Макара Discharging Flashcards
рейсовый чартер, договор фрахтования
charter party
bill of lading, B/L, BOL
to be governed
// The procedure of cargo delivery is governed by a number of cargo documents.
склад, пакгауз
ангар, навес
впоследствии, позже
// He was badly injured in the crash and subsequently died.
чистый коносамент
clean bill of lading
расписка получателя
receiver’s receipt
убеждаться, удостоверяться
to ascertain
// She ascertained that fraud had been committed.
спор, разногласия
// The government and the farmers are disputing about the land for the airport.
требование, претензия
What is charter party?
A Charter party is the contract between the owner of the vessel and the charterer for the use of the vessel.
What is a Bill of lading?
A bill of lading is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity and destination of the goods being carried.
What is an original bill of lading?
An original bill of lading is a document that serves as proof of ownership of the importer’s good.
What is a clean bill of lading?
Clean bill of lading is a document that shows that goods being transported and their containers are in good condition.
штурманская расписка
mate’s receipt
What is a clean mate’s receipt?
It means that commodities are in good condition and are correctly packaged.
What is a foul (qualified) mate’s receipt?
When the receipt contains any adverse remarks as to the quality or condition of the goods packing.
неблагоприятный, враждебный
бортовой коносамент
on board bill of lading
Signifies that goods have been loaded onto a cargo ship.
деловой коносамент
delivery order
A delivery order is a document that can be issued by the owner of freight, consignee, shipper or a carrier to deliver the goods to another party. A delivery order should be differentiated from the bill of lading.
застрахованный коносамент
insured bill of lading
Marine insurance that makes sure that exporters are paid, and importers receive the goods.
именной коносамент
straight bill of lading
a document in which a seller agrees to use a specific transport option to ship goods to a certain location, and the bill is then assigned to a specifically named consignee. Due to its non-negotiable nature, it cannot be assigned to anyone but that party.
могущий служить предметом переговоров
коносамент на груз, принятый для погрузки
Received for shipment Bill of lading
Denotes that merchandise has been received, but is not guaranteed to have already been loaded onto a shipping vessel.
линейный коносамент
Liner Bill of lading
Used in the liner trades.
линейные перевозки
liner trades
коносамент с оговорками (грязный, нечистый)
Claused / unclean bill of lading
Contains notation or remarks as to defects in the goods or packaging. Aka faul or dirty B/L.
местный коносамент
local bill of lading
With reference to a through bill of lading, according to which the cargo is accepted for transportation.
ордерный или оборотный коносамент
order bill of lading
Used when the goods are being shipped before they’re paid for.
прямой коносамент
direct bill of lading
Used to specify that the vessel that picked up the cargo will be the same vessel that will drop it to the final destination.
сборный или групповой коносамент
combined bill of lading
Carrier uses more than one mode of transport to reach the goods to final destination.
сквозной коносамент
through bill of lading
This type permits the carrier to pass the shipment via different modes of transportation as required by the cargo.
морская накладная
Sea Waybill
Serves as the receipt for the freight and contract of carriage, but, unlike B/L, does not serve as a documentation of title.
таможенная декларация
Bill of entry
Is filed with the customs authorities by the importer at the time of import of goods to the country.
сертификат / свидетельство происхождения
Certificate of Origin
A declaration that the goods are produced in the country following certain prescribed requirements.
ФСС, фитосанитарный сертификат
Health or Phytosanitary Certificate
Normally used for the export of plant or plant products. It certifies that the goods being exported meet safety standards and are suitable for human consumption.
Декларация об опасных грузах
Dangerous Goods Declaration