DVLA: Neurological disorders Flashcards
How long should a patient with a first unprovoked/isolated seizure with no relevant structural abnormalities on brain imaging and no definite epileptiform activity on EEG stop driving?
6 months
How long should a patient with a first unprovoked/isolated seizure with possible relevant structural abnormalities on brain imaging and/or definite epileptiform activity on EEG stop driving?
12 months
When might someone with established epilepsy or those with multiple unprovoked seizures qualify for a driving licence?
If they have been free from any seizure for 12 months
Can someone going through withdrawawl of epilepsy medication drive?
No, not whilst anti-epilepsy medication is being withdrawn and for 6 months after the last dose
Is there any restriction in terms of driving for someone who has had a single fainting episode?
No restriction
When can someone who has had a single episode of syncope that has been explained and treated drive?
4 weeks after
When can someone who has had a single episode of syncope that hasn’t been explained, drive?
6 months off
When can someone who has had a 2 or more episodes of syncope, drive?
12 months off
How long does someone who has had a stroke or TIA need to take off driving?
1 month off driving, may not need to inform DVLA if no residual neurological deficit
How long does someone who has had a multiple TIAs over a short period of time need to take off driving?
3 months off driving and inform DVLA