Day 2 - Will / Won't / Will be ing / Be going to / Future seen from the past Flashcards
아침식사는 언제 (제공) 되는지 알려주시겠어요?
아침식사는 오전 8시부터 11시에 연회장에서 제공될 거예요.
Could you tell me when breakfast will be served?
Breakfast will be served from 8:00 am to 11:00 am at the Banquet Hall.
그때쯤이면 여행 갈만한 돈을 모아 놨을 거야!
I’ll have saved enough money to go on a trip by then!
그때쯤이면 끝났을 거야.
I’ll have finished it by then.
걔는 분명히 지금쯤 점심을 먹었을 거야. 그러니까 1층에서 담배 피우고 있겠네.
I’m sure he’ll have had lunch by now. So I guess he’ll be smoking on the first floor.
넌 30살 때 뭐하고 있을 것 같아?
세계 500위 기업 중 하나에서 일하고 있을 것 같아.
결혼했을 것 같아?
What do you think you’ll be doing when you’re 30?
I think I’ll be working for a Fortune 500 company.
Do you think you’ll be married?
너 계속 그렇게 하면 여드름(복수) 생길 거야
You’ll get pimples if you keep doing that.
초등학생 일 때는 부모님이 어린이날 선물을 사주셨어, 그리고 매달 용돈도 주셨어.
When I was in elementary school, my parents would buy me a present for Children’s Day, and they would give me an allowance every month.
이게 안 켜져!
It won’t turn on!
나랑 결혼해 줄래?
Will you marry me?
지금 투자를 시작하면, 네가 예순쯤이면 은퇴할만한 돈을 모았을 거야.
I think if you start investing now, you’ll have saved enough money to retire by the time you’re 60.
우리가 거기 도착할 즈음엔 콘서트 끝나 있을 거야.
The concert will have finished by the time we get there.
나, 가족이랑 저녁 먹어.
I’ll be having dinner with my family.
네가 오늘 아침까지 끝낸다고 말했었잖아.
네가 점심 먹고 돌아올 때까지는 끝내 놓을 거야.
You said you would finish it by this morning.
I’ll have finished it by the time you get back from lunch.
네가 바쁠 거라고 생각했어.
I thought you would be busy.
자정이 지났어. (걔네) 아마 지금 자고 있을 거야.
It’s [past/after] midnight. They’ll probably be sleeping now.
방학 동안에 어디 갈 거야?
Are you going to go somewhere during the vacation?
그 여자 그때쯤이면 퇴근했을 거야.
She’ll have gotten off work by then.
네가 이렇게 반응할 줄 알았어.
I knew you would react like this.
너, 여기 언제까지 올 거야?
늦어도 6시까지 거기에 도착할게.
When are you going to get here by?
I’ll get there by 6 at the latest.
너, 나한테 돈 언제 갚을 거야?!
(너한테) 월요일까지 갚을게!
When are you going to pay me back!??!
I’ll pay you back by Monday!
12시까지 비 그칠 거래.
I heard it was going to stop raining by noon.
너, 교원 임용고시 다시 볼 거야?
꼭 합격하고야 말 거야!
Are you going to take the teacher certification exam again?
I’m going to pass it if it’s the last thing I do!
나, 이번 주말에 내 친구 이사 도와줘.
I’ll be helping one of my friends move this weekend.
너, 35살 때 돈 얼마 벌고 있을 것 같아?
잘 모르겠어. 한 달에 4백만 원 정도 벌고 있을 것 같아.
How much money do you think you’ll be making when you’re 35?
I’m not sure. I think I’ll be making around 4 million won a month.
지금 아무것도 안 열려 있을 거야!
Nothing is going to be open now!
너, 부모님한테 걸릴까 봐 걱정 안 돼?
응, (부모님을) 나 도서관에 가는 줄 아셔.
Aren’t you afraid you’ll get caught by your parents?
No, they think I’m going to go to the library.
잠시 뒤에 항공기가 이륙합니다.
The plane will be taking off shortly.
우리 뭐 할거야?
아무것도 안 할 거면, 난 가볼게.
What are we going to do?
If we aren’t going to do anything, I guess I’ll be going.