A. Definitions Flashcards
What is the definition of “chief executive officer”?
“chief executive officer” means the person who is responsible for the overall management and control the business of an employer.
What is the definition of “biological monitoring”?
“biological monitoring” means a planned programme of periodic collection and analysis of body fluid, tissues, excreta or exhaled air in order to detect and quantify the exposure to or absorption of any substance or organism.
What is the definition of “Chief Inspector of Mines”?
“Chief Inspector of Mines” means the officer appointed in terms of section 48(1) and includes any officer acting in that capacity.
What is the definition of “Commission”?
“Commission” means the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration established in terms of section 112 of the Labour Relations Act.
What is the definition of “Constitution”?
“Constitution” means the Constitution of South Africa.
What is the definition of “Council”?
“Council” means the Mine Health and Safety Council established by section 41(1).
What is the definition of “Department”?
“Department” means the Department of Minerals and Energy.
What is the definition of “employee”?
“employee” means any person who is employed or working at a mine.
What is the definition of “employer”?
“employer” means owner.
What is the definition of “engine”?
“engine” means any appliance or combination of appliances by which power, other than human or animal power, can be applied to do mechanical work.
What is the definition of “hazard”?
“hazard” means a source of or exposure to danger.
What is the definition of “health”?
“health” refers to occupational health at mines.
What is the definition of “health and safety committee”?
“health and safety committee” means a health and safety committee established in terms of section 34.
What is the definition of “health and safety equipment”?
“health and safety equipment” means an article or part of an article that is manufactured, provided or installed in the interest of health or safety of any person.
What is the definition of “health and safety representative”?
“health and safety representative” means an employee elected and appointed in terms of section 29.
What is the definition of “health and safety standard”?
“health and safety standard” means any standard, irrespective of whether or not it has the force of law, which, if applied for the purposes of this Act, will in the opinion of the Minister promote the attainment of an object of this Act.
What is the definition of “health hazard”?
“health hazard” means any physical, chemical or biological hazard to health, including anything declared to be a health hazard by the Minister.
What is the definition of “health threatening occurrence”?
“health threatening occurrence” means any occurrence that has or may have the potential to cause serious illness or damage to health.
What is the definition of “healthy”?
“healthy” means free from illness or injury attributable to occupational causes.
What is the definition of “inspector”?
“inspector” means an officer appointed in terms of section 49(1)(c), a Medical Inspector and any Principal Inspector of Mines.
What is the definition of “Labour Court”?
“Labour Court” means the Labour Court established by section 151 of the Labour Relations Act.
What is the definition of “Labour Relations Act”?
“Labour Relations Act” means the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995).
What is the definition of “machinery”?
“machinery” means any engine, boiler or appliance or any combination of them, which is situated at a mine and used or intended to be used-
a) for generating, developing, receiving, storing, converting, transforming, transmitting or distributing any form of power or energy; or
b) for conveying person, material or minerals.
What is the definition of “manager”?
“manager” means any competent person appointed in terms of section 3(1)(a).
What is the definition of “Medical Inspector”?
“Medical Inspector” means a Medical Inspector appointed in terms of section 49(1)(b).
What is the definition of “medical practitioner”?
“medical practitioner” means a medical practitioner as defined in the Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974).
What is the definition of “medical surveillance”?
“medical surveillance” means a planned programme of periodic examination, which may include clinical examinations, biological monitoring or medical tests, of employees by an occupational health practitioner or by an occupational medical practitioner contemplated in section 13.
What is the definition of “mine”?
“mine” means, when-
a) used as a noun-
i. any borehole, or excavation, in any tailings or in the earth, including the portion of the earth that is under the sea or other water, made for the purpose of searching for or winning a mineral, whether it is being worked or not; or
ii. any other place where a mineral deposit is being exploited, including the mining area and all buildings, structures, machinery, mine dumps, access roads or objects situated on or in that area that are used or intended to be used in connection with searching, winning, exploiting or processing of a mineral, or for health and safety purposes. But if two or more excavations, boreholes or places are being working in conjunction with one another, they are deemed to comprise one mine, unless the Chief Inspector of Mines notifies their employer in writing that those excavations, boreholes or places comprise two or more mines; or
iii. a works; and
b) used as a verb, the making of any excavation or borehole referred to in paragraph (a)(i), or the exploitation of any mineral deposit in any other manner, for the purpose of winning a mineral, including prospecting in connection with the winning of a mineral.
