Digestive System Flashcards
Portal vein
- brings blood from the intestine and carries absorbed food
Hepatic artery
- supplies the oxygenated blood
Blood supply to the Liver
- Portal vein and Hepatic Artery
- Hepatic Sinusoids
- Central vein
- Hepatic Vein
5 Caudal Vena Cava
Layers of the Cheeks
- Outer skin
- Middle muscular Layer (buccinator muscle)
- Internal Mucosa
Chief Cells
- secrete pepsinogen
- pepsinogen transformed into pepsin by HCl
Peyers Patches
- found in the submucosa of the small intestine
- particularly the ileum
Peyers Patches
- large aggregated lymphatic nodules
- polyhedral cells with 3 surfaces
Hepatocytes surfaces
- Microvillus
- Canalicular
- Contact surface
Microvillus surface
- faces the perisinusoidal space
Canalicular surface
- borders the bile canaliculi
Contact surface
- between the adjacent hepatocytes
- opposed cells membranes may have gap junctions and desmosomes
Lips Mucosa lined by:
- stratified squamous epithelium
Ruminants and Horses
- Lips Mucosa: Stratified squamous keratinized
Carnivore and Pigs
- Lips Mucosa: Stratified squamous non-keratinized
Cheeks Mucosa is lined by:
- stratified squamous which may or may not be keratinized
Cheek Mucosa in Ruminants
- Mucosa is studded with conical buccal papillae
- lamina muscularis is thick and complete in the small intestine
- numerous transverse ridges in the hard palate
Palatine Glands
- gland located in the caudal part of the hard palate
Buccal Glands
- gland located in the propriasubmucosa of the cheeks
Labial Gland
- gland located in the propriasubmucosa of the lips
Dental Pad
- found in ruminants
- heavily keratinized stratified squamous epithelium overlying a thick layer of dense irregular CT
Soft Palate lined by:
- stratified squamous epithelium
Pigs and Horses
- palantine tonsils
- derived from the soft palate
Cow Hard Palate
- Dental Pad
- Buccal Papillae
- Palatine Raphe
- Rugae
Dog Hard Palate
- Rugae
2. Soft Palate
Functions of the Tongue
1. eating, drinking, vocalization 2. muscular and mobile 3. epithelial specializations 4. sensitive and highly innervated 5. contains chemoreceptor sites 6. thermoregulation
- muscular organ covered by a mucosa
Tongue is lined by
- stratified squamous epithelium
- keratinized on the dorsal surface
- nonkeratinized on the ventral surface
Intrinsic Lingual Muscle of the Tongue
- bundles of skeletal muscle
- arranged in a longitudinal, transverse and perpendicular direction
Lingual Papillae
- on the dorsal surface of the tongue
- serve either a mechanical or gustatory function
Mechanical Lingual Papillae
- Filiform
- Conical
- Lenticular
Gustatory Lingual Papillae
- Fungiform
- Vallate
- Foliate
Mechanical Lingual Papillae
- facilitate the movement of ingesta
- all keratinized stratified squamous
Gustatory Lingual Papillae
- have taste buds
- all nonkeratinized stratified squamous
- devoid of hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands
Filiform Papillae
- slender, thread-like structures that project above the surface of the tongue
Filiform Papillae Species Differences: 1.Ruminants and Cats 2. Horses
- filiform papillae is very well developed
- filiform papillae is very fine keratinized threads
Conical Papillae
- in dogs, cats and pigs located on the root of the tongue
- in ruminants located on the torus linguae
Lenticular Papillae
- flattened, lens shaped projection
- present on the torus liguae of ruminants
Fungiform Papillae
- mushroom shaped
- contains taste buds on the upper surface
Horse and Cow
- in fungiform papillae taste buds are sparse
Sheep and pig
- in fungiform papillae taste buds are more numerous
Carnivores and Goats
- in fungiform papillae taste buds are abundant
Vallate Papillae
- numerous taste buds occur in the epithelium on the papillary side of its sulcus
Foliate Papillae
- taste buds are located on the sides of the folds
Vallate Papillae
- large, flattened structures completely surrounded by an epithelium lined
Foliate Papillae
- they are parallel folds of the lingual mucosa located on the caudo-lateral margin of the tongue
- the foliate papillae is absent
- the foliate papillae is rudimentary
- no taste buds
Taste Buds
- consists of a cluster of spindle-shaped epithelial cells that extend from the BM to a small opening, the taste pore, at the epithelial surface
3 Types of Taste Bud Cells
- Sustentacular Cells
- Gustatory Cells
- Basal Cells
Non-myelinated afferent nerve fibers (taste receptors)
- closely associated with the gustatory cells
- a cordlike structure present in the tongue of carnivores
Torus Linguae
- a large prominence on the caudal part of the dorsal surface of the ruminant tongue
Dorsal Lingual Cartilage
- a mid-dorsal fibroelastic cord with hyaline cartilage
- present inside the tongue of horses
Highly Mineralized Structure (outer part)
- Enamel
- Dentine
- Cementum
- produced by ameloblasts
- hardest structure in the body
Enamel Composition
- 99% mineral (hydroxyaptite)
- 1% organic matter
- produced by odontoblasts
Dentine Composition
- 70% Minerals
- > mainly hydroxyapatite, some carbonate, magnesium and fluoride
- 30% Organic material
- > mainly collagen fibrils and glycoprotein
- resembles bone
Cementum Composition
- lamellae oriented parallel to the surface of the tooth
- cementoytes occupy the lacunae
Cemento-alveolar (sharpey’s) fibers
- bundles of collagen fibers
- form the peridontal ligament
Peridontal ligament
- anchors the tooth in the alveolus (to bone)
Pulp Cavity (central part)
- Dental Pulp
- A core of CT
- Blood vessels and nerves
Brachydont Teeth
- short and cease to grow after eruption is complete
- have a crown, neck and root
Brachydont Teeth Species
- all teeth of carnivores
- incisors of ruminants
Hypsodont Teeth
- much longer and grow throughout life
- do not have a crown or neck
- both cementum and enamel cover the length of the tooth
Hypsodont Teeth Species
- cheek teeth in ruminants
- all permanent teeth in horses
- incisors/canines of pigs and elephants
Major Salivary Glands
- Parotid
- Mandibular
- Sublingual
- Zygomatic (carnivores)
Parotid Salivary Gland
- predominantly serous
- compound acinar gland
- occasionally isolated mucous secretory units may occur in dogs and cats
Mandibular Salivary Gland
- seromucous
- compound tubuloacinar gland
- predominance of mucous acini and serous demilune
- Cells of the mucous secretory unit are filled with mucinogen
Cells of the mucous secretory Unit
- are filled with mucinogen
Sublingual Salivary Gland
- seromucous
- compound tubuloacinar gland