Development of the Pharynx + Thyroid Gland Flashcards
Which arch forms the hyoid apparatus (in part) and the stapes?
- Second, or Hyoid Pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the muscles of mastication and digastricus (in part)?
- the first, or mandibular pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the vagus and medullary part of the accessory nerve (XI) innervation?
- the fourth pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the mandible (in part), the malleus and the incus?
- the first, or mandibular pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms most laryngeal cartilages?
- the fourth pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the facial nerve (VII) innervation?
- the second, or hyoid pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V) innervation?
- the first, or mandibular pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the pharyngeal muscles (in part)?
- the third pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) innervation?
- the third pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles?
- this fourth pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the muscles of the facial expression, digastricus (in part) and stapedius
- the second, or hyoid pharyngeal/branchial arch
Which arch forms the hyoid apparatus (remaining part)?
- the third pharyngeal/branchial arch
The pharyngeal arches are derived from ___________
- mesoderm and neural crest
The pharyngeal clefts are derived from _______
- ectoderm
The pharyngeal pouches are derived from _________
- endoderm
The _________ is derived from the first pharyngeal cleft
- external acoustic meatus
The cervical sinus is derived from the _________ pharyngeal cleft
- 2, 3, 4th
The tonsillar fossa is derived from the _____ pharyngeal pouch
- 2nd
The parathyroid and thymus is derived from the _____ pharyngeal pouch
- 3rd
The tympanic cavity and auditory tube is derived from the ______ pharyngeal poucb
- 1st
The parathyroid and ultimobranchial body (parafollicular cells) is derived from the _______
- 4th
The thyroid bud is a downgrowth of the _____ pharynx
- endodermal
The Thyroid follicles are derived from ______
- endoderm
The connective tissue of the thyroid is derived from _______
- mesoderm