C. 2. Responsibilities & Appointments Flashcards
Who must the manager appoint when more than 50 persons is employed underground?
- 5.2.1 More than 50 persons employed underground, manager appoint person who is the holder of a mine manager’s certificate for the class of mine to which the mine belongs.
- 5.2.2 Where manager not holder of mine manager’s certificate, the regional director may require the appointment of a person who is.
- 5.3.1 Mine may be worked for 60 days in a period of six consecutive months without person who is holder of mine manager’s certificate, but manager shall appoint competent person.
- 5.3.2 Where persons underground at any one time exceeds 300, manager shall appoint acting person with mine overseer’s certificate, not competent person to act.
- 5.3.3 Where persons underground at any one time is 300 or less, manager shall appoint acting person with blasting certificate, not competent person to act.
What must happen when the owner is not in the republic?
- 3.1 Owner not in Republic - appoint some person as agent or representative
- 3.2 Such owner give notice to PIM of agent - name and address
- 3.3 Agent deemed to be owner
- 3.4 In absence of such notice, the manager shall be deemed to be owner
May a manager be a manager to other mines?
2.5.4 Manager of mine shall not be manager to other mine, unless with written permission from PIM
How shall the owner or tributor operating a mine or works on his own account or in partnership with any other person manage such mine or works?
2.5.5 No owner or tributor operating a mine or works on his own account or in partnership with any other person shall manage such mine or works except with the written permission of the Principal Inspector of Mines.
How shall a be appointed?
2.5.6 Any appointment under regulation (mine manager’s certificate), the manager shall within three days after the appointment report in writing to PIM, with the letter of appointment.
Who shall be appointed under regulation 2.6.1?
- 6.1 Sub-ordinate manager
- 6.2 Chief Inspector may require more sub-ordinate managers in his opinion
- 6.3 Sub-ordinate manager shall be holder of mine manager’s certificate. Acting 60 days by person who is holder of mine overseer’s certificate for the class of mine.
- 6.4 Any appointment under regulation 2.6.1 (sub-ordinate manager), the manager shall within three days after the appointment report in writing to PIM, with the letter of appointment.
Who shall reside on the mine premises?
2.8 Fiery mine, manager ( or 2.6.1) shall reside on mine premises, not greater distance than 15km from the mine
Who shall be appointed under regulation 2.9.2?
2.9.2 Manager shall appoint such persons as may be necessary to assist him in enforcing such observations of the regulations.
What shall the manager further do in terms of regulation 2.10?
- The manager shall further-
- 10.1 on taking over a mine or works acquaint himself with such notices as may have been issued to his predecessor or predecessors by a Principal Inspector of Mines, who shall on request supply copies of such notices.
- 10.2 not permit any incompetent or inexperienced workman to be employed on dangerous work, or work upon the proper performance of which the safety of persons depends;
- 10.3.1 not allow any ganger or miner to be placed in charge of a gang or gangs of workmen which, regard being had to the number of persons therein or to the nature or position of their working places, such ganger or miner is unable to supervise efficiently in accordance with the requirements of these regulations;
- 10.3.2 in no case allow the ganger or miner to have charge of workmen scattered over more places than can be generally inspected without undue exertion within the course of 40 minutes;
- 10.3.3 not allow any ganger or miner to have charge of more working places or machine drills or persons than may be determined or approved by the Principal Inspector of Mines at any mine or section of a mine where such determination or approval is in the opinion of the Principal Inspector of Mines necessary in the interests of safety or health: Provided that in an emergency he may allow a ganger to take charge of the workmen of one other ganger for not more than three consecutive shifts;
- 10.4 provide that when any person employed in or about the mine or works receives injury by accident or otherwise, the same shall be reported to him without delay;
- 10.5 cause all plant, material and other things necessary for compliance with the requirements of these regulations to be provided and maintained in good order and repair;
