B. 8.4. Scraper Winch And Mono-rope Installations Flashcards
What are the measures that the employer must take to prevent injuries to persons?
- 4(2) The measures to be taken by the employer in terms of regulation 8.4(1) must include measures to ensure that-
(a) scraper-winches and mono-rope winches are only operated by competent persons authorised by the employer to do so;
(b) the scraper winch or mono-rope winch is not operated until it is examined and declared safe to operate by a person authorised to do so by the employer;
(c) means are provided to forewarn persons of the intention to commence operating any scraper-winch or mono-rope winch;
(d) means are provided for persons to signal to the operator, from any access point to the installation, to shut down the operation of the scraper-winch or mono-rope winch installation;
(e) scraper winch and mono-rope winch ropes, scraper attachments and rope splicing are regularly inspected;
(f) the scraper winch ropes are always underlay
(g) a written procedure is prepared and implemented for the installation of the winch system, covering at least-
(i) the requirements of scraper and mono-winch foundations and installations;
(ii) the crossover and anti-fouling arrangements of ropes from two or more winches;
(iii) illumination of the parts of any winch so that they can be identified by persons;
(iv) appropriate sheave and return pulley anchor and rigging arrangements, including the use of safety slings;
(v) measures to ensure that winch ropes are used within the design capacity:
(vi) winch starter box location to ensure ease of operation by the operator; and
(vii) the moving and transport of winches from one location to another.
What reasonable measures must the employer take to prevent persons from being injured with scraper-winches or mono-rope winches?
- 4(1) The employer, at every mine where scraper-winches or mono-rope winches are operated, must take reasonable measures to prevent persons from being injured as a result of-
(a) any person coming into contact with any moving part of a scraper winch or mono-rope winch installation or any equipment attached thereto; and
(b) the scraper winch or mono-rope winch installation being unsafe.
Who may operate scraper-winch and mono-rope winches?
- 4(2) The measures to be taken by the employer in terms of regulation 8.4(1) must include measures to ensure that-
(a) scraper-winches and mono-rope winches are only operated by competent persons authorised by the employer to do so;
When may a scraper winch or mono-rope winch be operated?
(b) the scraper winch or mono-rope winch is not operated until it is examined and declared safe to operate by a person authorised to do so by the employer;
(c) means are provided to forewarn persons of the intention to commence operating any scraper-winch or mono-rope winch;
From where must means be provided for persons to signal to the operator?
(d) means are provided for persons to signal to the operator, from any access point to the installation, to shut down the operation of the scraper-winch or mono-rope winch installation;
What must be regularly inspected?
(e) scraper winch and mono-rope winch ropes, scraper attachments and rope splicing are regularly inspected;
How shall the lay be of scraper winch ropes?
(f) the scraper winch ropes are always underlay
What must be covered in a written procedure for the installation of a winch system?
(g) a written procedure is prepared and implemented for the installation of the winch system, covering at least-
(i) the requirements of scraper and mono-winch foundations and installations;
(ii) the crossover and anti-fouling arrangements of ropes from two or more winches;
(iii) illumination of the parts of any winch so that they can be identified by persons;
(iv) appropriate sheave and return pulley anchor and rigging arrangements, including the use of safety slings;
(v) measures to ensure that winch ropes are used within the design capacity:
(vi) winch starter box location to ensure ease of operation by the operator; and
(vii) the moving and transport of winches from one location to another.
What are the measures that the employer must take to prevent injuries to persons?
- 4(2) The measures to be taken by the employer in terms of regulation 8.4(1) must include measures to ensure that-
(a) scraper-winches and mono-rope winches are only operated by competent persons authorised by the employer to do so;
(b) the scraper winch or mono-rope winch is not operated until it is examined and declared safe to operate by a person authorised to do so by the employer;
(c) means are provided to forewarn persons of the intention to commence operating any scraper-winch or mono-rope winch;
(d) means are provided for persons to signal to the operator, from any access point to the installation, to shut down the operation of the scraper-winch or mono-rope winch installation;
(e) scraper winch and mono-rope winch ropes, scraper attachments and rope splicing are regularly inspected;
(f) the scraper winch ropes are always underlay
(g) a written procedure is prepared and implemented for the installation of the winch system, covering at least-
(i) the requirements of scraper and mono-winch foundations and installations;
(ii) the crossover and anti-fouling arrangements of ropes from two or more winches;
(iii) illumination of the parts of any winch so that they can be identified by persons;
(iv) appropriate sheave and return pulley anchor and rigging arrangements, including the use of safety slings;
(v) measures to ensure that winch ropes are used within the design capacity:
(vi) winch starter box location to ensure ease of operation by the operator; and
(vii) the moving and transport of winches from one location to another.
