Domestication Flashcards
Consistent changes from domestication include
early decrease in size, later increase (mammals) early increase in size (birds)
decreased flight distance from people
coat and plumage color changes (this relates to behaviour) retention of neotenic characters
decrease in cranial capacity
increased genetic variability,
increased rate of increase in genetic variability
taming, partnership with genetic change
biological and cultural phenomenon
List basic characteristics of a species that lead to ease of domestication
Characteristics of some wild species favor existence close to humans. Failure in any one of these usually results in no domestication.
diet: usually herbivorous or omnivorous
growth rate: the faster the better
easily reproduced in captivity (polygamy, no elaborate courtship) disposition (not too nasty or aggressive)
limited tendency to panic
social structure: herds, defined dominance pattern, overlapping
ranges rather than exclusive territories.
Wild animals
have subspecies - domestics fit poorly into normal taxonomy
similar enough to be grouped together and produce a similar product
standardized breed
conform to a standard, genetic isolation by design
industrial stock
subset of genetic breed, scientifically selected for great performance,
narrow environment (poultry, swine, dairy cows)
isolated by default (culture/geography/communication) no standard - Feral = domestic-> free living state, will never be wild (small brain forever)
basal breeds
village dogs = variable (others gone thru bottleneck) AKA Ferals
short hair/tan/curly tail/erect ears/ rare- ancient
sight hounds
Ancient, large lean, big eyes, chasing, silent, intelligent no pain, liver rare
scent hounds
smooth coat, lop ears, nosy (bay) when chasing, liver rare
large lean, bird dog, freeze, liver common, will eye and stalk
large heavy, moderate lop, straight tail, 3 colors, obedient
pointing/retrieving, medium, long hair, lop, liver common, dock tails
wire/smooth coat, tough, dock tails, rats/foxes, self destruct in groups
will crush/kill/bite and consume
selected for aggression, large, short hair, small lop,
controlled predation, British headers/heelers, continental breeds- Boundary
will eye, stalk, chase, grab/bite
livestock guardians
large heavy, long hair, white, small lop, non-predatory instincts, ancient
not trainable independent decisions
large shorthair, no white, vary use - guard, fight, draft, companions
variable size/coat/behavior, stiff hair, curled tail, erect ears
huge loose skin, draft/rescue
variety and companionship
Sheep goals
meat/milk/packing/fiber - turn grass into human uses
Sheep changes
- Horns (size, shape, presence)- Tail length, shorter/thicker leg bones, color, fat deposits (rump/tail) - wool variation
Short tails in
scandinavia and south india
thin long tails in
india/europe/ NW africa
fat tail in
fat rump in
central asia and horn of africa
goats are the
first domesticated ruminant
rank of twisty horns from least to most
scandinavian, british, swiss, mediterranean
african dwarf and long legged goats
travel, less grass, less parasite
products if cows
- milk, meat, leather, draft, horns (plastic), manure, fertilizer, fuel, manure bricks, bank account and wealth symbol, bride price, sacrifice COW POX
• Discuss the consequences of hog management and selection for production and welfare.
They eat trash and when they were eradicated towns smelled SCAVENGERS
With pigs gone more charcoal production,(trees removed -> landslides hurricanes
Changes!! Concave face, curly tail, lop
Fatness first then leanness (wild type) welfare bc skinny = unhappy
Bacon type= large long no muscle
Lard = cobby, fat, thick
Meat = long thick muscular
Describe the selection pressures of animals for transport purposes.
Keep some wild adaptations - low repro rates for harsher landscapes Goals: Riding packing draft, meat milk
Camels replaced the wheel in egpyt Bactrian fiber occasionally.
Describe the consequences of selection of birds for egg production.
First selected for cockfighting and religion THEN meat and eggs Ducks form eggs in under 24 hours vs hens in just over 24 hours
castrated goat, sheep
castrated pig
castrated horse, donkey, camel, llama
castrated mule
john mule
female mule
molly mule
male donkey and female donkey
jack and jenny
young llama/alpaca
castrated fowl
castrated turkey
hokie lol
male goose
groups of domestic animals are
pack= dogs
flock for sheep and birds (gaggle for goose)
herd for everyone else