Developmental Gross and Fine Motor Skills Flashcards
At what age can you visually follow targets through 180 degrees?
2-3 months
Age for reflexive palmar grasp?
2-3 months
What age can you lift head to 90 degrees breifly in prone?
2-3 months
What age can you roll prone to supine?
2-3 months
What age do you grasps and release toys and use and ulnar-palmar grasp?
4-5 months`
What age is rolling from supine to side position?
4-5 months
What age is sitting alone for breif periods?
4-5 months
Age for rolling supine to prone?
6-7 months
Age for independent sitting?
6 to 7 months
Age for radial-palmar grasp?
6 to 7 months
Age for approaching object with 1 hand?
6 to 7 months
age for raking fingers to pick up small objects?
6 to 7 months
Age for lifting head in supine?
6 to 7 months
Age for quadruped?
8-9 monhts
age for sitting unsupported?
8-9 months
age for standing at furniture?
8-9 months
age for crawling backward?
age for crawling forward?
Age for creeping (hands and feet - bear walk)?
backward 6 to 7 months
forward 8 to 9 months
creep 10 to 11 months
Age for cruising?
8-9 months
Age for active supination?
8-9 months
Age for radial-digital grasp and inferior pincer grasp?
8-9 months
Age for pointing/poking with index finger?
8-9 months
Age to stand without support brefily?
10 to 11 months
Age to walk with handhold?
10-11 months
age for FINE pincer grasp?
10-11 months
Age for walking without support, throwing ball in sitting, and fast walking?
12-15 months
Age for marking paper with crayon?
12-15 months
2 block tower?
12-15 months
Walking upstairs and downstairs with one hand held using both feet on step?
16-24 months
throw/kick back?
16-24 months
stacks 6 cubes?
12-24 months
holds crayon with thumb and fingers?
12-24 months
turns knob? child size scissors?
2 years
rides tricyle>
2 years
2 years
hops on one foot
2 years
may demonstrate hand preference?
3 to 4 years
hops 2-10 times on one foot?
3 to 4 years
Skips on alternate feet and gallops?
5 to 8 years
hand preference evident?
5 to 8 years