C. 16.105. Chairlifts Flashcards
When may a chairlift installation shall be used for the conveyance of persons?
16.105 No chairlift installation shall be used for the conveyance of persons unless it is permitted by a prescribed permit for such installation
What is the definition of “chairlift”?
“chairlift” means any appliance or combination of appliances used or intended to be used for the conveyance of persons or material by means of chairs or other means of conveyances suspended from an endless hauling rope or with chairs or conveyances running on a rope or in or on a rail circuit and provided with a hauling rope or chain.
Where shall no chairlift be installed in any portion of a mine or works?
16.106 No chairlift shall be installed in any portion of a mine or works where winding plants or moving machinery operates unless the persons using and operating the chairlift are adequately protected from the conveyances, other winding equipment or moving machinery or unless it is so arranged that simultaneous operation of the chairlift and the winding plant or other machinery is impossible.
To whom shall the manager apply in writing when intending to install or modify a chairlift?
- 107 The manager of a mine or works who intends to install and use or modify a chairlift after inurement of this sub-regulation shall timeously apply in writing to the Principal Inspector of Miens for permission to do so before such installation or modification is commenced.
- 108 Each application for permission to install, modify and use a chairlift shall be accompanied by-
(a) dimensioned drawings in plan, elevation and section to the scale of at least 1 in 100;
(b) the manufacturer’s or supplier’s specifications of the proposed installation; and
(c) full particulars of all ropes and chains intended for use in the installation. - 110 In addition to the requirements of these regulations the Principal Inspector of Mines may grant permission to use a chairlift subject to such conditions as he may specify.
When shall chairlifts be used?
- 111 No chairlift shall be used unless-
- 111.1 it is of good construction, sound material, adequate calculated strength and free from any patent defect;
- 111.2 it is so used that the safety of persons is not endangered;
- 111.3 the axis of its line of operation, in plan, between stations, is a straight line;
- 111.4 the slope of the loaded hauling rope or traction chain is less than 45 degrees;
- 111.5 the distance between the centre lines of two passing chairs or carriers is 900mm or more and the distance from the centre line of a chair or carrier to a handrail or handrail support or to the sidewall is 500mm or more along the entire operating length of the chairlift: Provided that at all landing and boarding sites the clearance from the centre line of the chair to the outside is at least 1,5 metres;
- 111.6 The vertical clearance between the underside of a chair loaded with a passenger and the terrain below it, in underground installations is not more than 1,5 metres or not less than 0,3 metres;
- 111.7 the minimum spacing in metres between any two consecutive carriers or chairs is equal to or greater than four times the velocity in metres per second for single-seat carriers or five times the velocity in metres per second for two-seat carriers where the passengers board and leave simultaneously, or seven times the velocity in metres per second for two-seat carriers where passengers board and leave one after the other;
- 111.8 the gradient at boarding and landing sites is not more than six degrees and the length of both boarding and landing sites is 6 metres if the installation is designed to convey less than 500 persons per hour and 8 metres if the installation is designed to convey 500 or more persons per hour or equal to the minimum spacing of carriers called for in regulation 16.111.7, whichever is the greater;
- 111.9 the speed of operation does not exceed 1,5 metres per second for a fixed grip system and does not exceed 3 metres per second for a detachable grip system;
- 111.10 all components which, whilst in motion, may be a source of danger are out of reach of a passenger when seated normally on the chair;
- 111.11 the type of carriers used are of a design and construction approved by the Principal Inspector of Mines and are either-
(a) chairs with one seat equipped with a footrest;
(b) chairs with two seats, providing a seating width of not less than 0,5 metres per person, and equipped with suitable footrests;
(c) special, easily detachable receptacles attached to the chair or containers to permit the transport of material; or
(d) special stretcher carriers used for the transportation of stretcher cases. - 112 Any rope used on a chairlift shall be made of steel wire and the bending stiffness of the rope shall be suited to the diameter of the sheaves.
What does the regulation stipulate about chains being used on chairlifts?
- 112.1 Any chain used as a traction chain on a chairlift shall be manufactured from a class of steel approved by the Chief Inspector.
- 112.2 No rope or chain shall be used on a chairlift if the calculated breaking force at any point is less than nine-tenths of the breaking force of the rope or chain when it was new.
- 112.3 Where a traction chain or rope is used on a chairlift with the carriers running in or on a rope or rail circuit, a safety rope or ropes clamped to each carrier shall be provided to prevent runback in the event of the traction chain or rope breaking.
What shall the factor of safety be for any rope or chain forming part of a chairlift installation?
- 112.4 Any rope or chain forming part of a chairlift installation shall have a factor of safety of at least six, calculated on its static load.
- 112.5 In calculating the total mass of persons for the purpose of regulation 16.112.4, 70 kilograms shall be allowed for each person.
What does the regulation stipulate about splices in ropes on chairlifts?
- 112.6 Splices in ropes forming part of a chairlift installation shall be made by experienced persons and the length of such splice shall not be less than 1200 times the rope diameter. Whenever clamps are used on ropes the clamps used shall be sufficient in number to ensure an efficient joint.