Who may operate scraper-winch and mono-rope winches?
- 4(2) The measures to be taken by the employer in terms of regulation 8.4(1) must include measures to ensure that-
(a) scraper-winches and mono-rope winches are only operated by competent persons authorised by the employer to do so;
When may a scraper winch or mono-rope winch be operated?
(b) the scraper winch or mono-rope winch is not operated until it is examined and declared safe to operate by a person authorised to do so by the employer;
(c) means are provided to forewarn persons of the intention to commence operating any scraper-winch or mono-rope winch;
From where must means be provided for persons to signal to the operator?
(d) means are provided for persons to signal to the operator, from any access point to the installation, to shut down the operation of the scraper-winch or mono-rope winch installation;
What must be regularly inspected?
(e) scraper winch and mono-rope winch ropes, scraper attachments and rope splicing are regularly inspected;
How shall the lay be of scraper winch ropes?
(f) the scraper winch ropes are always underlay
What must be covered in a written procedure for the installation of a winch system?
(g) a written procedure is prepared and implemented for the installation of the winch system, covering at least-
(i) the requirements of scraper and mono-winch foundations and installations;
(ii) the crossover and anti-fouling arrangements of ropes from two or more winches;
(iii) illumination of the parts of any winch so that they can be identified by persons;
(iv) appropriate sheave and return pulley anchor and rigging arrangements, including the use of safety slings;
(v) measures to ensure that winch ropes are used within the design capacity:
(vi) winch starter box location to ensure ease of operation by the operator; and
(vii) the moving and transport of winches from one location to another.
What are the measures that the employer must take to prevent injuries to persons?
- 4(2) The measures to be taken by the employer in terms of regulation 8.4(1) must include measures to ensure that-
(a) scraper-winches and mono-rope winches are only operated by competent persons authorised by the employer to do so;
(b) the scraper winch or mono-rope winch is not operated until it is examined and declared safe to operate by a person authorised to do so by the employer;
(c) means are provided to forewarn persons of the intention to commence operating any scraper-winch or mono-rope winch;
(d) means are provided for persons to signal to the operator, from any access point to the installation, to shut down the operation of the scraper-winch or mono-rope winch installation;
(e) scraper winch and mono-rope winch ropes, scraper attachments and rope splicing are regularly inspected;
(f) the scraper winch ropes are always underlay
(g) a written procedure is prepared and implemented for the installation of the winch system, covering at least-
(i) the requirements of scraper and mono-winch foundations and installations;
(ii) the crossover and anti-fouling arrangements of ropes from two or more winches;
(iii) illumination of the parts of any winch so that they can be identified by persons;
(iv) appropriate sheave and return pulley anchor and rigging arrangements, including the use of safety slings;
(v) measures to ensure that winch ropes are used within the design capacity:
(vi) winch starter box location to ensure ease of operation by the operator; and
(vii) the moving and transport of winches from one location to another.
Who may operate scraper-winch and mono-rope winches?
- 4(2) The measures to be taken by the employer in terms of regulation 8.4(1) must include measures to ensure that-
(a) scraper-winches and mono-rope winches are only operated by competent persons authorised by the employer to do so;
When may a scraper winch or mono-rope winch be operated?
(b) the scraper winch or mono-rope winch is not operated until it is examined and declared safe to operate by a person authorised to do so by the employer;
(c) means are provided to forewarn persons of the intention to commence operating any scraper-winch or mono-rope winch;
From where must means be provided for persons to signal to the operator?
(d) means are provided for persons to signal to the operator, from any access point to the installation, to shut down the operation of the scraper-winch or mono-rope winch installation;
What must be regularly inspected?
(e) scraper winch and mono-rope winch ropes, scraper attachments and rope splicing are regularly inspected;
How shall the lay be of scraper winch ropes?
(f) the scraper winch ropes are always underlay
What must be covered in a written procedure for the installation of a winch system?
(g) a written procedure is prepared and implemented for the installation of the winch system, covering at least-
(i) the requirements of scraper and mono-winch foundations and installations;
(ii) the crossover and anti-fouling arrangements of ropes from two or more winches;
(iii) illumination of the parts of any winch so that they can be identified by persons;
(iv) appropriate sheave and return pulley anchor and rigging arrangements, including the use of safety slings;
(v) measures to ensure that winch ropes are used within the design capacity:
(vi) winch starter box location to ensure ease of operation by the operator; and
(vii) the moving and transport of winches from one location to another.