DTY - Co-ordination Flashcards
Can Swanwick (Mil) controllers apply Standing Co-ordination procedures with reference to DTY GAT?
What is the responsibility of Swanwick (Mil) controllers in relation to Shawbury Area Military Crossers, and where do these aircraft route?
Swanwick (Mil) CN shall send a point out to S27 and S32, both T + P on all aircraft routeing EGVN-Shawbury-POL/WAL.
What are the requirements of the Military if they spot a potential confliction against a Shawbury Area crosser and they are intending to route through DTY southbound airspace?
Telephone S32P who shall effect co-ordination with the S27P as appropriate.
If DTY southbound is split, who do the Military send CFP requests to, and who is responsible for the liaison amongst the civil sectors prior to acceptance?
CFP requests are sent to both S27 and S32 simultaneously.
The S32P is responsible for liaising with the S27 team and the S32T before acceptance.
If DTY southbound is split, and there is a requirement to change the conditions/level of a CFP request, who is able to phone the military to make an amendment?
Either the S27P or S32P can call the military, after consultation with the other planner.
If S28 offer an aircraft at FL290 to S3 who then wish to change the NFL, what are they required to do before enacting the change?
Co-ordinate with both S28 and S34.
If S29 wish to work a slow climbing LTMA outbound, who is responsible for the input of a NAS Field 8 amendement (if required)?
Where does route M16 route from and at what levels can it be used?
Flight plannable at FL290+
Where must LKS position traffic routeing M16?
On or north of the centre line between MCT and NAPEX, if they (or NSE) wish to position traffic south of track then co-ordination must be effected with S38/34.
What are DTY’s responsibilities with regards to M16?
Centre line must be displayed on the radar map.
Traffic inbound to which three airfields must be co-ordinated into S29 and not into S3?
EGNS (Ronaldsway)
EGNC (Carlisle)
EGNL (Barrow)
For which traffic is UP18 between POL-NATEB (when available) a compulsory route? The availability of UP18 depends on the availability of which other route between which two points?
Compulsory for EGPD arrivals FL290+
The use of UP18 is dependent on the availability of P18 between NATEB-ADN.
What are the times of availability for P18?
Tue-Fri (Oct-April): 0530-0900 (local)
Weekends: 1500 Fri-1000 Mon (local)
PHs: 1500 previous day-1000 following day (local)
May-Sept (overnight), Mon-Thurs: 2000-1000 local
When UP18 is available for PD arrivals, where are DTY to position this traffic?
To the east of all other northbound traffic.
What are the time restrictions for traffic to route UP18?
Traffic expected to cross GASKO during the following times is to route UP18:
Tues-Fri (Oct-April): 0515-0830 (local)
Weekends: 1445 Fri-0930 Mon (local)
PHs: 1445 previous day-0930 following day (local)
May-Sept (overnight), Mon-Thurs: 1945-0930 local
Who notifies the GS Lakes of any non-availability of UP18 during the published times?
PC Operations Supervisor
From west to east, how should traffic be presented both from LKS-DTY southbound, and also from DTY southbound to TC COWLY?
A line between which two points should the S27/32T not allow their traffic to fly east of without co-ordinating with the S28/34T?
The S28/34T should not allow their traffic to fly west of the centreline of which route without co-ordinating with the S27/32T?
Which outbounds, when following their standard route, may require co-ordinated climb with DTY south?
HH/HI/Farnborough Group outbounds routeing NORRY-Q41-WCO-DTY
What is the inter sector process and the responsibilities for traffic joining from the east and routeing south?
- S28/34 shall send an electronic offer directly to S32
- S32 is responsible for advising S27 of this traffic
- S32 is also responsible for onward co-ordination with the appropriate sector/agency
What is the inter sector process and the responsibilities for traffic joining from the west and routeing north?
- S32 shall send an electronic offer directly to S28/34
- S32 is responsible for advising S27 of this traffic
- S28/34 are responsible for onward co-ordination with the appropriate sector/agency
If S28 and S34 are split, to which sector is S27 to offer JACKO2L/1M traffic?
When S27 and S32 are split, what are S27’s responsibilities in regards to JACKO2L/1M traffic?
Ensure that S32 have no conflicting traffic as traffic is released for left turns and descent on contact; or that co-ordination has been effected with S32 before transferring to the northbound side.
By how many degress are MTMA, NM, NO, NH, NJ and CN inbounds RFT when transferred on their own navigation from S2?
20 degrees, provided the aircraft remains in S2 airspace.
(This is also the same for MTMA, NM, NO, NH, NJ and CN inbounds that have filed VASUX DCT ELVOS/LESTA, but are RFT up to 20 degrees within S24 airspace)
At what times of the year and between which hours are flights from MTMA, CN, NM, NV and NT that are inbound to airfields in the Paris TMA (and LFOP [Rouen], LFOB [Beauvais]), excluded from LUS?
Between May and September, excluded from 0630-0900 (local)
Traffic inbound to the Brussels TMA from which airfields is excluded from LUS?
London FIR airfields
Is traffic inbound to airfields in the Lille Group, EBKT and EBOS included or excluded from LUS?
What are TC WELIN’s responsibilities in regards to slow climbing LTMA departures?
- Responsible for effecting co-ordination with PC TNT
- Following co-ordination, inform S28P that co-ordination with PC TNT has been effected and whether or not they have elected to work the traffic (subsequent co-ordintion by S28P depends on whether or not PC TNT are working the traffic)
What are the responsibilities of the S28T/P when PC TNT have elected to work a slow climbing LTMA departure?
- Inform S29 that the aircraft is being worked by PC TNT and that they should expect climb co-ordination to come from them
- S28T shall ensure that PC arrivals are transferred to the TNT sector as early as possible
- So as to ensure that electronic data will be available on subsequent LKS sectors, the S28P should set an XFL of FL190 and target S29 as the next sector
What frequency do TC Midlands use when fully bandboxed, i.e. on a night shift?