- 10.6 provide or cause to be provided underground such waiting places necessary for the use of persons prior to entering the working places, and shall by the means approved in writing by the Principal Inspector of Mines prevent such persons from proceeding to the working places until they have been instructed to do so by the ganger or miner who is responsible for the safety of the working places when they enter them, and shall further satisfy himself by weekly reports from the shift bosses that this regulations is being strictly observed;
- 10.12 provide that adequate watch be kept on all reasonably accessible sources of danger from flooding of the mine or works, and that he or his representative be immediately informed of any possibility of such danger;
- 10.13 provide for adequate watch to be kept on all artificial constructions at his mine or works for conserving water or which may cause water to converge or accumulate, and give notice without delay to the manager, or his representative, of all mines or works situated below such constructions of any possibility of flooding by reason of such constructions;
- 10.15 ensure that in the construction of any dump or any slimes dam in the neighbourhood of any building, thoroughfare or other public road, railway or pubic place, no danger to life or limb or damage to property can result therefrom;
- 10.16 cause in a stamp mill or treatment building all amalgamating plates, extractor boxes, and launders in which amalgam can collect to be covered with screens or other devices approved by the Principal Inspector of Mines, and ensure that such screens or devices are kept under double lock and such plates or boxes and launders are not uncovered for any purpose whatsoever except in the presence of at least 2 reliable persons each of whom he shall cause to be in possession of one of the keys;
- 10.17 cause or permit unwrought precious metal in the form of bullion retorted gold, amalgam, zinc gold slimes or shavings, lead strips or bars, untreated black sands, matte, or any other rich by-products only to be handled in the presence and under the direct supervision of at least 2 reliable persons;
- 10.18 cause amalgam, untreated black sands, scrapings, retorted gold bullion and zinc gold slimes after removal from the filter press if and when stored to be forthwith deposited in a safe, strong room, or other receptacle which he shall cause to be kept under double lock and shall not cause or permit such safe, strong room, or other receptacle to be opened for any purpose whatsoever except in the presence of at least 2 reliable persons, each of whom he shall cause to be in possession of one of the keys; and
- 10.19 whenever considered necessary or desirable by him, cause any person employed on reduction works or a refinery to be searched by any person whom he has authorised in writing to do so.
Who shall be appointed under regulation 2.14.1?
- 14.1 persons employed underground exceeds 300, manager appoint mine overseer
- 14.2 mine overseer’s certificate valid for the class of mine
- 14.3 duties and responsibilities of manager
- 14.4 60 days acting in consecutive 6 months, competent person with blasting certificate and not less than 2 years practical experience
- 14.5 all duties and responsibilities of mine overseer
- 14.6 appointment in writing and copy of letter of appointment immediately forwarded to PIM
With what shall the manager acquaint himself when taking over a mine or works?
- The manager shall further-
- 10.1 on taking over a mine or works acquaint himself with such notices as may have been issued to his predecessor or predecessors by a Principal Inspector of Mines, who shall on request supply copies of such notices.
Who shall the manager permit to do dangerous work?
2.10.2 not permit any incompetent or inexperienced workman to be employed on dangerous work, or work upon the proper performance of which the safety of persons depends;
What shall the manager not allow with regards to gangers or miners?
- 10.3.1 not allow any ganger or miner to be placed in charge of a gang or gangs of workmen which, regard being had to the number of persons therein or to the nature or position of their working places, such ganger or miner is unable to supervise efficiently in accordance with the requirements of these regulations;
- 10.3.2 in no case allow the ganger or miner to have charge of workmen scattered over more places than can be generally inspected without undue exertion within the course of 40 minutes;
- 10.3.3 not allow any ganger or miner to have charge of more working places or machine drills or persons than may be determined or approved by the Principal Inspector of Mines at any mine or section of a mine where such determination or approval is in the opinion of the Principal Inspector of Mines necessary in the interests of safety or health: Provided that in an emergency he may allow a ganger to take charge of the workmen of one other ganger for not more than three consecutive shifts;
What shall be reported without delay to the manager?
