economy essay plans Flashcards
How successful was Nazi economic policy in years 1933-39?
- high unemployment levels + lack consumer goods = economy cannot develop
- Aims: restore consumer economy + prepping economy for total war
- NOT SUCCESSFUL in long term - economy began to recover from depression - long term ‘total war’ unattainable
p1-surface success - boosted unemployment rates
-restablish domestically
-schact public work schemes5.6 million –> 1.6 million
‘strength through joy campaign’ - gain cars + holidays workers
-CA- did not account women + agricultural
-1936 legislation 10% uni to women
-BUT short term consumer boost allowed Short term success in recovery
p2 surface level successs of 4 yr plan (rearmament)
-Pro- 100,000 → 1.4 million men
46 billion marks - take money + resources from other areas
CA - schact ‘ not long term stability but gearing towards war’
→ public response- wage reductions + ban bonuses = increased absenteeism -> banned holidays + increase working hours → army conscription
-relied on foreign for 1/3 raw materials when water broke out
p3- surface success of new plan 1934
-priority to heavy industry control trade
-bilateral trade argmt.s with balkans e.g. Yugoslavia ensure control
-indutrial production up 60%
CA- disguised gov spending w/ mefo bills - hid weak structure