Digestion - Lesson 1 Flashcards
What are the 4 phases of the digestive process?
1 - Ingestion
2 - Digestion
3 - Absorption
4 - Elimination
What is ingestion in simple terms?
swallowing & peristalsis
What is Digestion in simple terms?
Physical - Teeth and muscular stomach
Chemical - Enzymes break down food into nutrients
What is absorption in simple terms?
Diffusion and active transport of nutrients into the blood
What is Elimination in simple terms?
Defecation - Removal of undigested material
What are the structures in the digestive system?
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Digestion begins with ingestion - What is involved with ingestion?
Food is brought into the mouth
The chewing action of the teeth starts to break down the food.
Salivary Glands secrete saliva (mucus & salivary amylase)
salivary amylase is a hydrolytic enzyme that begins breaking down carbohydrates
The tongue pushed food against the hard palate breaking it down more
The tongue then pushes the food towards the phalynx which starts the swallowing reflex

What is salivary amylase?
a hydrolytic enzyme that begins breaking down carbohydrates
What is the hard palate?
The roof of the mouth
What is a bolus?
A clump of chewed food
Describe the swallowing reflex
As the bolus is swallowed, the soft palate prevents food from entering your nasal cavity by pushing it upward
The uvula also ‘kicks’ food away from the nasal cavity
the epiglottis closes the entry to the trachea so food doesn’t enter the lungs

What is the esophagus?
A muscular tube about 20cm long
secretes mucus to reduce friction
Moves food from the throat to the stomach using muscle movement called peristalsis (wave-like contraction of muscle)
Smooth muscle (you can’t control it)
Where is the cardiac sphincter? What does it do?
It is on the esophagus at the entrance to the stomach.
It is a ring of muscle that prevents food from going back up the esophagus
If acid from the stomach gets back into the esophagus, you get “heartburn”
What does GI stand for?
Gastrointestinal Tract