2.10.4 provide that when any person employed in or about the mine or works receives injury by accident or otherwise, the same shall be reported to him without delay;
How shall the manager cause all plant, material and other things necessary for compliance with the requirements of these regulations be kept?
2.10.5 cause all plant, material and other things necessary for compliance with the requirements of these regulations to be provided and maintained in good order and repair;
Why shall the manager provide waiting places underground?
2.10.6 provide or cause to be provided underground such waiting places necessary for the use of persons prior to entering the working places, and shall by the means approved in writing by the Principal Inspector of Mines prevent such persons from proceeding to the working places until they have been instructed to do so by the ganger or miner who is responsible for the safety of the working places when they enter them, and shall further satisfy himself by weekly reports from the shift bosses that this regulations is being strictly observed;
Over what shall the manager ensure that adequate watch be kept?
- 10.12 provide that adequate watch be kept on all reasonably accessible sources of danger from flooding of the mine or works, and that he or his representative be immediately informed of any possibility of such danger;
- 10.13 provide for adequate watch to be kept on all artificial constructions at his mine or works for conserving water or which may cause water to converge or accumulate, and give notice without delay to the manager, or his representative, of all mines or works situated below such constructions of any possibility of flooding by reason of such constructions;
What shall the manager ensure in the construction of any dump or any slimed dam in the neighbourhood of any building, thoroughfare or other public road, railway or pubic place?
2.10.15 ensure that in the construction of any dump or any slimes dam in the neighbourhood of any building, thoroughfare or other public road, railway or pubic place, no danger to life or limb or damage to property can result therefrom;
What shall the manager provide in a stamp mill or treatment building all amalgamating plates, extractor boxes, and launders in which amalgam can collect?
2.10.16 cause in a stamp mill or treatment building all amalgamating plates, extractor boxes, and launders in which amalgam can collect to be covered with screens or other devices approved by the Principal Inspector of Mines, and ensure that such screens or devices are kept under double lock and such plates or boxes and launders are not uncovered for any purpose whatsoever except in the presence of at least 2 reliable persons each of whom he shall cause to be in possession of one of the keys;
With which precious metals shall the manager ensure that it is handled in the presence of at least 2 reliable persons?
- 10.17 cause or permit unwrought precious metal in the form of bullion retorted gold, amalgam, zinc gold slimes or shavings, lead strips or bars, untreated black sands, matte, or any other rich by-products only to be handled in the presence and under the direct supervision of at least 2 reliable persons;
- 10.18 cause amalgam, untreated black sands, scrapings, retorted gold bullion and zinc gold slimes after removal from the filter press if and when stored to be forthwith deposited in a safe, strong room, or other receptacle which he shall cause to be kept under double lock and shall not cause or permit such safe, strong room, or other receptacle to be opened for any purpose whatsoever except in the presence of at least 2 reliable persons, each of whom he shall cause to be in possession of one of the keys; and
Who may the manager cause to be searched?
2.10.19 whenever considered necessary or desirable by him, cause any person employed on reduction works or a refinery to be searched by any person whom he has authorised in writing to do so.
Who shall be appointed under regulation 2.15.1?
2.15.1 The manager or sub-ordinate manger of a mine may appoint one or more competent persons as shift bosses. Each shift boss shall during a shift be in charge of a section of the workings of the mine. The section to which each shift boss is appointed shall be clearly defined in writing a book termed the Shift Boss’s Logbook, provided for the purpose by the manager and kept in a place appointed by the manager. Where the number of persons employed in the workings exceed 300, the appointment of a shift boss or shift bosses during each working shift shall be compulsory: Provided that the Principal Inspector of Mines may require the appointment of additional shift bosses if he considers it necessary in the interest of safety or health: Provide further that the Principal Inspector of Mines may, where the number of persons employed in the workings is 300 or less, require the appointment of a shift boss or shift bosses if he considers that the conditions prevailing make such appointment necessary.
What is the duties of a shiftboss?
- 15.2 holder of a permanent blasting certificate valid for the class of mine
- 15.3 shift boss not placed in control of a section larger than he is able to control efficiently
- 15.4 take reasonable precautions to ensure proper observance of the regulations and compliance with any lawful order given in the interest of safety or health
What inspections shall the shiftboss do?