- 112.7 Except with the written permission of the Principal Inspector of Mines, not more than two splices shall be allowed along a closed loop formed by a carrying-hauling rope. Where more than one splice is made the clear distance between successive splices shall be at least 3000 times the diameter of the rope.
How shall the force be exerted by a carrying-hauling rope on each supporting roller be?
16.113 The force exerted by a carrying-hauling rope on each supporting roller shall be positive when the system is operating unloaded.
How shall the movement of the carrier be?
16.114 The carrier of a chairlift installation shall be free to incline itself in the direction of travel with respect to the vertical by an amount equal to the inclination of the installation. Swinging shall be restricted to within practical limits.
How shall the passage of the carriers around the sheaves be?
16.115 The passage of the carriers around the sheaves shall not be a source of danger to passengers who have been unable to alight.
How shall the driving motor of a chairlift installation be?
- 116 The driving motor of a chairlift installation shall be-
- 116.1 of adequate power to ensure starting the chairlift under the most unfavourable conditions;
- 116.2 stopped automatically when any brake is applied or if any safety device is operated;
- 116.3 provided with a reverse phase relay or other equivalent protection to prevent the reversal of the driving motor through and inadvertent reversal of the phases if the motor is supplied with polyphase alternating current.
With what shall every chairlift installation be equipped with?
16.117.1 Every chairlift installation shall be equipped with two independent brakes, a main brake and a back-up brake, so designed that either brake is capable of holding, without slipping, the chairlift installation when loaded in such a way that the maximum static torque is produced on the brake. The provisions of the sub-regulation are applicable even if the installation is fitted with a special device which will automatically prevent reverse movement of the carriers.
How shall the brakes of every chairlift installation be?
- 117.1 Every chairlift installation shall be equipped with two independent brakes, a main brake and a back-up brake, so designed that either brake is capable of holding, without slipping, the chairlift installation when loaded in such a way that the maximum static torque is produced on the brake. The provisions of the sub-regulation are applicable even if the installation is fitted with a special device which will automatically prevent reverse movement of the carriers.
- 117.2 Both brakes shall be so designed that they are automatically applied when the power supply to the driving motor is interrupted or if any safety device is operated.
- 117.3 The main brake of the chairlift shall operate on the driving sheave or on the shaft of the driving sheave and not on any intermediate shaft.
What is the purpose of the emergency stopping device?
16.118 An emergency stopping device, which interrupts the power supply to the driving motor, shall be provided along the full length of the chairlift installation and shall be so arranged that it can easily be brought into operation by any passenger travelling on the chairlift.
How shall a chairlift be illuminated?
16.119 Every passenger boarding and landing site as well as the entire length of the chairlift installation shall be adequately illuminated at all times underground and at night on the surface, whenever the chairlift is in use.
How shall the warning system of a chairlift be?
16.120.1 Except where some other warning system, approved by the Principal Inspector of Mines, is installed, every chairlift installation shall be equipped with an alarm or warning system, audible along the entire length of the installation, and such alarm or warning system shall be actuated automatically before the chairlift is set in motion.
How shall persons alight where a chairlift is installed such that the inclination exceeds 20 degrees from the horizontal?
- 120.2 Every place where a chairlift is installed such that the inclination exceeds 20 degrees from the horizontal and where passengers are able to alight anywhere along its length when it is stationary, shall be provided with an emergency ladderway so arranged that it is either separate from the installation or situated between the carriers.
- 120.3 Where the ladderway is between the carriers, chairlift attendants responsible for starting and stopping the installation shall be stationed at each boarding and landing site and their duty shall also be to ensure that the chairlifts are not set in motion whilst persons are on the ladderway.
- 120.4 Where the laderway is separate from, but adjacent to, the chairlift installation, it shall be provided with a smooth handrail separating it from the chairlift.
May persons travel with material on a chairlift?
- 121.1 No person shall travel on a chairlift with material other than articles which are unlikely to endanger him or any other person and for which permission has been granted by the manager, mine overseer or an engineer or competent person appointed in terms of regulation 2.13.2, as the case may be.
- 121.2 At all boarding and landing sites the manager shall cause a list to be kept of all articles for which permission has been granted in terms of regulation 16.121.1 and he shall ensure htat all persons concerned are made aware of the articles included in the list.
May persons interfere or attempt to interfere with the equipment of a chairlift?
16.122 No person travelling on a chairlift and no person in the vicinity of a chairlift installation shall in any way interfere or attempt to interfere with the equipment of the chairlift or any other person travelling on the chairlift or any other person who is in the vicinity of the chairlift.
How shall chairlifts be inspected?
- 123.1 The complete chairlift installation or any part thereof shall be examined regularly by such persons and at such intervals as may be determined by an engineer or competent person appointed in terms of regulation 2.13.2, as the case may be, have due regard to the duty and frequency of operation of the installation; Provided that the Principal Inspector of Mines may insist on more frequent inspections or inspections by such other persons as he may deem necessary.
- 123.2 A written record of each such inspection shall be kept by the person or persons responsible for the inspection in a book specially provided for the purpose by the manager.