EKG Basics Flashcards
The vertical axis of an EKG strip measures?
measure voltage in millimeters (mm) or Millivolts (mV)
The horizontal axis of an EKG strip measures?
measures units of time in milliseconds
Each vertical small box of an EKG represents how many mm/mV?
1 mm or 0.1 mV
Each horizontal small box of an EKG represents how much time?
40 milliseconds (msec) or .04 sec
What is the lead marker on an EKG strip?
straight vertical line that indicates every 3 seconds
What is the standardization bar on an EKG strip?
Found on the fore most left of the strip and indicates the EKG machine is properly calibrated
Specifications of the standardization bar indicating the EKG machine is properly calibrated?
- 10 mm tall or 2 large squares high
- 0.20 sec or 1 large square wide
Each vertical large box of an EKG represents how many mm/mV?
5 mm/0.5 mV or 5 small boxes
Each horizontal large box of an EKG represents how many msecs?
0.20 secs or 200 milliseconds
The limb leads of an EKG shows the activity of which part of the heart?
the frontal plane, from top to bottom
Which EKG leads are limb leads?
- I, II, III
- aVR, aVL, aVF
- are bipolar leads
The precordial or chest leads of an EKG show which the activity of which part of the heart?
activity of the horizontal plane from front to back
Which EKG leads are precordial or chest leads?
V-leads (V1 - V6)
What is the Isoelectric line on an EKG?
Baseline of an EKG and is the straight line before the the p-wave
What is the J-Point of an EKG?
The point marking the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment at the isoelectric line