Digestion Flashcards
Gut sayings
“Trust your gut” is a famous saying. Our guts have been referred to as our second brains.
The brain in our gut?
The guts lining houses an independent network of hundreds of millions of neurons, which is actually more than the spinal cord. This gut lining is called the Enteric Nervous system(ENS)
In addition to being in charge of the digestive process, your Gut lining is the vote of your body’s immune system. Cells in the gut lining produce serotonin
Thanks to serotonin the gut and brain are connected. Chemical messages race back and forth between the brains central nervous system and the guts central nervous system. This is why when we’re stressed, scared, or nervous our brain notifies our church and our stomach churns in response
How to maintain a healthy digestive system
Fatty foods slow down digestion
Get at least 25 grams of fiber daily, which helps food move through your digestive tract so you’re not constipated.
Fruits, water and veggies are good
Eating at the same time daily is good
Supplements for gut health part 1/3 digestive enzymes
To break down foods, we need a supply of digestive enzymes. Some of which come naturally.
As we age, the gut becomes less efficient and we naturally produce less digestive enzymes. So our bodies don’t completely break down the food we eat. This can lead to excessive gas, bloating, feeling full, food allergies or intolerances
Supplements for gut health 2/3 probiotics
They are good bacteria that are naturally found throughout the digestive system.
They support the absorption of nutrients from food and your overall digestive system
Yogurts have probiotics
Probiotics don’t interfere with meds
Probiocare is a recommendation because it’s allergen free; no dairy; no artifical stuff; and it’s acid resistant so it’s particularly good for lower belly fat
Supplements for digestion 3/3 prebiotics
Prebiotics are food for probiotics. They’re specialized plant fibers that help probiotics grow and improve ratios
Other help for digestion
DGL-good for digestive health but good for blood pressure, in a way that regular licorice isn’t
Ginger - good for upset stomach
Artichoke- can help with bloating and gas
VSB digest extra is great for digesting and break down of food