definitions for land cover change Flashcards
what is abiotic
the non-living components of an ecosystem which consist of climatic features (such as sunlight, temperature and humidity), inorganic substances (such as water), and organic substances (such as protein)
what is biotic
the living components of an ecosystem, including animals that consume an organism and the living food that an organism consumes (plants, animals, bacteria and fungi)
what is climate change
climate change is a long term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years.
what is environment
means the living and non-living elements of the earth’s surface and atmosphere.
what are natural biomes?
are those which have not had sustained direct human interactions
what are anthropogenic biomes?
anthropogenic biomes are biomes that are the result of sustained direct human interactions with ecosystems
what is a biome
is a community of life forms adapted to a large natural area
land cover change
land cover change refers to the changes that have taken place in natural environments due to a variety of natural and/or human-induced causes
an ecosystem is a community of plants and animals in a non-living environment.
biodiversity loss
is the extinction of species (plant or animal) worldwide, and also the local reduction or loss of species in a certain habitat
is meeting the needs of current and future generations through simultaneous environmental, social, and economic adaptation and improvement
is the removal or clearing of forest generally for other uses, such as agriculture and urban development
remote sensing
as the science of obtaining information about objects or areas from a distance, typically from aircraft or satellites
what is anthropogenic
the environmental change caused or influenced by people, either directly or indirectly
ecosystem dynamics
The interaction between the elements in an ecosystem in the form of energy and nutrient cycles.
what is biodiversity
the type, number and variety of living organisms within a given environment
what is spatial modelling?
a methodology or set of analytical procedures used to develop information about present and future spatial relationships between geographic phenomena