- 15.5 Each shift boss shall inspect all workings in his section as frequently as he may deem necessary in the interest of safety or health: Provided that-
(a) he shall inspect every working face in his section which has been blasted and in which person are working within two working days of each blast therein; and
(b) he shall inspect all other workings at least once every week at intervals not exceeding 10 days; and
(c) he shall daily during his shift-
(i) inspect at least one working of each ganger or miner under his charge who is directly concerned with current blasting operations; and
(ii) satisfy himself by consultation with each such ganger or miner, or by personal inspection, that work is proceeding safely and in accordance with the regulations in every working of such ganger or miner. Each such consultation shall take place within the area for which the ganger or miner is responsible;
(iii) in every coal mine, unless exempted in writing by the Principal Inspector of Mines, carry out a test of inflammable gas similar to the test required in terms of regulation 8.9.9 of every part of every ganger’s or miner’s section in which workmen work or travel or may be required to work or travel during that shift. The shift boss shall record a report on each such test at the end of his shift in the logbook referred to in regulation 2.15.6.
What is the definition of “blasting operations”?
For the purpose of this regulation “blasting operations” also means the actual breaking of mineral or rock on the previous working shift by means of explosives and includes the removal of such broken mineral or rock and the operation of making safe.
What shall the shiftboss record at end of shift in his logbook?
- 15.6 Each shift boss shall, during or at the conclusion of his shift, record in ink in his logbook-
(a) the designation of every working place and other workings inspected by him during his shift;
(b) particulars of any unsatisfactory condition of working places, traveling ways or other workings in his section as found by him or reported to him by a ganger or miner or any other person, especially as regards ventilation and dust, the presence of harmful gases, the state of hangingwall, footwall and sides, sanitation and generally so far as the safety and health of persons are concerned;
(c) such breaches of regulations and non-compliance with instruction given in the interests of safety or health of which he has become aware during his shift; and
(d) any instruction given by him for securing the safety and health of workmen or for the proper observance of the regulations. - 15.7 Such records shall be examined and countersigned by the manager or by the mine overseer at least once every day and shall be open to inspection at all reasonable hours by any person employed in the workings of the said mine.
When shall a shiftboss take charge of a gang of workmen in addition to his normal duties?
2.15.8 A shift boss shall not take charge of a gang of workmen in addition to his normal duties, except temporarily in case of necessity.
What is the definition of “case of necessity”?
For the purpose of this regulation “case of necessity” means a condition of circumstances of a temporary nature in the interest of safety.
Who shall be present when blasting takes place at the end of shift?
2.15.9 Where blasting takes place at the end of the shift, a shift boss or other official of at least equal rank shall be present underground or on the surface at each main travelling shaft or main travelling adit at blasting time and he shall report daily in the logbook on the compliance with regulation 2.10.9 (removed) and whether any person was exposed to dust and fumes from blasting.
The appointment of any shift boss shall not be taken to relieve which persons?
2.15.10 The appointment of any shift boss shall not be taken to relieve the manager, sub-ordinate manger or the mine overseer of any personal responsibility under these regulations.
Who shall not assume the duties of a shiftboss?
2.15.11 The manager, sub-ordinate manager or the mine overseer shall not assume the duties of a shift boss except with the written permission of the Chief Inspector.
Who shall be appointed under regulation 2.17.1?
- 17.1 The manager of a mine or works may in writing appoint one or more persons as safety officers for the mine or works: Provided that-
(a) if the number of employees at a mine or works exceed 300, the manager of that mine or works shall so appoint at least one person as a safety officer for that mine or works; and
(b) if the Principal Inspector of Mines considers it necessary in the interest of safety and health at any mine or works, he may in writing direct the manager of that mine or works to appoint a safety officer or additional safety officers at that mine or works:Provided further that such safety officer devote all his time to the functions assigned to a safety officer by or under these regulations.
