hepatocytes are derived from the ___________
- endoderm