conditions final study guide (2) Flashcards
this pathogen that can spread rapidly to the skin, causing cellulitis?
skin and soft tissue cellulitis
strep and strap
this condition has declining muscle mass, strength, and function, with muscle atrophy (40% decrease in mus. mass by 80s)
in this condition there is a fracture risk and stooped posture, as well as a loss of bone mass as bones get weaker
- fracture risk, stooped posture
- bone disease when body loses too much bone
o bones become weak and may break
Common older adults clinical syndrome
Increased risk for poor health outcomes (falls, disability, hospitalization, mortality)
Can be described as a culmination of the effects (decline) from the aging process on the human body
Difficult to define, but clinicians generally agree that “you’ll know it when you see it”
Sarcopenia – declining muscle mass, strength, and function,
Muscle atrophy (40% decrease in mus. mass by 80s)
Osteopenia & osteoporosis (fracture risk, stooped posture)
Decreased mobility, sedentary
Involuntary weight loss
IQ 20 to 34
considerable delays in development\
understands speech, but little ability to communicate
able to learn daily routines
may learn v simple self-care
needs direct supervision in social situations
severe intellectual disability
IQ 50 to 70 slower than typical in all developmental areas no usual physical characteristics able to learn practical life skills attains reading and math skills up to grade levels 3 to 6 able to blend in socially functions in daily life represents 1 example of somone with ID
mild intellectual disability
noticeable developmental delays (speech, motor skills)
may have physical signs of impairment (thick tongue)
able to learn basic health and safety skills
can complete self care activities
can travel alone to near and familiar places
modereate intellectual disability
IQ less than 20
significant developmental delays
obv physical and congential abnormalities
requires close supervision
requires attendant to help in self-care
may respond to physical/social activities
not capable of independent living
profound intellectual disability
A person may require repeated reminders throughout the day during the _____ of dementia?
middle stage
High risk group for the development of HIV
- sexual contact (female hetero and male homo)
- black/hispanics
- Hypoxic ischemic injury
- Traumatic brain injury
- Infections
- Demyelinating disorders
- Seizure disorders (e.g., infantile spasms)
- Severe and chronic social deprivation
- Toxic metabolic syndromes and intoxications (e.g., lead, mercury)
causes of ID during postnatal period
symptoms of hyperglycemia
Increased levels of glucose Dehydration Hot red flushed skin Abdominal pain Fruity odor on the breath Confusion, visual disturbances 3 Ps
controable risk factors for dementia prevention
o Alcohol Use
o Cardiovascular health
o Diabetes
o Smoking
- “insulin dependent diabetes”
- also called Immune-Mediated Diabetes
type 1 diabetes
- defined by the presence of one or more genetic autoimmune markers.
- Affects 5-10% of people who have diabetes
- Commonly occurs in children & adolescence but can occur at any age
type 1 diabetes
Due to cellular-mediated autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic b-cells, usually eventually leading to absolute insulin deficiency
- Rate of destruction varies; faster in children than adults
type 1 diabetes
ay have other autoimmune conditions
- typically not obese
- no known etiology
- Symptoms of diabetes without any evidence of autoimmunity
type 1 diabetes
- Need for insulin may be episodic
- Though this only affects a minority of people with diabetes, this affects people of mostly African or Asian ancestry
- Strongly inherited but not associated with autoimmune genetic markers
type 1 diabetes
Most common form of diabetes
Used to be called “noninsulin-dependent diabetes” or “adult onset diabetes,”
type 2 diabetes
Initially, and often throughout their lifetime, these individuals may not need insulin treatment to survive but they may.
Affects 90% - 95% of people who have diabetes
Children get it too now
The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age, obesity, and lack of physical activity
type 2 diabetes
have insulin resistance and usually relative (rather than absolute) insulin deficiency.
type 2 diabetes
what is HIV?
HIV is a retrovirus that attacks the immune system.
Its genetic material, RNA, must be converted in to DNA during replication.
Over time, the immune system and the body loses its ability to fight the virus.
AIDS is characterized by certain infections that take advantage of the body’s weakened immune system.
what is septic arthritis?
infection in the joint
A condition of muscle mass loss.
discuss the percentage of muscle mass loss
- sarcopenia
Muscle atrophy (40% decrease in mus. mass by 80s)
“lazy eye”
Characterized by a decrease in visual acuity resulting from atypical visual development
Infancy or childhood
Condition can be prevented from worsening
Early detection (vision screening)
Condition may be reversible
TX is successful if started early in childhood
blindness in one eye (visual field defect)
half of the visual field lost
eye movement disorder
eyes are not aligned properly and point in different directions.
Results in loss of binocular vision
Binocular Vision:
The ability to maintain visual focus on an object with both eyes, creating a single visual image
Distortions in depth perceptions and visual measurement of distance
Dependent on extraocular muscles
Medial and lateral recti
Superior and inferior recti
degeneration in the central portion of the retina, resulting in loss of central vision.
macular degeneration
Chronic, progressive disease of optic nerve A pressure-induced degenerative neuropathy that produces changes in the optic nerve and causes visual field loss. Etiology: Cause: Unknown Risk factors: Genetic Age Race Hypertension Incidence: Leading cause of blindness in African Americans intraocular pressure disease
With aging, lens thickens and its capsule becomes less elastic
Inability to read small print or discriminate close objects
Worsening of symptoms:
Dim light
Upon arising in morning
what are the disorders of accomdation?
cycloplegia + presbyopia
paralysis of the ciliary muscles of the eye resulting in pupillary dilation
Extraocular muscles responsible for the external rotation of the eye.
- inferior oblique
Describe the Fulmer SPICES assessment tool for older adults
o Sleep disturbances o Problems with eating and/or feeding o Incontinence o Confusion o Evidence of falls o Skin breakdown
Most common cause of dementia in individuals ages 65 and older
o Neuropsychiatric syndrome
o Disturbance in mental abilities resulting in confused thought process and lack of environmental awareness
o Contributing factors:
o Severe chronic illness, changes in metabolic balance (low sodium), medication, infection, surgery, drug intoxication, and/or drug withdrawal
o Similarity in symptoms of delirium and dementia:
o Input from relative or caregiver crucial for accurate diagnosis.