Embryo Digestive System and Respiratory Flashcards
Primary Tissues of the digestive tube are derived from the _______
- endoderm
Connective and muscular tissue covering are derived from the ______
- splanchnic mesoderm
A portion of the endoderm-lined yolk sac cavity forms the ________
- primitive gut
The primitive gut is formed as a result of ______ and _______ folding
- longitudinal and transverse
The cephalic part of the primitive gut forms the ______
- foregut
The caudal part of the primitive gut forms the ________
- hindgut
The midgut of the primitive gut remains temporally connected to the yolk sac by means of the _________
- vitelline duct or yolk stalk
At the cranial most end of the foregut, a _______ develops
- stomodeum
The _______ extends from the oral opening to the buccopharyngeal membrane
- stomodeum
At the caudal end of the hindgut an ectodermal depression known as the ________ develops
- proctodeum
The _____ is in between the cranial and caudal intestinal portal
- midgut
The _____ develops into the cranial part of the duodenum
- foregut
The ____ develops into the mouth
- stomodeum
The _____ extends from the buccopharyngeal membrane to the cranial intestinal portal
- foregut
The _____ is from the caudal intestinal portal to the cloacal membrane
- hindgut
The _____ is from the cloacal membrane to the external opening
- proctodeum
The _____ develops into the caudal part of the duodenum
- midgut
The _______ and _______ contribute to the formation of the duodenum
- foregut (cranial part)
- midgut (caudal part)
The _____ forms the caudal part of the colon and the rectum
- hindgut
The _____ forms the cranial part of the colon
- midgut
The ______ and ______ contribute to the formation of the colon
- midgut (cranial part)
- hindgut (caudal part)
The ________ forms the anal canal and the anus
- proctodeum
The ______ side of the stomach grows faster than the _____ side which forms the greater and lesser curvatures respectively
- dorsal
- ventral
The first rotation (cranio-caudal) of the stomach shifts the greater curvature to the ______
- left
The second rotation (dorso-ventral), shifts the caudal end of the stomach to the ______ side and ______
- right
- cranially
The ______ develops from the mesoderm of the dorsal mesogastrium
- spleen
The ______ and ______ curvatures of the ruminant stomach are the dorsal and ventral curvatures respectively
- greater
- lesser
The ______ develops as an outgrowth of the dorsal surface of the fundus
- rumen
The _______ develops as a left ventral bulge at the origin of the rumen
- reticulum
The ______ develops from the lesser curvature
- omasum
The ______ is formed by the lower part of the corpus and the pyloric part of the simple stomach
- abomasum
The _______ is formed from the central axis
- gastric groove
The ________ develops into the four compartments of the ruminant stomach
- central axis
In a ______ calf the rumen and reticulum are equal to half the abomasum
- a new-born calf
In an _______ calf the rumen and reticulum are equal to the abomasum
- eight week old
In an _______ calf the rumen and reticulum are double the abomasum
- 12 week old
The ______ chamber makes up the majority of the ruminant stomach
- rumen
The ______ limb of the loop (midgut) develops into the distal part of the duodenum, jejunum and part of the ileum
- cranial
The _____ limb of the loop (midgut) develops into the lower part of the ileum, the cecum, the ascending colon, and part of the transverse colon
- Caudal
In the ____ and ____ the ascending colon is a short and straight tube followed by a transverse and descending colon
- dog and cat
In _____ and ______ the spiral loop is more variable, but usually forms three centripetal and three centrifugal turn
- sheep and goat
In ______ the ascending colon forms two limbs the ventral and dorsal ascending colon
- equine
In the ____ the ascending colon develops into the centripetal and centrifugal coils
- pigs
In the subdivision of the cloaca at the junction of the _____ and _______, the endoderm and surrounding mesenchyme thickens and forms the _________
- hindgut
- allantois
- urorectal septum
The proximal part of the _____ and cranial portion of the _______ ______ together enlarge to form the _______
- allantois
- urogenital sinus
- bladder
The ____ blood supply is the celiac artery
- foregut
The ________ blood supply is the cranial mesenteric artery
- midgut
The _______ blood supply is the caudal mesenteric artery
- hindgut
intestinal ______ (local narrowing) and ______ (closure) occurs in puppies, kittens, foals and calves
- stenosis
- atresia
_______ (imperforate anus) is the failure of the anal membrane to break down. Species
- Atresia ani
- calves and pigs
_______ are abnormalities in the development of the urorectal septum that permits communication between the rectum and the urogenital sinus. Ingesta in urine. Species
