DQ-135 Flashcards
Explain the three types of engine limiting and which components are responsible for controlling them.
TGT Limiting - DEC/EDECU: 866*C (10 min) or 891*C (contingency 2.5 min) - prevents destructive TGT limits. (HMU can also limit fuel flow when T4.5 reaches a spesific limit - lower than DEC limiting)
NG Governing: HMU mechanically computes and sets MAX NG speed iaw T2 sensor (Max 103% Ng. Less Ng allowed in extreem cold. Mechanically (flywheel) shutdown @ 110% NG)
MAX Fuel Flow: Physical limit - “pipe” (meter valve) full open. Ie. not limited by either PAS, LDS (via HMU), or DEC (TGT) via torque motor.
Explain what occurs during an engine high side failure to both the functioning and malfunctioning engine.
The good engine will only attemt to increase torque upward until Np is 3% above the reference Np (cockpit set reference)
High-side engine will increase RPM (1 or 2) and also RPM R. If TGT limiting (DEC) does not work, engine will “flameout” when Np reaches 120 (+- 1)% and re-ignite once back under 120% Np.
Increasing the collective with an engine power controllever in lockout will, will not, or may require advancing the PCL?
It depends…
Increasing the collective with an engine power control-lever in lockout may require advancing the PCL (will normally stay close to 10% setting below good engine if set correctly initially - 10% blw good engine @ cruise condition.
If it is set 10% lower than good engine at low(er) power demand, it may require a reduction as TRQ loading is increased.
During engine start the PCL is advanced to idle, no rise in TGT occurs, explain possible reasons why.
Lack of Ignition or Fuel:
- Eng ignition switch OFF
- Fuel system selector in OFF
- Frozen fuel line
Explain the indications and what would occur if the collective bias tube pin were to shear.
Internal spring will attemt to reset LDS to a position equal to full up collective (fault to high demand).
Np governing will shutoff fuel @ 120 % with DEC/EDECU working propably.
If failure occurs at IDLE, Ng speed (affected engine) will indicate higher than normal (Ng 63% within 3%).
Given the following cruise conditions what is the Maximum Rate of Climb IAS/ Torque and explain how is it calculated?
TEMP 40 Degrees
PA 2000’
ETF 1.0/.92
Maximum Rate of Climb IAS/ Torque:
Max End. Spd. corrected for ATF -> Max TRQ (7A-47)
Check D btw Max Avail. TRQ @ End. Spd. & End. TRQ
Check for climb-rate abv/blw 1400´/min
Asp. correction - add 12 kts
Max RC IAS: 79 + 12 kts = 91 KIAS
Max RC TRQ: 124% - NO 10 Min. limit effecting Max TRQ - extreem cold temp
TEMP 40 Degrees
PA 2000’
ETF 1.0/.92
A PC berating a PI for incorrectly programming the GPS and getting lost is a failure of which crew coordination objective?
Failure of which crew coordination objective:
Establishing Team Relationship