DSM Flashcards
Personality disorder
Pattern of inner experience and behaviour that deviates from expectation of one’s culture, manifested in two of the following areas: cognition, affect, interpersonal functioning, impulse control
Pattern is inflexible and pervasive across personal and social situations
Pattern lead to clinically significant distress and impairments in function
Pattern onset can be trans back to early childhood or adolescence
Pattern is not better explained by another mental disorder
Pattern is not attributed to physiological effects of substance or medical condition 
Cluster A
Paranoid personality disorder: preoccupation with unjust, doubt, and suspicion in others
Schizoid personality disorder: detachment from social relationships, and restricted emotional range
Schizo, hypo, personality disorder: pattern off discomfort and close relationships, cognitive, or perceptual distortions, eccentricities
Cluster B
Antisocial personality disorder: in an individual over the age of 18, evidence of conduct disorder before age 15, failure to conform to societal norms with respect to lawful behavior, disregard for safety of others, lack of remorse
Borderline personality disorder: instability from interpersonal relationships, self image, impulsivity, affect
Histrionic personality disorder: pattern of excessive emotionality, and attention behaviour
Narcissistic personality disorder: pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy
Cluster C
Avoid and personality disorder: pattern of social inhibition, feeling of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to negative evaluation
Dependent personality disorder: pattern of submission and clinging behaviour related to excess need to be taken care of
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder: preoccupation with orderliness, perfection, control
Panic disorder
Recurrent unexpected panic attacks, surge of intense fear that peaks with the minutes, four of the following, including: sweating, trembling, shaking, feeling of choking, nausea, chest discomfort, feeling of losing control
At least one of the attack has been followed by one month of either: persistent worry about additional attacks, maladaptive behaviour related to attack
Not due to physiological effect of substance or mental disorder
Marked fear or anxiety, in two of the following: public transportation, open spaces, enclosed spaces, being in a crowd or line, being outside of home alone
Situation always provokes fearing anxiety
Fear related to lack of escape
Fear out of proportion from
Fear, persistent, lasting for six months
Specific phobia
Fear out of proportion last team for six months or more
Social anxiety disorder
Fear, anxiety about social situation were individual is exposed to possible scrutiny, including social interactions, being observed, performing in front of others
Individual, fierce that they will act in the way to be negatively evaluated
Social situation almost always provoked, fear, anxiety
Avoidance of social situations out of intense fear
Out of proportion of social context
Present for more than six months
Impairment and function
Not due to medical condition or substance, or other mental health condition
Generalized anxiety disorder
Excessive fear, or worry occurring for more days than not for at least six months
Difficult to control worry
Worry associated with three of: restlessness or beyond edge, easily fatigue, mind going blank or difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance
Clinically significant distress or impairment, his social, occupational, other areas of functioning
Not due to substance or another mental disorder
Major depressive disorder
Depression, or decreased interest for more than two weeks with change in function, +3 of: Sleep, guilt, energy, concentration, appetite, suicidal ideation, psychomotor agitation or retardation
Persistent depressive disorder
Greater than two years of depressive symptoms
Adjustment disorder of depressed mood
In response to stress or less than three months ago and resolves within six months
Depressive symptoms pertaining to the source of grief, lasting less than three months
Bipolar one
More than when week of increase, energy and activities, with three of:
Distractibility, irresponsibility, grandiosity, flight of ideas, activity, decrease sleep, talkativeness
Psychiatric diagnostic pyramid
Organic disease
Mood disorder
Personality disorder
Autism spectrum disorder
Persistent deficits in social context: social emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communication, relationships
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour
Symptoms must be present in early developmental period
Significant impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of function
Six months of at least four of category of:
Angry mood, argumentative/defiance behavior, vindictiveness
Impact negatively in areas of function
Conduct disorder
Six months of three of the following criteria, including categories of: aggression to animals and people, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, serious violation of rules
Functionally impairing
If individual is over the age of 18, criteria not met for antisocial personality disorder
Child >6yo for >6mo with symptoms out of keeping with developmental level that negatively impacts activities
- several symptoms onset <12yo
- in >2 settings
- clear interference with function
- not part of psychotic disorder
- symptoms of inattention (adults >17yo need >5 symptoms)
- symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity
Difficulty, initiating, sleep, maintaining sleep, or non-restorative sleep, causing distress and impairment in function
Acute and chronic differentiated at the three month mark
Acute stress reaction
Exposure to actual/threatened death injury or violation
Three of the following symptoms: negative mood, dissociation, intrusion, avoidance, hyperarousal
Lasting for three days to one month after exposure
Functional impairment
trauma exposure
Avoidance of stimuli
Unable to function
Mood and one month duration
Arousal and reactivity
Adjustment disorder
Emotional or behavioural response should identifiable trigger within three months of onset
Not lasting for more than six months
Not including bereavement
Does not mean criteria for other diagnosis of mental disorder
Symptoms lasting greater than six months
More than two of most of the month with: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized/catatonic behavior, negative symptoms (evolution, diminish, emotional expressiveness)
Notes must have one of the first three
Rule out, schizoaffective, depression, bipolar
Brief psychotic disorder
Ranging from one day to one month
Ranging from one month to six months
Schizoaffective disorder
Greater than two weeks of delusions/hallucination in absence of mood,
major mood episode
Somatic symptom disorder
More than six months of persistent symptoms, does not have to be one specific somatic symptom
One or more somatic symptoms that are distressing to daily life
Excessive thoughts, feelings, behaviors, related to symptoms, or associated health concerns with:
– Disproportionate and persistent thoughts about seriousness of symptoms
– Persistent high-level of anxiety about health
– Excessive time and energy devoted to symptoms
Illness, anxiety disorder 
Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness
Somatic symptoms either not presents or present and minor intensity
High level of anxiety about health
Excessive health related behaviours or maladaptive avoidances
Illness preoccupation lasting greater than six months, specific illness feared can change
Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)
One or more symptoms of altered voluntary motor or sensory function
Clinical finding provides evidence of incompatibility between symptom and recognized medical disorder
Symptom is not better explained by other illness or mental disorder
Symptoms causes significant stress and impairment
Substance use disorder
Problematic use the results and significant impairments, classified by more than two of the following within 12 months:
– Impaired control
– Social impairment
– Risky use
– Pharmacological indicators (tolerance and withdrawal)
Criteria for form 1
- patient has diagnosed MH concerns
- likely to benefit from admission
- not appropriate for other forms of admission besides formal
- likely to cause harm to self/others or decline physically
MD or NP
First form holds for 24 hrs, second 1 month
Form 8 similar process ordered by provincial judge
Form 10 similar process ordered by peace officer
Preoccupied with details, rules lists organization
Shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion
Is excessively devoted to work in productivity to the exclusion of leisure and friendship
Is conscientious and flexible about morality and ethics
Is unable to discard, worn out or useless objects, even when they have no sentimental value
Reluctant to delegate task to others
Shows rigidity and stubbornness
Overly frugal
Failure to conform to societal norms and laws
Deceitful behaviour
Irritability and aggressiveness
Lack of remorse
Disregard for safety of self and others
Unstable self image
Liable relationships
Labile emotions
Feeling of emptiness
Self harm and suicidal ideation
Self-destructive tendencies
Fear of abandonment