B. 8.9. Conveyors Flashcards
What is the definition of “designated sections”?
“designated sections” means the drive section, take up tension section, snub pulley sections, transfer point sections and tail pulley sections.
What is the definition of “conveyor belt installation”?
“conveyor belt installation” means a mechanical system used for the transportation of minerals, material, or persons on a belt.
What is the definition of “power supply”?
“power supply” means any energy source feeding the drive motor of a conveyor belt installation.
What must the employer ensure with regards to conveyor belts?
- 9 Conveyor belt. – (1) In compliance with regulation 8.8(1) the employer must ensure that-
(a) the designated sections of a conveyor belt installation are to be guarded, as per regulation 8.8(4) and not cleaned when any of its parts are in motion; provided that washing with pressurised water from a safe distance outside the guarded area may be carried out, subject to regulation 8.9(1)(i);
(b) the power supply and all sources of stored energy of a stationary conveyor belt installation are isolated, made safe and locked-out during either repairs, maintenance or cleaning of spillage in the designated sections; provided that the alignment and training of a conveyor belt installation may be carried out whilst the belt is in motion subject to it being carried out in accordance with a procedure prepared and implemented for this purpose;
(c) the driving machinery of the conveyor belt installation can be stopped by any person from any point, along its length where access to the belt is possible;
(d) the driving machinery of the conveyor belt installation is stopped should the belt break, jam or slip excessively;
(e) persons are prevented from entering any side of a conveyor belt installation, unless means has been provided to do so safely;
(f) one or more devices are fitted and used to give all persons at any point where access to the conveyor belt installation is possible sufficient prior warning for a period to be determined by the mines risk assessment with a minimum period of 10 seconds that any part of such a conveyor belt installation is about to be put into motion;
(g) the take up or belt tensioning device will not move when repairs, routine cleaning, cleaning of spillage, maintenance at the belt tensioning device or belt splicing is carried out;
(h) where two or more conveyor belt installations are used in series, sequence interlocking is provided which automatically will, except when approved maintenance specific procedures are carried out that require an independent conveyor test run-
(aa) stop all conveyor belt installation feeding a conveyor belt installation that has stopped; and
(bb) prevent a conveyor belt installation from starting until the conveyor belt installation onto which it feeds is running;
(i) only persons authorised to do so by the employer operate, maintain, clean and repair a conveyor belt installation; and provided that any routine cleaning outside the designated sections of the conveyor section of the belt is carried out in accordance with a procedure prepared and implemented for this purpose;
(j) the belt of any conveyor belt installation is installed in such a way that no uncontrolled run away can occur; and
(k) the overall structural design of every conveyor belt installation is approved by a competent person.
What reasonable practicable measures must the employer ensure regards to health and safety on conveyor belts?
- 9(2) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to prevent persons from being injured by material or mineral falling from a conveyor belt installation, which measures must include the fitting and use of one or more devices to prevent run-back or run-on when such conveyor belt installation is stopped;
- 9(3) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to prevent persons from being exposed to flames, fumes or smoke arising from a conveyor belt installation catching fire, including instituting measures to prevent, detect and combat such fires.
- 9(4) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to prevent persons from being injured as a result of the breaking, misalignment or damage of conveyor belting due to any mineral, material or coal dust accumulating on or around the moving parts of any conveyor belt installation.
- 9(5) The employer must take reasonable practicable measures to prevent persons at or near conveyor belt installations from being injured due to lightning directly or indirectly striking the installation.
- 9(6) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to ensure that the use, operation and inspection of man-riding conveyors comply with SANS 10266:2006 – Edition 1 “The safe use, operation and inspection of man-riding belt conveyors in mines”.
- 9(7) The normative references in SANS 10266:2006 are not applicable to the employer.
- 9(8) The employer must take reasonable measures to ensure that the functionality of the devices contemplated in regulation 8.9(c) (stop belt) and (f) (siren start)and of any other safety devices relating to the conveyor belt installation are tested-
(a) once a week not exceeding ten days, where such devices are designated sections;
(b) every three months where such devices are outside of the designated sections; and
(c) immediately after any belt extension or shortening thereof has taken place. - 9(9) The employer must ensure that a written procedure is prepared and implemented for conveyor belt splicing, joining and repairing and for the safe use of chemicals during such splicing, joining and repairing.
How shall the employer ensure that conveyor belt installations are cleaned?