When can a person be appointed as a safety officer?
- 17.2 No person shall be appointed as a safety officer unless he is-
(a) by virtue of his training, knowledge and experience, able to identify any threat or potential threat to the safety or health of persons employed in or at a mine or works in question; and
(b) conversant with the applicable requirements relating to the safety and health of employees, whether or not those requirements have the force of law.
How shall a safety officer be appointed?
- 17.3 The manager of a mine or works shall within five days after the date of appointment of any person as a safety officer notify the Principal Inspector of Mines in writing of the appointment, and the notice shall be accompanied by-
(a) a copy of the letter of appointment of the safety officer; and
(b) particulars regarding training, knowledge and experience or qualifications of the safety officer
What does the regulation say about chief safety officers?
- 17.4 When-
(a) two or more safety officers have been appointed at a mine or works, the manager of the mine or works shall designate at least one of those safety officers as chief safety officer; or
(b) only one safety officer has been appointed at a mine or works, that safety officer shall, in addition to the functions which he is required or permitted to perform as a safety officer by or under these regulations, be invested and charged with the functions assigned to a chief safety officer by or under these regulations. - 17.5 The appointment of a safety officer or the designation of a chief safety officer shall not relieve any other person of any personal responsibility in terms of the Regulation.
May work be continued at the mine without a safety officer?
- 17.6 Operations at a mine or works where a safety officer has been appointed in terms of regulation 2.17.1 may be continued without such safety officer for a period of not more than 60 days in any period of six consecutive months providing that the manager shall appoint in writing a competent person to act as safety officer during such period of 60 days or portion thereof.
- 17.7 the competent person referred to in regulation 2.17.6 shall have all the duties and responsibilities of a safety officer under the regulations: Provided that the appointment of such person shall not be taken to relieve the safety officer appointed in terms of regulation 2.17.1 of any responsibility under the regulation.
Who shall be appointed as a 2.18.1.
2.18.1 The manager of a mine or works shall in respect of each working place or group of working places, determined by him for the purpose of these regulations, appoint in writing one or more employees who are acquainted with the conditions at such working place or group of working places as safety representative for such period as may be determined by him.
How many persons may employed in a working place?
2.18.2 For the purpose of regulation 2.18.1, working places may be grouped together only when the number of person employed in or at a group of working places does not exceed 50.
What requirements does a safety representative need?
2.18.3 A safety representative shall have training in and knowledge and experience of the application of the safety and health requirements applicable to, and be conversant with the conditions at, the working place or group of working places where he is to be appointed.
What inspections shall safety officers do?
- 19.1 Every safety officer shall-
(a) at intervals prescribed by these regulations or at such intervals as the chief safety officer, Principal Inspector of Mines may determine, inspect working places or machinery for which he as been appointed in or at the mine or works or part thereof in question;
(b) in the course of any such inspection satisfy himself in particular that-
(i) all reasonable safety and health measures have been taken in respect of the use or handling of machinery and performance of other work;
(ii) safety equipment is maintained in good condition and properly utilised;
(iii) the applicable requirements relating to the safety and health of employees, whether or not those requirements have the force of law, have been or are being complied with; and
(iv) all employees have been properly trained or possess the necessary qualifications for the safe execution of their work;
(c) report any threat or potential threat to the safety or health of any employee to the person in immediate charge of the working place or machinery in question;
(d) if the person in immediate charge is not readily available, take the necessary steps to avert any such immediate threat and report such matter as soon as practicable, but not later than the end of shift, to an official responsible for that working place or machinery;
(e) at the end of his shift enter in ink in a book provided by the manager for that purpose and kept at a place designated by the manager-
(i) a description of the working places or machinery inspected by him during the shift in question;
(ii) the conditions or circumstances at such working places or machinery, including any failure to comply with the requirements referred to in paragraph (b);
(iii) any report made by him in terms of paragraph (c) or (d) including the name of the person to whom such report was made; and
(iv) any steps which have already been taken or which in his opinion ought to be taken in order to avert any threat or potential threat to the safety or health of any employee;
(f) subject to the provisions of Chapter 25 of the Regulations, investigate and report in writing to the chief safety officer on any accident or occurrence mentioned in regulation 25.1(c), (d) and (e) or regulation 25.6 and directed to him by the chief safety officer for investigation; and
(g) investigate and report in writing to the chief safety officer on any other accident or occurrence not mentioned in regulation 25.1 or regulation 25.6, for which an investigation is deemed necessary by the chief safety officer, and directed to him by the chief safety officer for investigation.
