CLN Data Transfer + Transfer of Control Flashcards
When OLDI is not in use, what method is used for data transfer between LAC and other FIRs?
When using manual data transfer, what information must be included in estimates on eastbound traffic?
ETA for entry point; C/s and SSR code; Allocated FL (and RFL if different)
What should the S12P do to change the co-ordinated FL if the aircraft is within 5 mins of the ETA at the transfer of control point? If the aircraft is more than 5 minutes from ETA at transfer of control point?
Telephone the receiving centre for approval.
Pass the revision to the receiving centre ASAP.
What traffic is to be allocated FL230 at REDFA?
Amsterdam FIR inbounds, with the exception of airfields in the Dutch Group.
Which three airfields in Germany are to be allocated FL350 to cross REDFA?
ETAR (Ramstein), ETAD (Spangdahlem), ETOU (Wiesbaden)
What can AMS do with EHAM inbounds on contact?
RFD FL190 10nm before REDFA and released only for left turns, but cannot cross the FIR boundary more than 5nm north of REDFA.
What should S12 do with an aircraft on which an ACT message has been sent, that is leaving the FIR via SOMVA that cannot achieve FL250 by the boundary?
Aircraft must be tactically vectored towards REDFA and the climb co-ordinated first with AMS then with MAAS D.
What should S12 do with an aircraft on which an ACT message has been sent, that is leaving the FIR via REDFA that cannot achieve FL250 by the boundary?
The S12P must co-ordinate the aircraft in the climb first with AMS then MAAS D. The S12P is responsible for informing MAAS D either that AMS have approved the co-ordinated climb; or the FL to which AMS has cleared the aircraft.
What is the procedure if an ACT message is sent to one MAAS D sector and the a/c is subsequently allocated a FL in a different MAAS D sector?
The level revision is to be passed to the original recipient of the ACT message.
What may the MAAS D supervisor request of S12 when the Middle and High sectors are busy?
S12 plan a maximum level of FL330 for a specified period of time.
Where is the 2.5nm buffer line for AMS S3? Where is the boundary between AMS S4 and S3
Buffer line is slightly south of ABNED, and boundary between the two sectors is just north of GALSO.
What are the RFT restrictions on traffic transferred from MAAS D sectors?
RFT on contact subject to known traffic, within the confines of the Delta sectors. Right turns must take the aircraft no further north than NOGRO and left turns must keep the aircraft out of the Koksy sectors.
What are the RFD/RFC/RFT conditions for traffic from MAAS K routeing through SASKI?
After the KEGIT line, traffic is RFD/RFC/RFT (within confines of Koksy sector).
After Brussels line traffic is RFD FL220.
What are the RFD/RFC/RFT conditions for traffic from Brussels FIR routeing through SASKI?
At Brussels line traffic is RFD/RFC/RFT.
What are the RFD/RFC/RFT conditions for traffic from MAAS K routeing through RAPIX?
When a/c has passed 10nm NW of LUMEN (approx. KEGIT line), traffic is RFD/RFC/RFT within Koksy sectors (bear in mind the Koksy buffer zone).
After Brussels line traffic is RFD FL220.
If EBR17/TRA14 is active, traffic is only RFD to FL220 after passing 10nm NW of BULAM and is RFT in Brussels airspace.
What are the RFD/RFC/RFT conditions for traffic from Brussels FIR routeing through RAPIX? Where is the traffic routed if EBR17/TRA14 is active?
At Brussels line traffic is RFD/RFC/RFT. Brussels departures are RFC at the KEGIT line.
During EBR17/TRA14 activity, traffic will be routed COA-SASKI.
In what airspace must Brussels ACC advise S14 about unknown traffic?
Any traffic operating east of RAPIX/SASKI and west of the Brussels line.
What is the flight level allocation for LTMA overflights through NOGRO routeing M40 from north/middle Maas Delta?
Inbounds to which airfields/groups can be allocated FL270/FL280 through NOGRO?
Inbounds from MAAS D to ABBOT Group/TC/SH/UL/UN/YM
Inbounds to which airfields/groups can be allocated FL220-FL240 through NOGRO?
Inbounds from AMS to ABBOT Group/TC/SH/UL/UN/YM
Inbounds to which airfields/groups can be allocated FL290+ through ABNED?
Inbounds from MAAS D to LL/WU/Solent Group/Farnborough Group/Brize Group
Inbounds to which airfields/groups can be allocated FL220-FL240 through ABNED?
Traffic from AMS to ALL destinations except those that route through NOGRO and KK inbounds
Inbounds to which airfield can be allocated FL220-FL240 through ABNED?
What is the flight level allocation for LTMA overflights routeing from middle/south MAAS D through GALSO?
Inbounds to which airfields are allocated FL260 through GALSO?
Inbounds from MAAS D to LC/KB/MC
Inbounds to which airfield is allocated FL290 through GALSO?
KK (exceptionally FL280 without individual co-ordination)
Inbounds to which airfields/groups can be allocated FL310+ routeing L179 through SASKI?
Inbounds from MAAS K to LL/WU/Farnborough Group (FL290 is also available for this traffic into S14)
Inbounds to which airfields/groups can be allocated FL270/FL280 L KEGIT routeing through SASKI?
Inbounds from MAAS K to ABBOT Group/TC/SH/UL/UN/YM (exceptionally FL260 without individual co-ordination)
Flights from which airfield to which airfields/groups can be allocated FL220-FL240 through KEGIT?
Brussels outbounds flying to LL/WU/Farnborough Group
Inbounds to which airfield are allocated FL290 L BULAM routeing L610 through RAPIX?
KK (exceptionally FL280 without individual co-ordination)
Inbounds to which airfields/groups are allocated FL310+ routeing L610 through RAPIX?
Inbounds from MAAS K to Solent Group/Farnborough Group/Brize Group