Dyslipidemia Flashcards
LDL Formula
TC - HDL - (TG/5)
Drugs that Raise LDL/TG
- Diuretics
- Efavirenz
- Steroids
- Immunosuppressants (tacrolimus/cyclosporine)
- Atypical antipsychotics
- Protease Inhibitors
Drugs that raise LDL Only
Fish Oils
Drugs that Raise TG Only
- IV Lipid emulsions
- Propofol
- Bile Acid Sequestrants (~5%)
Indications for High Intensity Statin
- Clinical ASCVD (CHD, stroke, TIA, PAD)
- LDL >= 190
- Diabetes between 40-75 yo with LDL 70-189 and multiple ASCVD risk factors
- Age 40-75 yo with LDL 70-189 and 10-yr risk >=20%
Statin Equivalent Doses
Pharmacists Rock At Saving Lives and Preventing Flu
- Pitavastatin 2 mg
- Rosuvastatin 5 mg
- Atorvastatin 10 mg
- Simvastatin 20 mg
- Lovastatin 40 mg
- Pravastatin 40 mg
- Fluvastatin 80 mg
High-Intensity Statin Doses
- Atorvastatin 40-80 mg
- Rosuvastatin 20-40 mg
Low-Intensity Statin Doses
- Pitavastatin 1 mg
- Simvastatin 10 mg
- Lovastatin 20 mg
- Pravastatin 10-20 mg
- Fluvastatin 20-40 mg
CYP3A4i Interaction
- Grapefruit, PI, azole antifungals, cobicistat/cyclosporine, macrolides - CI with sim and lovastatin
- Amiodarone: Simvastatin max of 20 mg/day and Lova 40 mg/day
- Non-DHP CCBs: Simvastatin max of 10 mg/day and Lova 20 mg/day
Indications for Moderate Intensity Statins
- Diabetes between 40-75 yo with LDL 70-189 regardless of ASCVD risk factors
- Age 40-75 yo with LDL 70-189 and 10-yr risk 7.5-19.9%
High Risk Lab Values that REQUIRE Tx
- LCL >= 190
- TG >= 500
Goal LDL Levels
Severe if >= 190
Goal HDL Levels
- > 50 for women
- >40 for men
Goal TG Levels
Severe if >= 500
Factors for ASCVD Risk
- Age
- Race
- TC
- SBP (and if HTN meds used)
- Diabetic status
- Smoking status
Liver Damage + Cholesterol Meds
Don’t use if AST or ALT is >3x ULN:
- Niacin
- Fibrates
- Statins
- Ezetimibe
Cyclosporine DDI
- Rosuvastatin max of 5mg/day
- CI with lova and simvastatin
Cobicistat DDI
- Atorvastatin max of 20 mg/day
- CI with lova and simvastatin
General Statin SE
Think HMG:
- Hepatoxicity
- Myalgias
- Glucose changes (increased A1C/BG)
- Preferred add-on agent to statins
- SE: Myalgia risk (can increase rhabdo-risk)
- Hepatotoxic risk as well
- CI in preggo/BF too
- 2nd choice for add-on agents to statins
- Lower LDL SIGNIFICANTLY but are expensive and inj
- Both are SQ
- EX: Praluent and Repatha
- SE: Injection site rxns
Bile Acid Resins
- Ex: Welchol (Colesevelam)
- Take with meal and liquid
- Potential cholesterol option for preggo
- Can also be used for glycemic control in T2DM
Bile Acid Resin SE
- Can cause teeth discoloration/decay
- CI: bowel obstruction
- SE: constipation, abdominal pain, cramping, gas, increased TG (~5%)
Fibrate Brand Names
- Antara
- Tricor
- Trilipix
- Lipofen - take with meals
- Fenoglide - take with meals
- Gemfibrozil
- Fibrate
- CI: use with statin or ezetimibe (severe rhabdomyolysis risk)
Fibrate Information
- CI: severe liver disease (primary biliary cirrhosis), BF, severe renal disease, or gallbladder disease
- Warning: myopathy risk (esp. when given with statin)
- SE: Dyspepsia (more with gemfibrozil) and increased LFTs
Niacin Formulation Options
- IR (Niacor) - increased risk of flushing, can premedicate with ASA
- CR/SR: less flushing, more hepatotoxicity
- ER (Niaspan) - less flushing risk and hepatoxicity
- ALL take with food, but ER formulation take QHS with low-fat snack
Niacin Information
- Warning: rhabdo, hepatoxicity, increased BG and UA
- SE: flushing, pruruitis, vomiting, diarrhea, increased BG/UA
- Avoid spicy food, alcohol, and hot beverages with meds since it could worsen flushing
- Can premedicate with high-dose ASA to help with flushing if desired
- Omega-3: fish oil for TG >= 500
- Warning: avoid with fish/shellfish allergies
- SE: burping, dyspepsia, taste perversion
- Can increase LDL
- Prolonged bleeding time (monitor INR in warfarin pts)
- Icosapent ethyl: fish oil for TG>=500
- Warning: avoid with fish/shellfish allergies
- SE: burping, dyspepsia
- LDL increase and taste perversion not seen with this option
- Prolonged bleeding time (monitor INR in warfarin pts)
- Lomitapide: injectable med for primary dyslipidemia
- Box warning: hepatoxicity
- CI: Liver disease and preggo
- REMS program med