E1: Book Wrap-up Flashcards
ppl to inspect and report on the content of their own thoughts
Psychologist associated with introspection
idea that conscious experience can be broken down into its basic underlying components
Psychologist associated with structuralism
approach concerned with function of mind and behavior
Psychologist associated with functionalism
Evolutionary Theory
inherited, adaptive value of physical characteristics, of mental activity and of behavior
Psychologist associated with the evolutionary theory
Gestalt Theory
idea that the whole of personal experience is different from simply the sum of its constituent elements
Psychologist associated with the gestalt theory
Directionality Problem
find correlation between two variables but can’t figure out what variable caused the other variable to change
Cross-sectional Studies
compares participants from different groups at the same time
Longitudinal studies
studies the same participants multiple times over a period of time
Hawthorne effect
(aka - Reactivity) the participant will answer or do things differently/better because they know they are being watched/observed
Case Studies
involve the intense examination of unusual ppl or organizations
Self-report bias
collection of data where ppl are asked to provide information about themselves (ex. questionnaires/surveys)
combination of multiple studies findings to arrive at a conclusion
Connection within neurons is…
Connection between neurons is…
a property of the brain that allows it to change as a result of experience, drugs, or injury
Visual Agnosia
impairment in recognition of visually presented objects
patients fail to notice anything on their left side
Wernicke’s Aphasia
inability to use or understand more than the most basic nouns and verbs
Broca’s Aphasia
expression by speech or writing is severely impaired