What may any safety officer do?
- 19.2 Any safety officer may-
(a) hold meetings with the safety representatives of the mine or works or part thereof for which he has been appointed at such times and places as he may arrange with the manager of the mine or works: Provided that such meetings shall be held at least once in every three months;
(b) after he has conducted an investigation referred to in paragraph (f) of regulation 2.19.1, submit to the manager for transmission to the Principal Inspector of Mines, a copy of his report; and
(c) make recommendations for submission by the manager to the Principal Inspector of Mines regarding any matter relating to the safety or health of persons employed in or at the mine or works in question.
What shall a chief safety officer do?
- 19.3 A chief safety officer shall-
(a) as soon as may be practicable, direct every accident or occurrence mentioned in regulation 25.1 (c), (d) and (e) or regulation 25.6 to a safety officer for investigation;
(b) within three days after the date on which an investigation has been conducted in terms of paragraph (f) of regulation 2.19.1, transmit a copy of the report on the relevant accident or occurrence to the manager;
(c) if the Principal Inspector of Mines so requests, furnish any such copy to him;
(d) record every accident in which any employee has been injured or has become ill to such degree that it resulted in the loss of at least one shift;
(e) identify working places and machinery which in his opinion may represent critical areas regarding safety and health;
(f) satisfy himself-
(i) that the applicable requirements relating to the safety and health of employees, whether or not those requirements have the force of law, also provide sufficient protection to employees in or at working places or machinery referred to in paragraph (e); and
(ii) that all employees are properly trained regarding the applicable requirements;
(g) ensure that a safety officer-
(i) inspects working places and machinery referred to in paragraph (e) at such intervals as the chief safety officer or Principal Inspector of Mines may determine, which interval shall not exceed 30 days;
(ii) inspects at intervals not exceeding 45 days any underground working place in which mineral production takes place and machinery which is used underground for mineral production, other than a working place or machinery referred to in sub-paragraph (i); and
(iii) inspects any working place and machinery, other than a working place or machinery referred to in sub-paragraph (i) or (ii), at intervals not exceeding 90 days;
(h) examine and countersign the entries made in the book referred to in paragraph (e) of regulation 2.19.1 not later than the first working day following the day on which such entries were made;
(i) report forthwith to the mine overseer, engineer or other person in charge of the working place or machinery in question any matter contained in such book and requiring in his opinion the immediate attention of such mine overseer, engineer or person;
(j) within 15 days after the end of each month transmit a written report to the manager specifying-
(i) the number of accidents and occurrences which took place during the month in question;
(ii) the basic causes of such accidents and occurrences;
(iii) any failure to comply with the applicable requirements referred to in paragraph (f);
(iv) any threat or potential threat to the safety or health of persons employed in or at the mine or works in question; and
(v) any steps which have already been taken or which in his opinion ought to be taken in order to avert any such threat or potential threat; and
(k) hold a meeting with all safety officers under his control at least once every three months: Provided that the Principal Inspector of Mines may direct the manager in writing to instruct the chief safety officer to hold a meeting within a period specified by the Principal Inspector of Mines, and such meeting may be with all the safety officers under his control or those safety officers specified by such Principal Inspector of Mines.
May a chief safety officer perform any function assigned to a safety officer?
2.19.4 Any chief safety officer may perform any function assigned to a safety officer by or under these regulations.
To whom shall the safety representative report any threat or potential threat to health and safety of the working place or machinery?