- urorectal fistula
- calves
_______ is persistence of the vitello-intestinal duct. Species .
- Meckel’s diverticulum
- horses and pigs
__________ (situs invertus) is when the body organs develop opposite to their normal position
- counter- rotation of the gut
______ is failure of retraction of the midgut loop and produces a congenital hernia
- omphalocele
__________ is when the urachus remains open and urine is excreted from this tube at the umbilicis
- patent urachus, or urachal fistula
The ______ develops as a hepatic bud, or diverticulum
- liver
The diverticulum of the liver develops into the pars _____ and pars _______
- hepatica
- cystica
The pars _______ develops into the liver parenchyma (liver cords) and hepatic ducts
- hepatica
The pars ______ develops into the gall bladder and cystic duct. Absent in ______
- cystica
- horses
The epithelial liver cords and the vitelline veins form the ______
- hepatic sinusoids
The liver cords differentiate into ______
- hepatocytes
Hepatocytes are derived from _____
- endoderm
Kupffer cells and connective tissue cells are derived from _________ of the septum transversum
- splanchnic mesoderm
The cystic duct joins the hepatic duct to form the _______
- bile duct
The _______ opens into the duodenum at the major duodenal papilla
- bile duct
The CT capsule and ligaments of the liver are derived from __________ ______
- splanchnic mesoderm
The ______ pancreatic bud forms the left lobe of the pancreas
- dorsal
The _____ pancreatic bud forms the right lobe of the pancreas
- ventral
Species Differences in Pancreatic Duct
- Memorize chart
The respiratory diverticulum (lung bud) appears as an outgrowth from the ventral wall of the _______
- foregut
The epithelial lining of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs is _________
- endodermal
The cartilaginous and muscular components of the respiratory system are derived from ________
- the splanchnic mesoderm
The laryngotracheal groove later becomes the _______
- tracheo-esophageal septum
The tracheo-esophageal septum divides the foregut into the dorsal and ventral _______
- esophagus
The dorsal esophagus will become the _______
- the laryngo-tracheal tube
The ventral esophagus will become the _______
- lung bud
In ________ and ______ a tracheal bronchus develops on the right side
- ruminants and pigs
Alveoli produce a phospho-lipoprotein called _______
- surfactant
Cessation of the umbilical blood flow at birth results in a rapid _____ in Oxygen and ______ in carbon dioxide in the blood
- decrease
- increase
___________ is a primary defect in cartilage morphogesis in the english bull dog
- tracheal hypoplasia or tracheal stenosis
_____________ is the improper separation of the caudal portion of the laryngotracheal groove from the foregut
- tracheo-esophageal fistula
________ is the inability of the alveolar epithelial cells to produce enough surfactant to prevent collapse of the alveoli
- respiratory distress syndrome
During respiratory distress syndrome, seizing is common in ______. Often during the onset of a seizure they may make barking sounds which is called ________ ________ ________
- foal
- Barker Foal syndrome
The mesenchymal tissue surrounding each common cardinal vein is the _________ _____
- pleuropericardial fold
The pleuropericardial fold grow medially and fuse, forming the ________ ________
- pleuropericardial septum
In the _________ the ascending colon develops an elongated loop which grows and forms the proximal loops of the colon, the spiral loops of the colon and the distal loops of the colon
- ruminants