B. 10.1 Place Of Accident Flashcards
When must a place of accident be left undisturbed?
10.1 Place of accident to be left undisturbed.- (1) when an accident causes the immediate death of any employee, the place where the accident occurred must not, without the consent of the Principal Inspector of Mines, be disturbed or altered before such place has been inspected by an Inspector or any other person under section 49(4) by the Chief Inspector of Mines.
What does the regulation stipulate about a place of accident?
- 1 Place of accident to be left undisturbed.- (1) when an accident causes the immediate death of any employee, the place where the accident occurred must not, without the consent of the Principal Inspector of Mines, be disturbed or altered before such place has been inspected by an Inspector or any other person under section 49(4) by the Chief Inspector of Mines.
- 1 (2) Regulation 10.1(1) does not apply if-
(a) such disturbance or alteration is unavoidable to prevent further accidents, to remove fatalities and injured employees or to rescue employees from danger; or
(b) the discontinuance of work at such place would seriously impede the working of the mine. - 1(3) Despite regulation 10.1(1), work may be resumed at the place where the accident occurred if such inspector or other person authorised by the Chief Inspector of Mines fails to inspect the place within three days after notice of the accident has been given.
When may a place of accident that may not be disturbed, be disturbed?
- 1 (2) Regulation 10.1(1) does not apply if-
(a) such disturbance or alteration is unavoidable to prevent further accidents, to remove fatalities and injured employees or to rescue employees from danger; or
(b) the discontinuance of work at such place would seriously impede the working of the mine.
When may work be resumed at the place where an accident occured?
10.1(3) Despite regulation 10.1(1), work may be resumed at the place where the accident occurred if such inspector or other person authorised by the Chief Inspector of Mines fails to inspect the place within three days after notice of the accident has been given.
What is SAMRASS 1 for?
SAMRASS 1 Accident and dangerous occurrence report
What is SAMRASS 2 for?
SAMRASS 2 Injury report form
Waht is SAMRASS 3 for?
SAMRASS3 Rockburst and fall of ground accident
What is SAMRASS 4 for?
SAMRASS4 1-13 day injuries
What is SAMRASS 5 for?
SAMRASS5 Explosives
What is SAMRASS 6 for?
What is SAMRASS 7 for?
SAMRASS7 Subsidence (Coal Mines)
What is SAMRASS 8 for?
SAMRASS8 Heat stroke/heat exhaustion questionnaire
What is SAMRASS 9 for?
SAMRASS9 Report on date resumed work
Who have the right to attend an inspection in loco?
10.2 Right to attend inspection in loco.-
Any employee have a material interest in an accident referred to in paragraph 10.1(1) as well as that employee’s representative may attend any inspection in loco conducted by an inspector but such attendance is at their own risk. In case such employee is, by reason of death or the severity of his/her injuries, unable to appoint any representative to attend the inspection in loco, the relatives, or in their absence the fellow employees, of such employee may appoint such representative.
What accidents must be reported?
23.1 Accidents to be reported.-
The employer must report to the Principal Inspector of Mines in the manner prescribed in this chapter any accident at the mine that results in-
a) the death of an employee;
b) an injury, to any employee, likely to be fatal;
c) unconsciousness, incapacitation from heat stroke or heat exhaustion, oxygen deficiency, the inhalation of fumes or poisonous gas, or electric shock or electric burn accidents of or by any employee and which is not reportable in terms of paragraph (d);
d) an injury which either incapacitates the injured employee from performing that employee’s normal or a similar occupation for a period totalling 14 days or more, or which causes the injured employee to suffer the loss of a joint, or a part of a joint, or sustain a permanent disability;
e) an injury, other than injuries referred to in paragraph (d), which incapacitates the injured employee from performing that employee’s normal or a similar occupation on the next calendar day.
When and on what must the accidents in 23.1 be reported?
- 1(a)(b) or (c) SAMRASS 1 and 2 quickest means available
- 1(d) SAMRASS 1 and 2 within 3 days
- 1(e) SAMRASS 4 monthly basis
SAMRASS 9 must be submitted on a monthly basis for all persons not having returned to work at the time of submitting SAMRASS 2 on a monthly basis
SAMRASS 3 death of employee due to rockburst or fall of ground, employer to PIM within 14 days of such death.
When an injury results in the death of the injured employee after the report in terms of regulation 23.1(b), (c), (d) or (e) has been given or when a slight injury, which was not reportable, results in the death of the injured employee , or when general sepsis or tetanus develops as a result of an injury, the employer must immediately report it to the PIM and without delay submit amended Form SAMRASS 1.
SAMRASS 3 and 1 and 2 Rockburst/FOG 14 days
SAMRASS 5 and 1 Explosives 14 days
SAMRASS 6 and 1 Fires 14 days
SAMRASS 7 and 1 Subsidence coal mines 14 days
SAMRASS 8 and 1 heat stroke/exhaustion 14 days
What dangerous occurrences for rockburst and fall of ground must be reprted?
An extensive rockburst or fall of ground causing the following damage underground-
i. at least 10 linear metres of working face has been severely damaged and choked and will require re-establishment and re-supporting, or be abandoned; ii. at least 25m² of working area has been severely damaged and choked rendering support units ineffectual and will have to be re-established and re-supported or be abandoned; iii. at least 10 linear metres of gully has been restricted with rock clearly recently displaced from the hanging wall and gully sidewalls; iv. at least 10 linear metres continuous or 30 linear metres cumulative of access ways of tunnel or travelling way has been severely damaged and will require rehabilitation or be abandoned; v. at least 10m² of roof or 5m³ of rock has been displaced from the roof of the mining cavity or excavation; vi. at least 10m³ of rock has been freshly displaced from pillars or tunnel sidewalls.
