Elizabeth's foreign policy 1558-1573 Flashcards
What and when was the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis?
1559- France keep Calais for 8 years then return it to England if peace has been maintained. If they don’t return it they pay England £125,000.
When did Liz lose Calais for good and what did this do for her and the relationship with France?
1564- this made her more cautious as she’d had a big scare. Her relationship with France improved though as the presence of Catherine de Medici- mother to the French King and previous wife of Henry II- as she kept the Guises out of power
Who tried to attack the Huguenots in 1562?
Duke of Guise
Who was the Huguenot leader Liz made deals with?
Prince of Conde
What was Elizabeth’s deal with the Huguenots?
6,000 men and a £30,000 loan in return for temporary control at the port of Le Havre
Which nobles pressured Liz to assist the Huguenots?
Dudley and Throckmorton.
Which noble faction did Mary Stuart bring to France through her marriage to Francis II? Who were they and what did they want?
The Guise family. They were fiercely Catholic people who wanted to use Scotland as an instrument of French policy.
What happened to the Huguenot army and how did this impact Liz?
The Huguenot army was defeated and the Prince of Conde was captured. Luckily for them, the Duke of Guise was assassinated so both sides had no leader. They joined forces and drove the English out of Le Havre.
What and when was the Treaty of Troyes?
1564- Lost Calais forever as terms of Cateau-Cambresis had been broken.
How did the Treaty of Troyes impact England and Elizabeth personally?
England- Proved good in the long-term because no worry about the financial burden of upkeeping the garrison in Calais
Elizabeth- knocked her pride substantially. Made her more reluctant to help Protestants in Europe.
Why did relations between France and England improve after 1564?
Catherine de Medici in power= no Guises in power.
When did France finally abandon the idea of putting MQS on the English throne?
What and when was the Treaty of Blois?
1572- Catherine de Medici (France) and Liz forge an alliance against Spain
Where did the French send their troops in 1560 and who did this freak out?
They sent troops to some Scottish garrisons. This freaked out John Knox and the Scottish Lords of Congregation
What religion was John Knox?
He was a radical Calvinist (Protestant)
Why did Liz hate John Knox?
He had published a pamphlet in 1558 that argued biblically against women in power
Which councillor persuaded Liz to help the Scottish Prots and how?
William Cecil- he played on her insecurities about MQS/her husband Francis and also threatened to resign
Where did Liz send her navy in Dec 1559?
She sent them to blockade Firth of Forth in Scotland to help John Knox and the Protestant lords
What and when was the Treaty of Berwick?
1560- Offered unconditional support to the Scottish Protestants. An army was sent North following this, and the French troops were withdrawn. The Lords were accepted as Scottish government.
Who led a coup and took control of Scots and when? What happened as a result? Hint: this is when the Lords of Congregation are in control
1567- Moray, who btw is pro-English.
MQS fled to England, which set off the Northern rebellion and excommunication nonsense
When was Moray assassinated and what did this cause?
1570- Scottish civil war
How did Liz intervene in the Scottish civil war? How did this go for them?
Sent Sussex and troops to Scotland , which looked successful but wasn’t. They moved to Edinburgh= overt Protestant support. Had to withdraw when France threatened war. (1570)
How did Liz intervene with Scotland in 1572?
She helped stop the Earl of Morton become regent. She established Protestant regent council for baby King James VI.
How many times had Liz intervened with the Scottish civil war and what did this mean for the future of her foreign policy?
4- this meant she’d have to do some serious relationship work with France and Spain because she had helped the Prots an awful lot. Domestic and foreign policy were becoming intertwined as a result of MQS.