What is the definition of “mineral”?
“mineral” means any substance, excluding water, but including sand, stone, rock, gravel and clay, as well as soil, other than top soil-
a) whether that substance is in solid, liquid or gaseous form;
b) that occurs naturally in or on the earth, in or under water or in tailings; and
c) that has been formed by or subjected to a geological process.
What is the definition of “Mineral and Petroleum Resources and Development Act”?
“Mineral and Petroleum Resources and Development Act” means the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002).
What is the definition of “mining area”?
“mining area” means a prospecting area, mining area, retention area, exploration area and production area as defined in section 1 read with section 65(2)(b) of the Petroleum and Mineral Resources and Development Act, 2002 (Act No.28 of 2002).
What is the definition of “Minister”?
“Minister” means the Minister of Minerals and Energy”
What is the definition of “occupational disease”?
“occupational disease” means any health disorder including a compensatable disease as contemplated by the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973 (Act No.78 of 1973), and an occupational disease contemplated by the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No.130 of 1993)
What is the definition of “occupational health”?
“occupational health” includes occupational hygiene and occupational medicine.
What is the definition of “occupational hygiene”?
“occupational hygiene” means the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of conditions at the mine, that may cause illness or adverse health effects to persons.
What is the definition of “occupational medicine”?
“occupational medicine” means the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness, injury and adverse health effects associated with a particular type of work.
What is the definition of “occupational medical practitioner”?
“occupational medical practitioner” means a medical practitioner who holds a qualification in occupational medicine, or an equivalent qualification, recognised by the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
What is the definition of “officer”?
“officer” means a woman or man who has been appointed permanently despite the fact that such appointment may be on probation to a post contemplated in section 8(1)(a) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation Nol.103 of 1994) and includes a woman or man contemplated in section 8(1)(b) or 8(3)(c) of that Act.
What is the definition of “organism”?
“organism” means any biological entity which is capable of causing illness to persons.
What is the definition of “owner”?
a) in relation to a mine, means-
i. the holder of a prospecting permit or mining authorisation issued under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act;
ii. if a prospecting permit or mining authorisation does not exist, the person for whom the activities contemplated in paragraph (b) of the definition of “mine” are undertaken, but excluding and independent contractor; or
iii. if neither (i) or (ii) is applicable, the last person who worked the mine or that person’s successor in title; and
b) in relation to a works, means the person who is undertaking the activities contemplated in the definition of “works”, but excluding an independent contractor.
What is the definition of “prescribed”?
“prescribed” means prescribed by regulation.
What is the definition of “Principal Inspector of Mines”?
“Principal Inspector of Mines” means the officer appointed by the Chief Inspector of Mines to be in charge of health and safety in any region established in terms of section 47(2).
What is the definition of “processing”?
“processing” means the recovering, extracting, concentrating, refining, calcining, classifying, crushing, milling, screening, washing, reduction, smelting or gasification of any mineral, and “process” has a similar meaning.
What is the definition of “prospecting”?
“prospecting” means intentionally searching for any mineral by means that disturb any tailings or the surface of the earth, including the portion of the earth that is under the sea or under other water, by means of excavation or drilling, but does not include mine as a verb.
What is the definition of “Public Finance Management Act”?
“Public Finance Management Act” means the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999).
What is the definition of “reasonably practicable”?
“reasonably practicable” means practicable having regard to-
a) the severity and scope of the hazard or risk concerned;
b) the state of knowledge reasonably available concerning that hazard or risk and of any means of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk;
c) the availability and suitability of means to remove or mitigate that hazard or risk; and
d) the cost and the benefits of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk.
What is the definition of “record”?
“record” includes information contained in or on a computer print-out, tape or disc or any other computer storage medium.
What is the definition of “record of medical surveillance”?
