Definitions Flashcards
What is the definition of “record”
“Record” includes information contained in or on a computer print-out, tape or disc or any other computer storage medium.
What is the definition of “reasonably practicable”?
“Reasonably practicable” means practicable having regard to-
(a) the severity and scope of the hazard or risk concerned;
(b) the state of knowledge reasonably available concerning that hazard or risk and of any means of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk;
(c) the availability and suitability of means to remove or mitigate that hazard or risk; and
(d) the costs and ht ebenefits of removing or mitigating htat hazard or risk.
What is the definition of “registered trade union”?
“Registered trade union” means a trade union registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act.
What is the definition of “representative trade union”?
“Representative trade union” means a registered trade union, or two or more registered trade unions acting jointly, that have as members the majority of employees at a mine.
What is the definition of “risk”?
“Risk” means the likelihood that occupational injury or harm to persons will occur.
What is the definition of “serious illness”?
“Serious illness” means any illness resulting from occupational exposure that affects the health of a person to the extent that it incapacitates the affected person from resuming that person’s normal or similar occupation for four days or more.
What is the definition of “standard”?
“Standard” means any provision occurring-
(a) in a specification, compulsory specification, code of practice or standard method as defined in section 1 of the Standards Act, 1993 (Act No. 29 of 1993); or
(b) in any specification, code or any other directive having standardisation as its aim and issued by an institution or organisation inside or outside the Republic which, whether generally or with respect to any particular article or matter and whether internationally or in any particular country or territory, seeks to promote standardisation.
What is the definition of “substance”?
“Substance” includes any solid, liquid, vapour, gas or aerosol, alone or in any combination.
What is the definition of “the Act”?
“this Act” includes-
(a) the section numbers, but not the page headers, headings or sidenotes;
(b) the Schedules;
(c) the regulations; and
(d) any condition, suspension, notice, order, instruction, prohibition, authorisation, permission, consent, exemption, certificate or document determined, given, issued, promulgated or granted by or under this Act by the Minister, Chief Inspector of Mines, an inspector, any person authorised under section 49 (4) or any person to whom a power has been delegated or the performance of a duty has been assigned under section 96.
What is the definition of “flammable gas warning device”?
“flammable gas warning device” means a device designed to give a clearly audible or a clearly visible warning, or both a clearly audible and a clearly visible warning, should it be placed in an atmosphere containing more than one comma four parts per hundred by volume of flammable gas, and which complies with the South African Bureau of Standards specification SABS 1515.
What is the definition of “flammable gas measuring instrument”?
“flammable gas measuring instrument” means an instrument designed to determine the concentration of flammable gas present in the atmosphere in parts per hundred by volume, and which complies with the South African Bureau of Standards specification SABS 1515.
What is the definition of “fiery mine”?
“fiery mine” means a mine which is for the time being a fiery mine terms of a declaration made under these regulations by the Principal Inspector of Mines.
What is the definition of “non-fiery mine”?
“non-fiery mine” means a mine which is for the time being not a fiery mine in terms of a declaration made under these regulations by the Principle Inspector of Mines.
What is the definition on “self-propelled mobile machine”?
“self-propelled mobile machine” means any machine which is self-propelled, requires a driver and is used for the purpose of performing mining operations or for performing similar operations at a works.
What is the definition of “standard”?
“standard” means a standard as defined in section 102 of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No.29 of 1996)
What does “the Act” means?
“the Act” means the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act No.50 of 1991)
What is the definition of “ventilation district”?
“ventilating district” means such part of a mine as has an independent intake commencing from a main intake aircourse and an independent return airway terminating at a main return aircourse.