domain 4 Flashcards
hospital cycle
1-2 days average stay
1-2 cycle
Long term care
longer stay
3-4 week cycle
high school
2 week cycle
4 choices
table d hote
complete meal at a set price
a la carte
separate items at a separate price
du jour
menu of the day
menu determines
equipment, space, amount of food,
Haram: pork, alcohol
ex: no bacon, no ham, certain jellies have pork:
Gelatin: has pork
Halal: Allowed (beef)
Kosher foods only: fish with skins and scales,
No dairy and meat together
no pork
Heathy vegetarian diet with no alcohol
seventh day adventist
Lacto veg-
no alcohol or caffeine
sign for kosher
U inside of an O
banana leaf served in
south east Asian counties
egg plant and pomegrante
middle Easter/ Mediterranean diets
emergency water
1 gallon of water for every person/day for 3 days
plow horse
star: high profit, popular: promote
PH: Popular, no profit: decrease portion, increase price
Puzzle: Profit, not popular: change price or reconsider
Dog: not popular, not profit: eliminate it
hedonic scale
1-10 scale of facial scale
great for kids or those who don’t speak English
formal competitive bidding
no phone calls
submit a written specification
bids are opened together
lowest price is taken
prime vending
1 vendor for the majority of purchase
just in time
purchase foods and use it now
no record since it will be used right away
1st document needed
second step
purchase requisition
send to purchasing manager
purchase manager will write purchase order
order will come with invoice
economic order quantity
cost of ordering is the same as cost of holding the items
moving averages
moving averages: based on past observation you predict the future
with the order what should be in the there
fresh fish should arrive
41 below
if thawed reject it
storage for
dark, dry, cool environment 50-70F 50-60% humidity separate room for cleaning supplies has ventilation
fresh fruits and veggies temp
Frozen foods temp
0- (-10)
meat dairy and eggs
perpetual inventory
every time you go in and out its recorded
except for bread and milk
Physical inventory
actual count of all goods on hand
counted as an assets on balance sheet
fixed order quanitity
average daily use X lead Time + (safety stock)
will determine order point
par stock
bring up to par
if 20 is the par and you have 2, order 18 more
first in first out
mini-max method
use to safety level min before you order again Max