“record of medical surveillance” means a record kept in terms of section 13(3).
What is the definition of “registered trade union”?
“registered trade union” means a trade union registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act.
What is the definition of “regulation”?
“regulation” means a regulation made under section 98 or in force in terms of item 4 of Schedule 4.
What is the definition of “representative trade union”?
“representative trade union” means a registered trade union, or two or more registered trade unions acting jointly, that have as members the majority of employees at a mine.
What is the definition of “risk”?
“risk” means the likelihood that occupational injury or harm to persons will occur.
What is the definition of “safety”?
“safety” means safety at mines.
What is the definition of “serious injury”?
“serious injury” means any injury with is reportable under the Act.
What is the definition of “serious illness”?
“serious illness” means any illness resulting from occupational exposure that affects the health of a person to the extent that it incapacitates the affected person from resuming that person’s normal or similar occupation for four days or more.
What is the definition of “standard”?
“standard” means any provision occurring-
a) in a specification, compulsory specification, code of practice or standard method as defined in section 1 of the Standards Act, 1993 (Act No.29 of 1993); or
b) in any specification, code or any other directive having standardisation as its aim and issued by an institution or organisation inside or outside the Republic which, whether generally or with respect to any particular article or matter and whether internationally or in any particular country or territory, seeks to promote standardisation.
What is the definition of “the Act”?
“this Act” includes
a) the section numbers, but not the page headers, headings or sidenotes;
b) the Schedules;
c) the regulations; and
d) any condition, suspension, notice order, instruction, prohibition, authorisation, permission, consent, exemption, certificate or document determined, given issued promulgated or granted by or under this Act by the Minister, Chief Inspector of Mines, an inspector, any person authorised under section 49(4) or any person to whom power has been delegated or the performance of a duty has been assigned under section 96.
What is the definition “substance”?
“substance” includes any solid, liquid, vapour, gas or aerosol, alone or in any combination.
What is the definition of “topsoil”?
“topsoil” means topsoil as defined in section 1 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources and Development Act.
What is the definition of “working place”?
“working place” means any place at a mine where employees travel or work.
What is the definition of “works”?
“works” means any place, excluding a mine, where any person carries out-
a) the transmitting and distributing to another consumer of any form of power from a mine, by the employer thereof, to the terminal point of bulk supply or where the supply is not in bulk, to the power supply meter on any such other consumer’s premises; or
b) training at any central rescue station; or
c) the making, repairing, re-opening or closing of any subterranean tunnel; or
d) any operations necessary or in connection with any of the operations listed in this paragraph.
What is the definition of “HIRA”
“HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment)” in general means the systematic process carried out by a competent person for every task that is to be performed with the purpose to:
i) . Identify all the health and safety hazards associated with the task;
ii) . Assess the health and safety risks associated with every hazard identified;
iii) . Obtain a risk rating for every hazard identified;
iv) . Record the significant hazards identified and risks assessed in a descending order of priority in accordance with the risk rating;
v) . Determine all measures to eliminate, minimize or control the risk at source;
vi) . In as far as the risk remains provide for PPE; or
vii) . Institute a program to monitor the risk to health and safety.
What is the definition of “confined space”?
“confined space” is an enclosed or partially enclosed space that has been identified as such in a risk assessment and may have one or more of the following characteristics
i) has a limited or restricted means of entry or exit, e.g., tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hopper vaults, pits, boilers, flues, ventilation ducts, sumps, manholes, pipelines, trenches, excavations, drains and basements;
ii) is an open topped space such as a pit or grease trap or is an excavation more than 1,5 metres deep;
iii) may have inadequate ventilation to sustain breathing if occupied for some work processes;
iv) may be situated so as to receive and contain a build-up of gases, vapours or liquid that has the potential for engulfing the employee;
v) may contain poisonous, flammable or suffocating gases or vapours that are the residues of material usually stored in the space;
vi) has an internal shape with inwardly converging walls or a floor that slopes downwards and tapers to a smaller cross section, or has no apparent means of an easy escape or could cause entrapment or engulfment;
vii) contains any other recognised serious safety or health hazard.