Disorders Flashcards
the study of abnormal behavior
situational context
the social or environmental setting of a person’s behavior
subjective discomfort
imotional distress or emotional pain
anything that does not allow a person to function within or adapt to the stresses and everyday demands of life
sociocultural perspective
perspective in which abnormal behavior (as well as normal behavior) is seen as the product of the learning and shaping of behavior within the context of the family, the social group to which one belongs, and the culture within which the family and social group exist
cultural relativity
the need to consider the unique characteristics of the culture in which behavior takes place
culture-bound syndromes
disorders found only in particular cultures
psychological disorder
any pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress, causes them to harm others, or harms their ability to function in daily life
congnitive psychologists
psychologists who study the way people think, remember, and mentally organize information
biopsychosocial model
perspective in which abnormal behavior is seen as the resuly of the combined and interacting forces of biological, psychological, social, and cultural influences
anxiety disorders
disorders in which the main symptom is excessive or unrealistic anxiety and fearfulness
free-floating anxiety
anxiety that is unrelated to any realistic, known source
an irrational, persistent fear of an object, situation, or social activity
social phobia
fear of interacting with others or being in social situations that might lead to a negative evaluation
specific phobia
fear of objects or specific situations or events
fear of being in a small, enclosed space
fear of heights
fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or impossible