EDUCATION: Ethnicity and education - Internal factors (institutional racism - Assessment & access to opportunities + New IQism) Flashcards
- Gillborn - What does he say about assessments and give an example to prove this and explain how it supports his statement
- Sandess + Horn
GILLBORN: ‘assessment game’ is rigged to validate the dominant cultures superiority
- E.G. baseline assessments were changed to FSP and black children began doing worse than white children
- The FSP is based on teacher judgement and a change of timing from primary to end of reception year
SANDESS + HORN: When teachers assessed work more rather than written exams, the gap between scores of ethnic minorities widened
Access to opportunities - Gifted and talented programme (What was it) Gillborn - - Exam tiers Tikly Et Al Strand
GIFTED + TALENTED: Created with aim of more able pupils in innovative programmes
GILLBORN: Shows how whites are over 2x as likely to be gifted than Black Caribbean’s and are 5x more likely than Black Africans
TIKLY ET AL: Despite am ‘aim higher’ programme to raise Black Caribbean achievement, blacks were still more likely to be entered in low tier GCSES as they were in lower sets
STRAND: Found White-black achievement gap in maths and science
- Ethnic differences in entry to test tiers reflect teachers expectations leading to self-fulfilling prophecy
The new IQism
- What is it
Teachers and police makers make false assumptions about the nature of pupils ability / potential =once a pupils potential has been measured, they ca be put into the ‘right’ set or stream
The new IQism
- Gillborn - What does he say about tests
GILLBORN: Believes all a test can do it tell us what a person has learnt already or can do now, not what they may be able to do in the future - like a driving test