Diseases of the joint Flashcards
Characterized by cartilage degeneration and fibrillation that results in structural and functional failure of synovial joints
Lesions stem form degeneration of the articular cartilage and disordered repair
Associated with fibrillation of cartilage and subchondral cyts
Heberden nodes
Bone excrescences at the DIP
Bouchard nodes
Bone excrescences at PIP
Characteristic fissuring, flaking, and erosion of cartilage microscopically
Symmetric polyarthritis with nonsuppurative proliferative and inflammatory synovitis
Pathogenesis of RA
CD4+ helper T cell initiate autoimmune response against self-antigens
Major cytokine mediators involved in RA
Edematous, thickened, and hyperplastic synovium
Mass of edematous synovium, inflammatory cells, granulation tissue, and fibroblasts in RA
Central zone of fibroid necrosis surrounded by a prominent rim of activated macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells
Rheumatoid nodules
Boutonniere deformity
PIP flexion and DIP extension in RA
Swan neck deformity
PIP hyperextension and DIP flexion
Radiograph shows joint effusions, juxta-articular osteopenia with erosions, narrowing of joint space, loss of articular cartilage, and carpal crowding at wrist
Specific marker for RA
Anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies
IgM and IgA autoantibodies that bind to IgG Fc regions
Rheumatoid factor
Genetic allele seen in many pts with RA
Felty syndrome
Splenomegaly, neutropenia, and RA
Severe destructive arthropathy in joint deprived of pain and position sense
Neuropathic joint disease or Charcot’s joint
X-ray shows either bone resorption or new bone formation with bone dislocation and fragmentation
Charcot’s joint
Oligoarthritis of large joints with a positive ANA in children
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Heterogenous groups of disorders characterized by absence of RF, pathologic changes of ligamentous attachments, SI joint involvement, and HLA-B27.
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies
Increased IF-alpha, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and inflammatory markers recruit T cells into skin and joint
Psoriasis and psoriatic athritis