Definitions Flashcards
Disrupted schedule
- A schedule that by reasons or circumstances outside the control of the operator is prevented from being completed within its scheduled time.
In other words anything unforseen during the course of a duty. i.e. Diversions, Aircraft maintenance etc.
- Take Off Run Available
- The Runway length (can include starter ext)
(Does not include: Stopway)
Take Off Run Required
The Longest Of:
- The Horizontal distance required to accelerate to V1 and under, failure of the critical engine, continue to the midpoint between lift off and 35ft
- 115% of the horizontal distance required for the aircraft to reach midway between lift off and 35ft with AEO
- Take Off Distance Available
- TORA + Clearway
- A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of the take-off run available prepared as a suitable area on which an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off
- means a defined rectangular area on the ground or water, at the departure end of the runway—
(1) under the control of the aerodrome operator; or
(2) with the agreement of the authority controlling the clearway—
selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height
Accelerated Stop Distance Available
- The declared length of the runway available for an abandoned take off
= TORA + Stopway
Air Traffic Control
A service provided for the purpose of preventing collisions between aircraft in flight and on the manoeuvring area between A/c and obstructions.
Also in expediting and maintaining safe and efficient flow of air traffic.
Area Minimum Altitude (AMA)
The minimum altitude on an aeronautical chart to be used in IMC that provides a minimum obstacle clearance within a specified area, normally formed by parallels and meridians.
- Contains a 5nm buffer outside each quadrilateral.
The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud:
Below 20,000ft
- Covering more than half the sky
Change-over point
- The point at which an A/c navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to VOR is expected to transfer its primamry navigation reference to the facility ahead of the aircraft
Decision Altitude (DA)
Decsion Height (DH)
- A specifed altitude or height in a precision approach or approach with vertical guidance, at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the apprach has not been established.
- DA: referenced to MSL
- DH: Referenced to the threshold elevation
Flight Level
- A surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum of 1013.2 hPa
Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA)
Minimum Descent height (MDH)
A specified altitude or height ina non-precision approach or circling approach below which descent must not be made without the required visiual reference.
MDA: Referenced to MSL
MDH: Referenced to aerodrome elevation (Straight in and circling)
Threshold elevation for straight in approaches if it is more than 7ft below the aerodrome elevation.
Minimum Sector Altitude
(MSA 25nm)
The lowest altitude that provides 1000ft (2000ft in mountainous terrain) above all objects located in an area contained within a sector of a circle of a 25nm radius centred on a radio nav aid or with GNSS procedures, the aerodrome reference point.
Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA)
It is the lowest safe altitude, rounded up to the nearest 100ft, which provides clearance over all obstacles to not less than 1000ft or 2000ft in mountainous terrain within a horizontal radius of 5nm from each sector.
Where an obstacle has not been mapped a 100ft obstacle allowance is added.
VOR MRA Sector Altitudes (VORSEC)
Charts which show the higher of MSA or MRA of the nominated nav aid within sectors defined by VOR radials and DME. They provide obstical clearance and good reception information.
- Can be used for arriving, departing or transiting but NOT for holding at an unpublished fix or holding pattern
- If tracking on a radial that devides 2 sectors then the lower sector altitude applies.
Minimum Reception Altitude (MRA)
Is the lowest altitude, rounded up to the nearest 100ft which an adequate VOR signal can be recieved on a VOR route.
Minimum Enroute Altitude (MEA)
The lowest altitude at which an adequate NDB signal can be recieved on an NBD route.
Minimum Flight Altitude (MFA)
The MFA for a route sector will be the higher of the route MSA/MRA/MEA or VHZ upper limit or Danger/Restricted Area upper limit, as appropriate, I.A.W the direction of flight.
Where aircraft have approved enroute area navigation equipment e.g. (GNSS) compliance with MRA and MEA is not required.
Climb to MFA
A departure climb gradient is used till MSA, once at MSA, the aircraft can climb at min gradient of 3.3% to MFA.
Descent Below MFA
A Descent below MFA prior to arrival may only be commenced in the following circumstances:
- In accoradance with published enroute descent steps, VORSEC steps of radar control.
- Prior to the first distance or VORSEC step when:
- A positive fix using DME for at least 15 sec, or by use of off-track VOR or NDB with intersection angle of 45° or greater AND
- A positive tracking indication for at least 15sec
- Must be monitored during descent to ensure continuity of guideance
- Descent is restricted to the higher of MSA, VHZ, MOA, danger or restricted area upper limit.
- Within 10nm of the approach aid or fix, is limited to the min holding altitude, procedure commencement altitude or MSA, whichever is higher.
Trigger NOTAM
A NOTAM issued when an AIP amendment or supplement is published to serve as a reminder and ensure users are aware of any changes.
- It is issued automatically
- Remains for 14 days.
An Air/Ground comms facility providing an info service at aerodromes with no ATC or AFIS
- Is NOT an air traffic service
- May provide AD info and conditions
- A Basic weather report
- May be supplemented by an Aerodrome frequency response unit (AFRU)