Day 7 - Subjunctive Part 1 (Present simple / Present continuous) Flashcards
네가 선생님이 아니었으면, 뭐하고 있었을 것 같아?
DJ였을 것 같아
What do you think you would be doing, if you weren’t a teacher?
I think I would be a DJ.
네가 영어로 말하려고 더 노력했었다면, 지금 네 영어(실력)는 훨씬 더 낫겠지.
If you tried to speak (in) English more, your English would be a lot better now.
가격이 조금만 더 쌌으면, 살 가치가 있었을 텐데.
If the price were a little lower, it would be worth buying.
더 친했다면, 그에게 인사할 텐데.
If I were closer to him, I would say hi.
내가 친구들이랑 노는 거 대신에 수업자료를 더 복습했었다면, 시험 볼 준비가 되어 있을 텐데.
If I reviewed the materials more instead of hanging out with my friends, I would be ready for the test.
네가 야식(복수)을 안 먹는다면, 넌 지금 더 날씬할 텐데.
If you didn’t eat midnight snacks, you would be thinner now.
걔가, 네가 걔를 얼마나 사랑하는지 안다면, 분명히 걔는 너랑 사귈 거야.
If she knew how much you love(d) her, I’m sure she would go out with you.
날씨가 더 좋았다면, 조깅을 할텐데.
If the weather were nicer, I would jog.
네가 직장이 있었다면, 너한테 그렇게 많이 잔소리하고 계시지는 않겠지!
If you had a job, they wouldn’t be nagging you so much!
네가 아침에 조깅을 한다면, 넌 힘이 더 있겠지.
If you jogged in the morning, you would have more energy.
내가 엄청 바쁘지 않다면, 너랑 더 많은 시간을 보낼 텐데.
If I weren’t so busy, I would spend more time with you.
내가 더 어렸다면, 했을 거야. 지금 파마하기에는 너무 나이가 든 것 같아.
I would if I were younger. I think I’m too old to get a perm now.
돈을 모으려고 하고 있지 않았다면, 어디 갈 텐데.
If I weren’t trying to save money, I would go somewhere.
네가 부자였다면, 넌 뭐하고 있을 것 같아?
세계 여행을 하고 있을 것 같아.
What do you think you would be doing if you were rich?
I think I would be traveling around the world.
네가 더 자신감이 있다면 여자들이 널 좋아하겠지.
Girls would like you if you were more confident.
네가 그렇게 자주 거짓말을 하지 않는다면, 내가 너를 믿겠지.
I would believe you if you didn’t lie so often.
내가 키가 더 컸다면, 여자 친구가 있을 텐데.
It’s because of my height. If I were taller, I would have a girlfriend.
새 기능이 더 많았다면, (더 많이 가지고 있었다면) 사는 걸 생각해보고 있을 텐데. (고려)
If it had more new features, I would be considering buying one.
네가 그렇게 많이 술을 안 마신다면, 너한테 (옷이) 맞을 텐데.
If you didn’t drink so much, they would fit you.
내가 너만큼 일했다면, 난 아주 힘들 텐데. (아주 힘든 시간을 보내고 있었을 거야.)
If I worked as much as you, I would be having such a hard time.
네가 PSE를 안다니고 있다면, 넌 뭐하고 있을 것 같아?
PSE를 안 다니고 있다면, 취업 준비를 하고 있을 것 같아.
What do you think you would be doing if you weren’t attending PSE?
If I weren’t attending PSE, I think I would be preparing fo to get a job.
내가 너한테 거짓말을 하고 있다면, 내가 네 눈을 똑바로 쳐다볼 수 있겠어?
If I were lying to you, do you think I would be able to look you in the eye?
내가 화가 났다면, 너한테 말하겠지.
If I were angry, I would tell you.
네가 그렇게 운전을 못 하지 않았다면, 내가 너한테 맡기겠지.
If you weren’t such a bad driver, I would trust you with it.
걔가 그렇게 진상이 아니었다면, 내가 걔랑 술 먹는 거 좋아하겠지.
If you weren’t such a bad drunk, I would like drinking with him.
네가 내 친구가 아니었다면, 너한테 한마디 했을 거야.
If you weren’t my friend, I would give you a piece of my mind.
내가 네 여자 친구였다면, 너랑 헤어지겠다.
If I were your girlfriend, I would break up with you.