Embalming Process (test 2- mors 113) Flashcards
- Wear double latex or nitril gloves and special clothing in the preparation room.
- Wear only the type of lab smock or other protective clothing that is disinfected and laundered.
- Wear protective eye cover.
- Three hepatitis shots are required
Universal Precautions - Protect the Operator (PPE)
This may include a full gown or body suit with protective impermeable apron, special shoes with covers, head cover, oral-nasal mask and formaldehyde respirator.
Wear double latex or nitril gloves and special clothing in the preparation room.
Disposable lab clothing is even better
- Example: Washable full face masks and goggles. The primary objective is to filter airborne bacteria.
Wear only the type of lab smock or other protective clothing that is easily disinfected and laundered.
Full face shield, to guard against spashing of the eyes.
Wear protective eye cover.
In the late 1970’s to 1980’s, embalmers would not serve or would charge extra for AIDS cases.
Prior to Universal Precautions
Emaciation is a characteristic of this.
This lives outside of the body for two weeks.
The person tends to get very sick, then better due to bacterial going into a spore state. This occurs in HIV cases more often (weaker).
Latex or nitril gloves and apron, rubber head block, arterial tubes, aneurysm hooks, hemostat, nasal aspirator, needle injector, brass wire, needles, scalpel, scissors, curved and straight forceps, spatula, ligature thread, vein tube drains.
Gather the necessary instruments from the lab cabinet.
- Use germicidal soap
- Use lukewarm or cold, but not hot water because hot water damages tissues.
- Shave the face of both men and women- may require permission from the PRD
- Wash and aspirate the inner mouth and nose.
- Wash hair, check for lice.
- Remove and clean dentures.
- Clean finger nails.
Sanitize Remains
Shave with the hair, not against it.
Shaving the Remains (with permission from the PRD)
- Flex the facial muscles
- Flex cheeks, jaws, and neck
- Flex arm at shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers.
- Flex leg at hip, knee, foot
- Alleviate by flexing as much rigor mortis as possible.
- Position the body the way you want it to appear in the casket.
Position The Remains
Flex all four at the same time, or risk breaking them.
Flexing the Fingers
Using these guides to indicate the proper point, make a three-inch incision though the skin and superficial fascia with a sharp scalpel.
Anatomical and Linear Guides
The separation and pushing aside of the superficial fascia leading to blood vessels and the deep fascia surrounding blood vessels, utilizing manual techniques or round ended instruments which separate rather than cut the protective tissues.
Blunt Dissection
For finding the carotid artery, separate the fascia _________, not against it.
With the Incision
An incision that is three inches on the surface but only one inch at the deepest point.
- A common error of the novice embalmer.
Incorrectly Dissected Incision
Results from a failure to adequately separate the fat and fascia by dissection to the full extent of the superficial incision.
Improperly Dissected Incision
A limited working space at the bottom of the incision and a danger that the vessels might be broken as they are drawn up though an opening of small dimension.
The result of an improperly dissected incision
The fat and deep fascia are separated by _________, using aneeurysm hooks or fingertips, to expose vessels and nerves.
- The student must be careful not to rupture any vessels especially when using aneurysm hooks.
Blunt Dissection
Separate the _____ from the accompanying veins, nerves, and fascia.
Use aneurysm hooks to clean excess _____ from the vessels.
After you raise the artery and/or vein from a clear and open incision, place the handle of the aneurysm hook or bone separator ______________.
Under the Vessel
Make ligature by cutting a piece of ligature into an _____ inch length (or lengths of the same size).
By using ______, insert under the artery and/or the vein two ligatures superior and inferior approximately one inch apart.
Curved Forceps
The primary objective of this is the make the incision large enough to easily admit a cannula tube in the artery or a drain tube in the vein.
Incising The Vessel