2.19.5 A safety representative shall forthwith report to the person in control of the working place or machinery in respect of which the safety representative has been appointed any threat or potential threat to the safety or health of any employee at that working place or machinery which has been identified by him or reported to him.
May a safety representative accompany a safety officer on an inspection?
- 19.6.1 When a safety officer inspects a working place or machinery in respect of which a safety representative has been appointed, the safety representative may accompany him.
- 19.6.2 If a safety representative accompanies a safety officer, he shall bring to the attention of the safety officer any threat or potential threat to the safety or health of any employee at the working place or machinery in question which has been identified by him or reported to him.
When shall a safety representative perform his functions assigned to him by these regulations?
2.19.7 A safety representative shall perform the functions assigned to him by these regulations during his ordinary working hours, and any time reasonably spent by him in the performance of the said functions shall for all purposes be deemed to be spent by him in the carrying out of his duties as an employee
To whom shall the chief safety officer direct every accident or occurrence for investigation?
- 19.3 A chief safety officer shall-
(a) as soon as may be practicable, direct every accident or occurrence mentioned in regulation 25.1 (c), (d) and (e) or regulation 25.6 to a safety officer for investigation;
When shall the chief safety officer transmit a copy of the report on the relevant accident or occurrence to the manager?
(b) within three days after the date on which an investigation has been conducted in terms of paragraph (f) of regulation 2.19.1, transmit a copy of the report on the relevant accident or occurrence to the manager;
What accidents shall the chief safety officer record?
(c) if the Principal Inspector of Mines so requests, furnish any such copy to him;
(d) record every accident in which any employee has been injured or has become ill to such degree that it resulted in the loss of at least one shift;
What critical areas must the chief safety officer identify?
(e) identify working places and machinery which in his opinion may represent critical areas regarding safety and health;
With what shall the chief safety officer satisfy himself?
(f) satisfy himself-
(i) that the applicable requirements relating to the safety and health of employees, whether or not those requirements have the force of law, also provide sufficient protection to employees in or at working places or machinery referred to in paragraph (e); and
(ii) that all employees are properly trained regarding the applicable requirements;
What shall the chief safety officer ensure with regards to safety officers?
(g) ensure that a safety officer-
(i) inspects working places and machinery referred to in paragraph (e) at such intervals as the chief safety officer or Principal Inspector of Mines may determine, which interval shall not exceed 30 days;
(ii) inspects at intervals not exceeding 45 days any underground working place in which mineral production takes place and machinery which is used underground for mineral production, other than a working place or machinery referred to in sub-paragraph (i); and
(iii) inspects any working place and machinery, other than a working place or machinery referred to in sub-paragraph (i) or (ii), at intervals not exceeding 90 days;
What books must the chief safety officer examine and countersign?
(h) examine and countersign the entries made in the book referred to in paragraph (e) of regulation 2.19.1 not later than the first working day following the day on which such entries were made;
To whom must the chief safety officer report any matter contained in the book and requiring attention?
(i) report forthwith to the mine overseer, engineer or other person in charge of the working place or machinery in question any matter contained in such book and requiring in his opinion the immediate attention of such mine overseer, engineer or person;
What written report must be made to the manager by the chief safety officer?
(j) within 15 days after the end of each month transmit a written report to the manager specifying-
(i) the number of accidents and occurrences which took place during the month in question;
(ii) the basic causes of such accidents and occurrences;
(iii) any failure to comply with the applicable requirements referred to in paragraph (f);
(iv) any threat or potential threat to the safety or health of persons employed in or at the mine or works in question; and
(v) any steps which have already been taken or which in his opinion ought to be taken in order to avert any such threat or potential threat; and
When must the chief safety officer hold meetings with the safety officers?
(k) hold a meeting with all safety officers under his control at least once every three months: Provided that the Principal Inspector of Mines may direct the manager in writing to instruct the chief safety officer to hold a meeting within a period specified by the Principal Inspector of Mines, and such meeting may be with all the safety officers under his control or those safety officers specified by such Principal Inspector of Mines.