- 9 Conveyor belt. – (1) In compliance with regulation 8.8(1) the employer must ensure that-
(a) the designated sections of a conveyor belt installation are to be guarded, as per regulation 8.8(4) and not cleaned when any of its parts are in motion; provided that washing with pressurised water from a safe distance outside the guarded area may be carried out, subject to regulation 8.9(1)(i);
(i) only persons authorised to do so by the employer operate, maintain, clean and repair a conveyor belt installation; and provided that any routine cleaning outside the designated sections of the conveyor section of the belt is carried out in accordance with a procedure prepared and implemented for this purpose;
What does the regulation say about the power supply and all sources of stored energy of a conveyor belt?
(b) the power supply and all sources of stored energy of a stationary conveyor belt installation are isolated, made safe and locked-out during either repairs, maintenance or cleaning of spillage in the designated sections; provided that the alignment and training of a conveyor belt installation may be carried out whilst the belt is in motion subject to it being carried out in accordance with a procedure prepared and implemented for this purpose;
What does the regulation stipulate about the stoppage of the driving machinery of a conveyor belt installation?
(c) the driving machinery of the conveyor belt installation can be stopped by any person from any point, along its length where access to the belt is possible;
(d) the driving machinery of the conveyor belt installation is stopped should the belt break, jam or slip excessively;
How shall persons enter any side of a conveyor belt?
(e) persons are prevented from entering any side of a conveyor belt installation, unless means has been provided to do so safely;
What shall be done before a conveyor belt installation is put into motion?
(f) one or more devices are fitted and used to give all persons at any point where access to the conveyor belt installation is possible sufficient prior warning for a period to be determined by the mines risk assessment with a minimum period of 10 seconds that any part of such a conveyor belt installation is about to be put into motion;
What does the regulation stipulate about the take-up and belt tensioning devices on a conveyor belt?
(g) the take up or belt tensioning device will not move when repairs, routine cleaning, cleaning of spillage, maintenance at the belt tensioning device or belt splicing is carried out;
What does the regulation say about two conveyor belt installations in series?
(h) where two or more conveyor belt installations are used in series, sequence interlocking is provided which automatically will, except when approved maintenance specific procedures are carried out that require an independent conveyor test run-
(aa) stop all conveyor belt installation feeding a conveyor belt installation that has stopped; and
(bb) prevent a conveyor belt installation from starting until the conveyor belt installation onto which it feeds is running;
How shall the belt of any conveyor belt installation be installed?
(j) the belt of any conveyor belt installation is installed in such a way that no uncontrolled run away can occur; and
What shall a competent person approve on a conveyor belt installation?
(k) the overall structural design of every conveyor belt installation is approved by a competent person.
What reasonable practicable measures shall the employer take to prevent material or mineral from falling off a conveyor belt?
8.9(2) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to prevent persons from being injured by material or mineral falling from a conveyor belt installation, which measures must include the fitting and use of one or more devices to prevent run-back or run-on when such conveyor belt installation is stopped;
What reasonably practicable measures shall the employer take in regards with fires on conveyor belt installations?
8.9(3) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to prevent persons from being exposed to flames, fumes or smoke arising from a conveyor belt installation catching fire, including instituting measures to prevent, detect and combat such fires.
What reasonably practicable measures shall the employer take to spillage at conveyor belt installations?
8.9(4) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to prevent persons from being injured as a result of the breaking, misalignment or damage of conveyor belting due to any mineral, material or coal dust accumulating on or around the moving parts of any conveyor belt installation.
What reasonably practicable measures must the employer take in regard with lightning at conveyor belt installations?
8.9(5) The employer must take reasonable practicable measures to prevent persons at or near conveyor belt installations from being injured due to lightning directly or indirectly striking the installation.
With what SANS standard must the employer take reasonable practicable measures to comply with?
- 9(6) The employer must take reasonably practicable measures to ensure that the use, operation and inspection of man-riding conveyors comply with SANS 10266:2006 – Edition 1 “The safe use, operation and inspection of man-riding belt conveyors in mines”.
- 9(7) The normative references in SANS 10266:2006 are not applicable to the employer.
What tests must be done on a conveyor belt installation?
- 9(8) The employer must take reasonable measures to ensure that the functionality of the devices contemplated in regulation 8.9(c) (stop belt) and (f) (siren start)and of any other safety devices relating to the conveyor belt installation are tested-
(a) once a week not exceeding ten days, where such devices are designated sections;
(b) every three months where such devices are outside of the designated sections; and
(c) immediately after any belt extension or shortening thereof has taken place.
What does the regulation stipulate about conveyor belt splicing, joining and repairing?
8.9(9) The employer must ensure that a written procedure is prepared and implemented for conveyor belt splicing, joining and repairing and for the safe use of chemicals during such splicing, joining and repairing.