Anatomy 1 Flashcards
What is the bauplan
morphological features shared by member of a phylum
- vertebrates have a similar body plan
dorsal body cavity?
cranial and spinal cavity - lined by meninges
ventral cavity?
thoracic, abdominal and pelvic
lined by pleura and peritoneum
the coelom
is the ventral cavity but used across all species (that don’t have a diaphragm
what is the mediastinum
middle of the thorax where the heart lives
pulmonary circulation
right side, low pressure
systemic circulation
left side
high pressure
where does the abdominal cavity begin
at the diaphragm - even though this may lie deep to the ribs
parts of the immune system
• Lymph nodes
• Lymphatic vessels
• Thymus
• Tonsils
• Spleen
• Hemal nodes
• Diffuse and nodular lymph tissue
epiphysis arises as a…
secondary center of ossification
thoracic limbs ___ and pelvic limbs___
support vs propulse
bonds hip to spine
sacroiliac joint
bone related to the brachium
bone related to the antebrachium
radius and ulna
dorsal bonder of the scapula is dorsal to the ____ in the cat
vertebral spinous process (goes above)
2 processes on the cat acromion
hamate and suprahamate
horses and the acromion
don’t have one
the head of the humerus articulated with the…
glenoid cavity to form glenohumeral jt.
(greater tubercle is point of shoulder)
where is the deltoid tuberosity
lateral side of humerus and it gets larger as the animal is more muscular
what varies in the distal extremity of the humerus in dog vs cat
supratrochlear foramen (dog) vs supracondylar foramen (cat)
what goes through the supracondylar foramen in cats
brachial artery and medial nerve
what is the main weight-bearing bone of the thoracic limb?
longest bone in the body
ulna, bears no weight queen
3 parts of the olecranon
olecranon tuber, anconeal process, trochlear notch
which species are the radius and ulna fused
horse - all the way
ox - has proximal and distal interosseous spaces
how many bones in the carpus
how many rows of the carpus/how many bones in each
proximal (3) and distal row (4)
bones in the proximal carpal row
radial, ulnar, accessory
first digit is _____
rudimentary (only 2 phalanges)
which phalanx is highly modified
distal 3rd phalanx
each digit has how many sesamoids
3 - 2 palmar and 1 dorsal ( first digit only has 2)
what is are the bones of the foot called in a horse
p3 is the cannon and 2 and 4 are splint bones
what 2 p bones are fused in the ox
P3 and P4 are - metacarpals
2 os coxae =
ossa coxarum
4 bones of the os coxae
what surface articulates with the sacroiliac joint
auricular surface of the ilium
the trochlea articulates with the ….
the femural condyles articulate with the
differences in the horse femur
3rd trochanter
what are the proximal extremities of the tibia
condyles and tibial tuberosity
what does the tibial tuberosity articulate with
muscle attachment of patella ligament
the shaft of the tibia is…
directly below the skin
unlike the radius and ulna, the tibia and fibula….
run side by side and do not cross!
(fibula is lateral)
Fibula in horses and ox
fused in horses and absent in ruminants
how many bones/rows in the tarsus
proximal (2), middle (1), distal (4) row
ruminant and pigs have ____ ____ to their talus
double trochlea
sesamoids per digit on the pes
in ruminants the metatarsus is ____ to make the ____
fused, cannon bonen