What occurrence for caving must be reported?
Any unplanned or uncontrolled caving, side wall or slope failure or subsidence in the ground or workings, causing damage to the surface, which may pose a significant risk to the safety of persons at a mine.
What occurrences for flow of water, broken rock, mud or slimes must be reported?
Any unplanned or uncontrolled flow of water, broken rock, mud or slimes at the mine which may pose a significant risk to the safety of persons.
What occurrence for a main fan must be reported?
Breakdown of any main ventilation fan.
What power failure is reportable?
Any power failure occurring in the underground workings of a mine, which poses a significant risk to the health, or safety of persons at a mine.
What fires and explosions are reportable?
Any ignition or explosion of gas or dust, or any fire related mining activities or any indication or recrudescence of fire or spontaneous combustion at or in a mine.
What occurrence for flammable gas is reportable?
The presence of flammable gas exceeding one comma four parts per hundred by volume in the general atmosphere at a mine, or any portion of a min
i. if such flammable gas is detected for the first time; or ii. the first time such flammable gas is again detected after not having been detected therein for a continuous period of three months.
What occurrences for winding plants are reportable?
i. running out of control of winding-engine, winding drum or conveyance;
ii. fracture or failure of any essential part of the winding-engine, fracture or failure of any safety device used in connection with the winding equipment;
iii. fracture, failure or serious distortion of winding rope, fracture or serious distortion of any connection between the winding rope and the drum or between the winding rope and the conveyance and any other load suspended from or attached to such rope; fracture, failure or failure or serious distortion of any connection between conveyances or between a conveyance and any suspended or attached load, fracture of guide rope or its connections, fracture of balance or tail rope or its connections;
iv. fracture or failure of winding or balance sheave; fracture or failure of any essential part of the headgear or other sheave support;
v. jamming or accidental overturning of conveyance; conveyance or its load fouling shaft equipment; jamming of crosshead;
vi. derailing of conveyance;
vii. conveyance, bridle, frame or crosshead accidentally leaving guides;
viii. fracture or failure of the braking system or of any critical parts thereof;
ix. failure to activate when required of any safety catches and/or arresting devices or activation of any safety catches and/or arresting devices when not required;
x. failure to activate when required of any overwinding prevention device or activation of such device when not required;
xi. any overwind or over-run of the conveyance to an extent which may have endangered persons or may have caused damage to the winding equipment;
xii. failure of depth indicator.
What occurrences for lifts and elevators are reportable?
i. Fracture or failure of any essential part of the driving or operating machinery, fracture or failure of any safety device used in connection with lifts or elevators.
ii. Fracture or distortion of the lift or elevator rope, fracture or failure of attachments of such rope.
iii. Fracture or failure of any sheave or of the shaft or shaft bearing of such sheave.
iv. Jamming of car or counterpoise.
v. Fracture or Failure of braking system or of any critical parts thereof.
vi. Failure to activate when required of any safety catches and/or arresting devices or activation of any safety catches and/or arresting devices when not required.
What occurrence for objects falling down a shaft is reportable?
Any object falling down the shaft or any other incident which necessitates the inspection of the shaft.
What occurrences for emergency or rescue procedures are reportable?
i. Any failure of breathing apparatus whilst deployed.
ii. The use of emergency escape apparatus, procedures or rescue mechanisms, or the rescue from entrapment, associated with mining or related activities, of any employee.
What occurrences for self-propelled mobile machinery is reportable?
Any self-propelled mobile machine running out of control which may pose significant risk to the safety of persons at a mine.
What occurrences for boilers and pressure vessels are reportable?
Fracture or failure of any part of a boiler or safety device of a boiler or pressure vessel which may have endangered persons.
What occurrences for chairlifts are reportable?
i. Fracture or failure of any part or safety device of a chairlift installation which may have endangered persons or may have caused damage to such chairlift installation.
ii. Fracture or failure of any essential part of the driving machinery.
iii. Fracture failure or serious distortion of any rope or chain forming part of a chairlift installation.
What occurrences for explosives are reportable?
i. Any unauthorised or accidental ignition or detonation of explosives.
ii. Any exposure of persons to blasting fumes which is not reportable in terms of regulation 23.1.
iii. Any detonation of explosives which may pose a significant risk to the safety of persons.
When must a dangerous occurrence be reported?
23.5 A dangerous occurrence referred to in regulation 23.4 must be reported immediately by the quickest means available and must be confirmed without delay on Form SAMRASS 1 prescribed in Chapter 21.
Fill in the missing words:
23.6 Every employer must ensure that a _________ is in place whereby the employer is informed, as soon as is practicable after its occurrence, of any accident or dangerous occurrence, which is reportable in terms of this Chapter.
23.6 Every employer must ensure that a system is in place whereby the employer is informed, as soon as is practicable after its occurrence, of any accident or dangerous occurrence, which is reportable in terms of this Chapter.
Who must keep record of all accidents and dangerous occurrences and for how long must the records be kept?
- 7 (i) Every employer must keep and maintain a record in which the particulars of all accidents and dangerous occurrences, which are required to be reported in terms of this Chapter, must be recorded without delay.
(ii) The record contemplated in Regulation 23.7(i) in respect of all accidents or dangerous occurrences must be kept and maintained for two years from the time that the accident or dangerous occurrence becomes reportable.