disability models and perspectives Flashcards
what model believes that medicine seeks to cure medical conditions and alleviate symptoms?
medical model perspective
what model are disability rights advocates critical of?
medical model
what does the ADA entail?
individual with an disability has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities, has a record of it or is regarded as having an impairment
physical impairments include
phsyiology disorder/condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting the body systems
“to provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities,
to assure equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for such individuals.”
purpose of ADA
social security perspective of disability asks what 5 questions
are you working? if yes, and make more than $1260 month, then not disabled?
is it severe? it must interfere w work related activities, or will not be considered as disabled
is condition found in the list of disabling conditions?
can you do the work you did previously?
can you do another type of work?
nations oldest social insurance
workers comp
has no federal role (regulated by state), great variability by state
workers comp
does every state entitle injured workers to medical benefits
in most workers’ compensation cases, the only direct costs are those for what?
medical care
when do temp total disability benefits cease?
when the worker has returned to employment at or near the pre-injury wage level
when worker is found medically able to work
most expensive category of cases are for (can take years to resolve)
permanent partial disability
Sees people with disabilities as victims, disability can be seen as a deficit.
charity model
Persons with disabilities are not able to help themselves and to lead an independent life.
charity model
Their situation is tragic, and they are suffering.
Consequently, the need special services, special institutions, such as special schools or homes.
charity model
considers people with disabilies to be cured
medical model
pushes disabled ppl to become patients
medical model
issue of disability is limited to the individual
medical model
disabled person has to be changed, not society
medical model
disability as a result of societal organization
social model
disabilty depends not only on individual but also enviroment (disabled or enabling)
social model
societal shortcomings lead to discrimination and barriers to participate are due to
attitudes, enviromental, and instituional
focuses on fulfilment of human rights
rights-based model
society has a responsibility to ensure that all people– including people w disabilities–have equal participation
rights-based model
rights-based model has what 2 elements
empowerment and accountability
Individuals have the right to equal opportunities
occupational justice
Infringements upon the innate drive to engage in life sustaining occupations
occupational justice
this perspective in any disability discussion is necessary to examine the effects of daily contextual in justices on occupational performance
occupational justice perspective
ICF stands for
international classification of functioning, disability, and health (created by WHO)
Conceptualizes general functioning and full social participation as an outcome of interactions between both personal and environmental factors.
Conceives the “disability problem” as both individual and societal
____ complements the ADA by explicitly calling for interventions that target both workers and their workplaces
disability results from individual and social interactions
OT perspective on the person PEOP model includes what factors
occupation, performance, and participation
intrinsic, person, & extrinsic, enviromental factors
client factors
values, beliefs, spirtuality
body function and body structure
Includes abilities, characteristics, beliefs that may affect performance in occupational areas
client factors
Underlying _____ include the absence or presence of illness, disease, deprivation, and disability
client factors
These are affected by an individual’s performance skills, patterns, demands, and contextual factors
Factors that influence performance such as supportive physical/social environment may allow success and participation in a given area
client factors
performance skills
social interaction skills
performance patterns
A problem‐solving skill that needs to be developed, it is not intuitive.
The backbone of our profession, the thinking that guides practice.
clinical reasoning
What makes our use of occupation therapeutic.
Enable us to explain reasons behind our treatment choices.
clinical reasoning
Links our theory to our practice.
Uses past experiences to guide our decisions.
clinical reasoning
Frames our thought processes in words and explaining the rationale behind our decisions.
clinical reasoning
The “how to” of the therapeutic process.
We try to fix what is wrong, by focusing on the disability and we draw on our knowledge of diseases and conditions to fix it
procedural reasoning
Involves problem identification, goal setting, and intervention planning
procedural reasoning
Focuses on the client as a person to begin to understand the person better and appreciate the disability or illness experience for the client
interactive reasoning
Makes your practice “client-centered”
interactive reasoning
______ guides treatment, ______ guides therapy
procedural reasoning
interactive reasoning
This “humanizes” the conditions that you identified through your procedural reasoning.
interactive reasoning