elizabeth’s reign 1558-1570 Flashcards
what was elizabeth’s religion?
she was a moderate protestant, maintaining some vestiges of the old catholic doctrine
what were some of elizabeth’s catholic beliefs and actions?
•she approved of church music
•she accepted salvation by faith
•she did not challenge the structure of the bishops
•she wanted to keep catholic vestments
what were some of elizabeth’s protestant beliefs/ actions?
•supported royal supremacy
•believed that church services should be in english
•was against superstition, the use of icons and decorations in churches
•accepted salvation by faith
•the act of uniformity
•the book of common prayer
what year did elizabeth come to the throne?
how old was elizabeth when she became queen?
which one of henry’s wives was elizabeth close to?
catherine parr
who became archbishop of canterbury after Pole?
Matthew Parker
at the start of elizabeth’s reign how many protestant exiles return?
two examples of extreme protestants
john knox and richard cox
what is a fancy term for the protestant leaders who returned?
protestant émigrés
what type of regime did john knox want?
he favoured the establishment of a Calvinist community
what did richard cox want?
an english system based on the edwardian prayer book (2nd)
what were Matthew Parker’s religious views?
he was dismissive of the catholic doctrine yet catholic people still trusted him
who were the two catholics in elizabeth’s privy council and what did they support?
they had been supportive of the catholic liturgy but not of the restoration of papal authority
what were visitation?
they were designed to enforce the elizabethan settlement and see that it was being upholded
what were the problems with the visitations?
they were carried out by radical protestants who were strict and carried out iconoclasm (destroying images ect) as they went
•questioned elizabeth’s control
what did elizabeth demand in terms of altars?
she demands that all churches should have a crucifix on the altar
what was the reaction to elizabeth’s demands to put a crucifix on the altar?
bishops jewel and grindal threatened to resign
how did elizabeth respond to bishops jewel and grindal?
elizabeth backs down, further questioning her authority
when were the advertisements?
what were the advertisements?
a statement of what was expected of the clergy under the elizabethan settlement (eg what clothes they should wear)
when were the advertisements objected?
•march 1566- Lambeth Palace
•out of 110 clergy, 37 refused the compromised option of the outfits
how many members of clergy refused to wear the compromised clergy dress?
what were created as an argument against the clergy dress?
pamphlets were spread opposing them
who had to work out the advertisement problem?
elizabeth refused to act and left matthew parker to deal with it
who were the protestant threats in europe?
the puritans and anabaptists, who rejected the monarch and believed the congregation should be in charge
how was the protestant laity a threat in europe?
refusing to pay tithes in europe (not so much in england but it was still a threat)
who were catholic dissidents?
people who remained loyal to catholic beliefs but nevertheless attend the anglican church
what are recusants?
catholics who refused to attend the church and believed in papal authority, priests who adhered to the catholic doctrine/ liturgy
how did St Swine’s church protest?
they hung a ‘catholic’ banner in remembrance of the prayer book rebellion
how did some churches oppose the elizabethan settlement?
they continued catholic practices, like mass
how did most catholics respond to the elizabethan settlement?
many catholics conformed
what were the legal consequences of refusing to swear the oath of supremacy twice?
you would be killed
what did elizabeth say to matthew parker about swearing the oath of supremacy?
she asked parker not to ask people a second time so that no one would be killed for refusing
when did mary queen of scot’s flee to england?
reasons why protestants were more of a problem for the elizabethan regime
•bishops jewel and grindal
•opposition to the advertisements
•puritans and adabaptists
•visitations going too far
reasons why catholics were the biggest problem for the elizabethan regime
•large parts of the country retained old catholic ways
•st swines church had a catholic banner symbolising the catholic protest
•elizabeth didn’t properly enforce her settlement
•matthew parker asked not to ask the laity to swear the oath a second time
•catholic powers, excommunication could lead to potential invasion
what were some examples of things elizabeth wanted priests to wear?
the surplice, alb, chasuble, cope and biretta
what were the events at lambeth palace called?
the vestiarian controversy
who was william wall and what did he do?
william wall continued catholic mass in preston in the north- shows that priests in the north didn’t always follow elizabeth’s instructions
why was mary queen of scot’s a threat to elizabeth?
•she had a claim to the english throne
•she had made claims and there had been a potential marriage between her and prince edward
•she was a catholic and had the potential to attract support from those who wanted a catholic monarch
why did elizabeth decide not to marry?
•she could not find someone to benefit her politically
•saw the reaction to her sister (Mary’s) marriage
why did some courtiers promote Mary queen of scot’s cause?
•they wanted Mary to marry the duke of norfolk, and they would produce an heir for elizabeth
•solving the succession crisis
what did the pope say about all the evils of the world?
‘all the evils of the world are due to lukewarm catholics’
what year did mary queen of scot’s flee to england?
may 1568
what year was the marriage between the duke of norfolk and mary proposed?
september 1569
when was the revolt of the northern earls?
november 1569
when was the execution of those involved in the rebellion?
january 1570
which pope excommunicated elizabeth?
pope pius V
when did pope pius V excommunicate elizabeth?
july 1570
when was the earl of northumberland executed?
june 1572
what two things were elizabeth’s court and parliament committed to doing?
•modernising policies of a protestant reform
•centralised government
who were the two most powerful catholic northern earls?
who was william cecil?
elizabeth’s main advisor
what did cecil think about the marriage between norfolk and marry?
•he opposed it
•elizabeth pardons cecil and sides with him
what three things did elizabeth’s settlement combine?
•henry VIII’s break from the authority of the papacy
•the establishment of the Erastian church
•the protestant doctrine of the early years of Edward VI’s reign
what did the protestant emigres/ leaders want to remove?
the whole hierarchy of the church, including the bishops
when was the act of supremacy?
what did the act of supremacy name elizabeth as?
‘Supreme Governor’ of the church, rather than the head
when was elizabeth’s book of common prayer released?
what was elizabeth’s book of common prayer like?
it did not return to the radical 1552 version and allowed priests and laymen to believe in transubstantiation if they wanted
elizabeth insisted she did not want to…
‘make windows into men’s souls’
what year was her act of uniformity?
what came under the 1559 act of uniformity?
it insisted on conformity, all must attend church every sunday
what were people called who did not attend church?
how much were people fined for not attending church?
one shilling