Domain IV, Topic A, Menu Planning Flashcards
A __ ______ menu is nonselective, either cycle or single use
a) Serves clientele who are unable or have no desire to choose
b) Permits more accurate forecasting, greater control
No choice
A _______ _____ menu
- Provide choices for some items
Limited choice
- Selective, better pleases client
a) Static, fixed, set, menu items every day (restaurant), when clients change daily
b) Single use - one day use only
1) when clientele do not vary from day to day
c) cycle - standing - repetition of menus in designated sequence
1) Hospitals with 2 - 4 day average patient stay: 1 or 2 week cycles
2) Long term care facility: 3 or 4 week cycle
3) High school lunch programs: two week cycle with four choices
4) Simplifies purchasing, standardizes preparation procedures, gives a more constant and evenly distributed workload
d) spoken - presented orally
3) Room service - Patients call when hungry, order from a menu
f) two tier - upscale menu items prepared for those willing to pay extra for them
Restaurant style services
a) _____ _____ - complete meal at set price
b) _ __ _____ - separate items at separate prices
c) __ ____ - men of the day, uses leftovers and food bargains
Table d’hote, a la carte, du jour
_________ food service
- sale f food is primary activity, profit is desired
___ - __________ food service
- On site food service, provides food as a secondary activity (hospitals, schools, military)
Non commercial
Cultural Food Habits
_________ ______
- Pork, few dairy products (non dairy calcium sources)
Southeast Asians
Cultural Food Habits
- No meat and dairy in same meal; no pork shellfish
Cultural Food Habits
- Yin foods (raw, cold: fish, vegetables, fruits)
-Yang foods (bright, hot: hot soup from chicken). Rice is neutral
Cultural Food Habits
_______ ___ _________
- Ovo lact vegetatian, no caffeine, alcohol
Seventh Day Adventist
Cultural Food Habits
________ _______ / ________ / _____
- Fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish
Central America/Hispanic/Latin
Cultural Food Habits
- Halal dietary laws, prohibited foods are called haram (no pork, alcohol, gelatin, congealed salad), overeating is discouraged
Cultural Food Habits
_____ _________
- Meat is not consumed on Fridays in Lent
Roman Catholic
Cultural Food Habits
______ _______
- Bulgur
Middle Eastern
School Lunch Menus
1) _______: Nutrient standard menu planning, uses USDA approved nutrient analysis software
2) ________ _______: nutrient analysis may be done by another school or consultant
3) ________ ____ - Based and ___________ ____ - Based computers not required
NuMenus, Assisted NuMenus, Enhanced Food - Based and Traditional Food Based